A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 67 67. The Strongman Locks the Man (Please recommend, please collect, please reward.)

Chapter 67 67. The Strongman Locks the Man (Please recommend, please collect, please reward.)
As Nansen spoke, he walked upstairs. Lorelai's room was on the second floor facing the stairs, so it was not difficult to find it.

As for why Lorelai's charm has no effect on Nansen, the reason is actually very simple. After all, her charm to men is just a kind of spiritual magic.

But in the end, she is no better than Professor X. Lorelai can only charm men and make them obey her, so that she can organize an army and even overthrow the country and the king.

Professor X is very awesome. If he really gets flirty, let alone the opposite sex, even the same sex can't stand it at all.

Therefore, Nansen's [Spiritual Light] is completely immune to Lorelei's charm effect on him.

Regarding this, Lorelai on the first floor also reacted. She watched Nansen yawning and walking towards her room, with a look of embarrassment and anger on her face.

"Stop!" She yelled, thinking of her previous behaviors, she felt like the funny clown that the world here calls.

After hearing this, Nansen stood on the stairs and turned to look at her with a puzzled expression.

"So you're kidding me?" She asked Nansen with a blue face, and the men around felt Lorelai's emotional changes, and they gave Nansen a bad look.

Several people even took out their guns and pointed them at Nansen. Among them was the previous clerk who pulled out an AK from under the counter, opened the safety, and loaded the bullets!
As long as their goddess Lorelai gives an order, Nansen will be turned into a sieve in an instant.

But Nansen seriously shook his head, expressing his denial, "We cowboys do understand a truth."

Lorelai looked at Nansen with a sarcasm on her face, as if you couldn't run away no matter what you said today.

She is knowledgeable about the power of human firearms, even if she is hit by a large-caliber rifle, she will suffer certain injuries.

"Well, don't you believe it, we all understand that women should never want to control men, there will be no good end to strong men locking men!" Nansen said to Lorelai seriously.

Lorelei's gaze gradually became indifferent. There are men she cannot control in Asgard, but in the human world there should be absolutely no men he cannot control.

If you can't control it, then kill him.

In Lorelei's creed of life, strongman locking men is only the initial stage, and men add men is an important basis for her to reach the pinnacle of life.

When all men in the human world are charmed by her, even Asgard will be slightly afraid of her.

After all, the development of human weapons today is no longer at that stage. At that time, she was the only queen in all human worlds.

"Kill him!" Lorelai finally said these words.

Nansen watched speechlessly as the men put their finger on the trigger, and the gunfire roared in an instant.

He really felt a little tired, why couldn't Lorelai sleep peacefully?

Is there anything that can't be solved overnight?If so, get some sleep.

Although Nansen thought so, the soles of his feet were not slow, and suddenly the whole person even became illusory.

It is difficult for ordinary human vision to capture Nansen's figure. Only Lorelai can clearly see Nansen's figure, but he turned his head and smiled at Lorelai.

Lorelei suddenly felt that the world was so scary, shouldn't this be the best place to hang out?Damn, it's a complete lie.

At this time, Nansen had passed through the group of men, and everyone became jumpy, and then fell to the ground and fell into a coma, all the weapons in his hands were broken.

After everything was settled, Nansen pressed the cowboy hat on his head coquettishly, "The human atrium world has never been what you think, and we men are not so fragile."

Lorelai bit her lower lip as she watched the people all over the floor howling constantly. I looked at Nansen with pity, and gradually approached Nansen with a sad expression.

"The small team I managed to form was defeated by you, and you have to compensate me." She approached Nansen as she spoke.

All of a sudden, she struck out suddenly, the power of that punch could definitely smash a grown man into a small pancake.

But Nansen was faster than her, and kicked Lorelai out with one kick, directly smashing through a wall of the hotel.

Lorelei is the daughter of the Rhine in Western mythology, but records always say that she is a witch.

For this kind of woman, if you don't beat her into submission, all kinds of troubles will definitely happen.

After kicking, Nansen walked towards the dilapidated wall, and at the same time, an invisible field magnified around him, pushing out some broken bricks and dust.

When Nansen came to the back of the wall, Lorelai was slumped on the ground, her white thighs were exposed, her clothes were messy, and the roundness of her chest was like a white snow mountain.

Her whole body is like a panicked girl, and she is pitiful in her panic.

Regarding her gesture, Nansen rubbed his nose, squatted down and looked at her and said, "Lorelai, if you continue to mess around, I guarantee that the warriors sent by Odin have not had time to arrest you for trial, and you will definitely Will be killed by me because of my nonsense."

Lorelai heard the implication from Nansen's words, and asked cautiously: "Then you mean that if I don't mess around, you are even willing to protect me?"

Lorelai is not stupid, Nansen is at least a strong fighter in her heart, stronger than Sif.

If they could get the protection of such people, then what if Odin sent someone?

Could it be that he still wants to send Thor to catch people?This is obviously impossible.

As for Odin sending troops over, it is even more impossible. This is not Asgard, but a place for humans. If he sent troops rashly, is he trying to declare war?

It is absolutely impossible for Odin, who is now old, to issue such an order. In the long years, he has focused on washing away his sins.

He would not let his hands be stained with blood again for the sake of a witch, that was definitely not something a qualified king would do.

After thinking about this, Lorelai has decided that as long as Nansen agrees to protect her, even if she becomes a plaything, she will not hesitate.

The lifespan of human beings is always so short. With a flick of a finger, Nansen may turn into a dead bone.

After all, even if the life of an individual is as strong as Odin, it still cannot escape the shackles of life. Lorelei has full confidence in this point.

I can't beat you, and I will beat you to death.

Nansen thought about Lorelai's proposal, and felt very good, "I can protect you, but there is one small condition."

Lorelai lowered her head and knelt in front of Nansen. The broken clothes could not cover up the spring on her body. The dazzling whiteness could indeed make countless men look crazy.

"I obey all your orders."

Nansen said with a smile, "That's good!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a necklace appeared on his hand. The width was about three fingers wide. The overall black hollow design was decorated with diamonds on some edges, which looked very beautiful.

It is a kind of decoration for girls, just like a necklace, but it is not as luxurious as a necklace, but a little naughty and sexy.

Originally, Nansen planned to strengthen a wave after buying it, and then gave it to Skye as a birthday present, preparing to celebrate her coming.

But after it was strengthened to +5, it released a very powerful skill, which made Nansen quietly put it away.

Until now, it finally came in handy.

Soon, Nansen directly brought the necklace close to Lorelai's neck, who was still bowing her head. After the necklace approached, she voluntarily blended into it.

It penetrated directly into Lorelai's skin, and then manifested again, decorating her fair neck even more charmingly.

But Lorelai suddenly raised her head in panic, her face pale with fear, "What did you do to me just now?"

Just now, she suddenly felt as if her most precious thing had left her in an instant.

Ps: I got skinned a little yesterday, and then I was slapped badly in the face today, and I will never get skinned again.

I also wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and spend time with your family if you can.

And for those like me, just stand at the window and look at the moon more.

But remember to eat moon cakes, I will go to the cafeteria tomorrow to see if there are any for sale.

(End of this chapter)

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