A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 66 66. Daughter of the Rhine (Chapter 2 6+)

Chapter 66 66. Daughter of the Rhine (two chapters six thousand +)

Ten minutes later, Nansen looked at Magneto silently, and said in his mouth: "So you came here to tell me that humans have developed special weapons to deal with mutants.

Directly suppress the dominant expression of the gene, and then forcibly turn the mutant into an ordinary human? "

Magneto nodded and admitted: "I just want to tell you, don't be fooled by humans, although they verbally stated that they are completely voluntary to participate.

But everyone knows that it is just a rhetoric to appease the people. In fact, this is a war, and human beings have already brought out the most effective weapons first.

And you're working for S.H.I.E.L.D. now, be careful not to get shot in the back by those people. "

Nansen disagrees with Magneto's words, at least the Sentinel has not come out yet, but in this world, it is estimated that he will not be able to come out.

And he's not a mutant at all, but a fake visitor from another dimension.

"Apart from this, do you have anything else to do?" Nansen continued to ask.

"Just yesterday, Charles noticed a strange psychic disturbance near Afghanistan that seemed non-human.

Regarding this point, it is estimated that the governments of various countries have not discovered it. I hope you can pay attention to it here. " Magneto continued.

After finishing speaking, he took Skye and the Red Devil, as well as the head of Whitehall, and prepared to return to the academy.

Just before leaving, he smiled at Nansen and said, "I hope you don't die?"

Nansen felt a little puzzled by Magneto's sweet words, but soon he saw dozens of small black dots that seemed to fly over in the air.

"Damn!" Nansen finally saw clearly that those black spots were missiles.

As for how far those missiles were launched, Nansen didn't know, but he saw the "Stark Industries" logo on many missiles.

Among them, five or six of them split apart in the air before flying close, and then the warheads flew down towards this place one by one at a rapid speed.

Nansen used his butt to understand that this Jedi was the backhand arranged by Hydra, and directly fired missiles to wash the ground, removing all traces of Hydra's past activities.

Of course, Pierce, who already knew that he was exposed, definitely accelerated the process.

And the U.S. troops, the owners of these missiles, are only playing the role of cleaners here, but most people don't know it at all.

In desperation, Nansen compressed all the surrounding air under his feet, then stretched and squatted down, and then exploded.

His whole body was also like a cannonball, and he rushed out in an instant, and the speed of the explosion was so fast that it could be called a human-shaped cannonball.

But even this can't run those missiles that are several times the speed of sound. The rumbling sound can't be heard beside Nansen. He tried to dodge all kinds of things, but he was quickly swallowed by the heat wave.

"Magneto, you definitely did it on purpose! When I find your daughter, I will not allow her to recognize you as a father."

During Nansen's roar, every time he landed was accompanied by the compression and explosion of the air, and he finally ran for tens of seconds before he could evacuate from the explosion range.

It's just that the whole person looked extremely embarrassed, and later [Clean Land] could only be covered on his skin to resist the ultra-high temperature and various shrapnel brought by the explosion.

So Nansen's clothes and hair were ruined in a mess, and he looked like a refugee who fled from Africa.

However, Nansen finally ran out, but his current physical strength is exhausted.

After eating two fortified fruits to supplement consumption, Nansen took out the motorcycle from the system backpack, and then got on the motorcycle and was about to leave.

At this time, a UAV reconnaissance plane flew over his head, and a group of people in the main control room of the US military base were judging the explosion effect based on the information returned by the reconnaissance plane, as data recovery.

On the motorcycle, Nansen pointed a middle finger at the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

The main control room of the base was surprised that there were still people in this place, but it was nothing to Nansen's middle finger.

They didn't see Nansen running out from the center of the explosion before. They thought they were locals passing by there, but they were frightened by the battle of the US military.

In the end, it was just a matter of laughing. After all, someone had investigated it before, and there was no sign of life at the site of the blasting test of the new weapon this time.

But two of them looked at each other, and there was even a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

And above Nansen's backstage.

"Received resentment 666 from Dylan Rayner."

"Received resentment 666 from Pedro Bush."

2 minutes later, "received grudge sentiment 999 from Alexander Pierce".

And the money was still coming in backstage. Nansen glanced at it and kept silent. It was not surprising that Pierce resented Nansen.

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft did not continue to track Nansen, and it still needs to recover the data of the explosion test.

And Nansen gritted his teeth and walked all the way, wondering how to get revenge on that old bastard Magneto.

Do you want to take a trip to Kosovo, look around, maybe you will find his daughter, and then teach her a hundred and eight kinds of knowledge.

After all, Magneto is considered a good man now, so it's not good to beat him up again.

At this moment, Magneto, who had handed over Skye and the head to Professor X, suddenly sneezed, and he couldn't help rubbing his nose.

Professor X next to him asked aloud at this time, "Eric, are you serious about choosing to stay this time?"

Magneto nodded, "This war is about to start, no matter how big our differences are, we shouldn't continue to fight.

Besides, we all seem to have our eyes on the same guy, don't we? "

Professor X smiled. He saw Nansen's excellence and strength. Besides, he was willing to let Skye enter S.H.I.E.L.D. People who don't trust at all.

And Magneto took a fancy to Nansen's decisive killing. He did not forget how miserable Nansen killed Stryker's soldiers before.

It is rare for such a person to satisfy both of them.

Besides, he also heard from his old friend that Nansen seemed to have threatened S.H.I.E.L.D., which really suited Magneto's appetite.

The only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable is that Nansen always makes him feel cheap sometimes.

"By the way, do you have any objection to me leaving him there?" Magneto asked suddenly. At that time, those missiles had already flown over, and the whole situation could be regarded as very dangerous.

After hearing this, Professor X just shook his head, "I don't think you can handle that madman, can you? So you must have your own judgment, at least you don't think it's life-threatening to him."

He finished speaking with a smile, and gestured to Skye who was still lying in another room.

Magneto had a rare cold war. He inexplicably rang out that Whitehall, who only had a neck and head left, was worse than the last stick.

And Nansen was going to find a place to have a good meal after a few hours of racing again, and then take a rest, and rectify his own situation by the way.

As for Magneto, he said that there was an inexplicable mental fluctuation here yesterday, and asked Nansen to pay attention.

Nansen has no interest in this point, no matter what it is, whether it is a human being or an alien creature, Nansen doesn't bother to care about it.

Anyway, it definitely won't be that Brother Hammer. Brother Hammer is probably still fighting various wars in his kingdom, in front of a rebellious alien prince.

When Nansen confirmed that no one was monitoring him, he changed into his cowboy outfit in a secret place and turned into an uncle.

Continues to be his merry cowboy in the middle of nowhere in Afghanistan.

It didn't take long for Nansen to find a hotel. Although Afghanistan has been fighting all the year round, and the whole map is like the Great West of the United States or the Great Northwest of China, there is such a thing as a hotel after all.

After walking in, Nansen said to the clerk, "Help me open a room, it should be cleaner."

After speaking, Nansen directly took out a dollar bill, showing his magnanimity.

But the kind hospitality he imagined by the clerk did not come. Nansen glanced at the dollar bill in his hand suspiciously, and it was indeed a Franklin that he took by mistake.

Unexpectedly, the clerk said, "I'm sorry that our shop is not accepting customers today."

No guests?
Nansen looked suspiciously at the open store door, the store door was open and you told me that you are not allowed to entertain guests?

"Lorelai said that she likes to be quiet. I don't want to receive guests to disturb her rest. You should leave as soon as possible. She will come out of the room in a while." His tone was still polite, but he did not hesitate to issue the order to evict the guests.

It gave Nansen a feeling for a moment, so what if you have Franklin in your hand?Lorelai above all else.

Can Franklin be as attractive as Lorelai?Are you retarded?

Nansen listened to the name suspiciously, and it always felt very familiar. Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the clerk's expression on Brother Zhu's face.

Lorelei!That's not a person from Earth at all, but from the same hometown as Thor, and he bumped into him when he wanted to live in a shop?
She can seduce men, and often a few words can make a man fall in love with her until death.

But it's not love, it's just magic.

In addition to these, her melee level is also very high, but it is generally not used, because there will be countless men who will fight for her to show their loyalty.

But it's not right, the time and place are completely wrong, and Nansen can't help but feel puzzled.

But this doubt was quickly left behind by him, after all, there are too many things that deviate from the plot he is familiar with.

For the previous life, this world only existed in screens and comics.

And now this is the proper reality, in reality everything is possible.

It's just that Nansen doesn't understand, since Lorelai has arrived, will Sif receive Odin's order to arrive.

In desperation, Nansen felt a headache. This feeling of being out of the plot he knew was really terrible.

It's like eating a piece of chocolate. Nansen knows that chocolate is sweet, but he doesn't know how sweet it is.

"Handsome guy, what are you thinking about?" A lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind Nansen.

Nansen said, "I'm wondering how many seconds Sif has to reach the battlefield."

"Sif? How do you know? You were sent by Odin." She panicked and her voice became sharp.

Nansen turned to look at her, as in myths and dramas.

She is like a banshee, the beautiful daughter of the Rhine in myths and legends.

Nansen also seemed amazed by her beauty, and said in his mouth: "It has nothing to do with Asgard, I just know a little more.

Cowboys are busy, have you heard that?We cowboys have always been like this, learning while being busy, knowing the prehistoric universe at the top, and the mystery of the world at the bottom. "

Lorelai looked at Nansen in a daze, what are you talking about?Could you speak to someone?It doesn't matter if you don't speak Asgardish, there are multiple languages ​​here, please tell me what I can understand!

Suddenly, she changed her expression, and her voice returned to charming: "Then, can you tell me what you cowboys know?"

After she finished speaking, she wrapped one hand on Nansen's arm, breathed like blue, and winked like silk.

She was surrounded by a group of men, and those people felt lost when they looked at her with such a flattering attitude.

Nansen also pretended to be half drunk and half awake and said, "We all understand a truth."

"What's the reason?" Lorelai's curiosity was also seduced by Nansen, her beautiful face was full of curiosity.

Nansen smiled at her, "I'm too tired today, I'll talk about it tomorrow.

They are all charmed by you, if you don't mind, I will go to sleep in your room. "

In an instant, Lorelai's expression became slightly distorted, showing surprise.

It's a pity that she doesn't understand routines. Girls with routines are just like the fragments of novels Nansen read in his previous life. They have always been a technical job.

 Finally finished writing, I did not break my promise, there are only more updates.

  So I hope everyone will support me, ask for tickets, and also ask for a good rating from convenient friends, and also ask for a reward, if everyone agrees.

  sleep after!
(End of this chapter)

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