A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 7 7. Important things!

Chapter 7 7. Important things!

Afterwards, Nansen got into Skye's car directly. In the United States, one can take a driver's license test at the age of 16.

It's just that in the year after passing the test, when driving by yourself, you need to follow an old driver in the car. After one year, you can get the "official driver's license" and drive on the road alone.

However, Nansen saw that Skye's proficiency in driving was very high, so her skills should be fine.

Well, it should be, if you don't consider that the car is too broken, and you don't know how it slipped through the security check, it will definitely be safe.

Skye took Nansen directly to the endlessly flowing road, and at the same time said in his mouth: "Let's go eat something, I'm hungry.

At the same time, didn't you insist on asking me out to talk about something important?We'll talk about that later. "

Nansen was taken aback after hearing this, important thing?It's been less than three hours since he came into this world, so where did something important happen?
She seemed to see Nansen's surprise, and said suspiciously: "Didn't you insist on asking me out this time?

But speaking of it, we have known each other for a year, so it's time to come out and meet.And I think you are a pretty good person. "

Speaking of this, Skye looked at the apple still on the front of the car, and added: "Well, he is a good man!"

Nansen seems to have heard the consciousness from the big universe: drop ~ good man card.

Nansen shook his head, bid farewell to the absurd thoughts in his heart, and began to think seriously.

The template memory given to him by the system was not stuffed directly into his brain, so that he could truly experience 17 more years in every detail.

It's triggered. In some scenes, you can think of what "I" did in the past.

So up to now, Nansen is trying hard to recall what that 'important thing' is, and his relationship with Skye doesn't seem to be a very simple relationship with netizens.

It’s actually not complicated to say that Skye found himself in an orphanage when he was conscious, and then grew up in an orphanage, and experienced various adoptions when he grew up.

The hardships of life are naturally hard to describe.

As a Chinese-American mixed race, she has an endless oriental appearance in her appearance. This feature will naturally cause a lot of trouble when growing up in the United States.

Coupled with the girl's sensitive nature, she has grown up all the way, and she must be accompanied by loneliness.

She is a citizen of this country, but this country did not accept her too kindly.

So ever since she became able to act, Skye has been devoting herself to finding her parents. Whether she is questioning their abandonment in the past, or finding a sense of belonging, she has learned a lot about it. Hacking techniques.

But this road is destined to be extremely bumpy, and even her life experience is full of blood.

Because of this, since Skye met 'Nansen' a year ago, the two have maintained a virtual friendly relationship on the Internet.

After all, the two of them can be regarded as suffering from the same disease in this huge country.

She also lost her parents. Although Skye seemed a little more miserable, she was used to it long ago, and both of them had oriental blood.

So in this year, the two became the only friends in each other's life. This friendship is neither light nor heavy, but it can also be with you for a lifetime.

As for the so-called 'important event', Nansen tried to think about it, but he didn't want to understand. What is that important event in memory?
But it was indeed Skye who 'I' insisted on dating, and the time was fixed one day ago.

In other words, this should be a hole thrown by the system for him. As for how to fill it, it's up to Nansen!

Suddenly the vehicle bumped, and Skye's bag was thrown out, and even an electric shock rod was thrown out from it. Other than that, there was a notebook and a small amount of women's products.

Nansen stared at the electric shock baton with his eyes wide open, his facial muscles twitching a little.

Regarding this point, Skye seemed very generous, "I have always believed that there will always be good things happening in the world, but all kinds of accidents must be prevented."

Nansen shrugged, and after thinking about it, he could express his understanding.

If the girls in his hometown in the previous life had this awareness of prevention when they went to meet netizens, it might be able to reduce the occurrence of many tragedies.

In a short time, Skye drove to the door of a restaurant, and then turned sideways into the warehouse in one go.

"Get out of the car!" She got out of the car majesticly first, but she still didn't forget to carry her bag, and at the same time, she didn't forget to put Nansen's apple in it.

Then there was nothing of value in the car, and Skye didn't spare an apple.

This girl is really poor!

"I want a side, how about you?" Nansen said.

"vegetable salad."

Nansen silently finished ordering and sat down on the seat. Skye obviously had strong self-control. Even though he said he was hungry before, it was as if he hadn't eaten dinner.

Skye brought him to a small Chinese restaurant, and it was already past nine o'clock. There were not many people here, and the environment was quiet.

Apart from Nansen and Skye, there were only a table of guests in the distance, and the overhead TV was still playing loudly.

As Nansen sat down, Skye's face turned serious, and she asked directly: "Okay, this environment is very good, you can say whatever you want."

As she spoke, she took out the apple that Nansen gave him and began to chew on it.

At this time, the TV began to broadcast the news, and in the news, an elegant woman in a red robe was making a report to the crowd: "Men and ladies.

Human beings are facing another evolutionary stage, and the mutations mostly occur in adolescence, induced by emotional ups and downs. "

At this time, a white congressman interrupted her speech very rudely, "Thank you, Miss Gray, your speech is quite educational.

But you strayed from the main theme of this meeting, which is: Are mutants dangerous? "

Next came the scene of the car accident at the meeting. Gray was powerless to fight back when he was questioned by the congressman. In the end, he even won a full house, and everyone present applauded continuously.

Nansen silently finished the news report and thought in his heart: So, X-Men [-] has already started.

Skye was sitting at Nansen quietly nibbling on Nansen's apple. At this moment, Nansen suddenly asked, "By the way, what do you think about the issue of mutants?"

Skye received this topic inexplicably, when she was about to speak, her face flushed suddenly, she clutched her stomach, and the leftover apple core fell out of her hand.

There is an incomprehensible pain in Nansen's face!
Seeing this scene, Nansen seemed to understand something, lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "You are about to suffer a bloody disaster, right?"

Skye gave Nansen a hard look, clutched his stomach and took his bag, and staggered to the bathroom.

And the apple core that rolled down to the bottom of Nansen's feet quietly and directly annihilated into fly ash, leaving only a slightly crystal-looking apple core.

 Today is Qixi Festival.

  May everyone, be loved by someone, and be accompanied by someone when you do it. (Well, I'm afraid of being harmonious, so let's make up my own mind.)
(End of this chapter)

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