A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 62 62. Whitehall, where are you?

Chapter 62 62. Whitehall, where are you?

"Young man, do you have any opinion on me?" Whitehall pushed down his glasses, wiped the leaves from the glasses frame and asked aloud.

Nansen hurriedly put away the plate and stood at attention without saying a word.

Whitehall nodded at this moment, and continued to lead the two people behind him forward. At the same time, he glanced back at Nansen, and said something to the two people behind him after walking away.

At this moment, Nansen happily went to grab a meal. Hydra, as a huge worldwide organization, even if it is a temporary base, the food is still very good.

It is much better than Nansen's school cafeteria in his previous life. Of course, this is mainly reflected in the fact that the cook does not shake his hands when he beats the meat.

Nansen didn't know what he was going to do next, so he could only say that it was time to take one step at a time, and let's have a meal first.

Just when Nansen finished eating again and found a seat to sit down, suddenly two soldiers came directly, pointed their guns at him, and said in a stern voice: "Get up, you need to be re-educated recently!"

"Me?" Nansen asked out of nowhere with a steak in his mouth.

The soldier got a little impatient, so he went straight up and unarmed Nansen. Of course, these weapons belonged to the previous Kule.

Nansen didn't stop him, he just ate the steak in his mouth unswervingly.

Then the two pushed Nansen to receive education, and Nansen had no choice but to cooperate.

In his heart, he kept slandering that Whitehall was too stingy, and he just deducted a lot of food from him, so what?
However, some soldiers around were not surprised by this, as if someone would be caught like this from time to time every time.

After all, as a special agent organization, it should be regarded as a routine to regularly screen the lower-level units and carry out ideological re-education.

It's just that 'Kole', because of his outstanding performance, should have made the screening date come earlier.

After the two searched the body with various instruments, they made sure that Nansen didn't carry anything, and pushed him into a house and locked him up.

This room was supposed to be a brig in the base, used to punish soldiers who made mistakes.

It's just that it is now used by Hydra as a study room.

There is a small desk lamp on the bed, and a thick book as a study manual.

The title of the book reads: "Hydra - Faith and Pursuit of a Lifetime"!
Nansen glanced at it and threw it aside. He locked the person in a room, took away all personal belongings, gave him a small desk lamp, and threw out a brainwashing manual.

It is estimated that there will be regular gatherings and the like, and everyone is shouting slogans at the top of their voices.

In this mode, Nansen always had a sense of familiarity, and then he took out his mobile phone from the system backpack. There was no surveillance in this room before, so Nansen seemed very comfortable.

"Skye, have you been to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

After a while, Nansen's phone lit up, "Well, I've joined the job, and I'm preparing for training recently. They asked me to go to the school founded by S.H.I.E.L.D. to study for a few years first."

"How are you doing with your family's leads?"

"Colson helped me investigate. It was the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. who sent me to the orphanage, but they were all dead. It can even be said that I couldn't find any clues at all."

"Okay, by the way, have you eaten yet?"

"What do you want to express? Hurry up, I have to go through the admission procedures."

"I just want to tell you that I have a person here who has a lot of karma with you. He may have some intersection with your parents back then. Are you interested?"

Skye responded hastily, "Hold that person down for me, and we'll talk about it after I pass by."

"By the way, you can tell Coulson that there are many Hydra people here, of course, he may not believe it for a while.

Then you just say that I said it, I guess he must have experienced the benefits of that glass of watermelon juice now, and will understand the weight of my words. "After Nansen finished speaking, he sent a latitude and longitude coordinates, and then threw the phone into the system's space backpack.

After speaking, Skye rushed to contact Coulson. If Coulson persisted in not believing, then she had to fly over when she returned to the academy.

Bored, Nansen picked up a game console and started playing.

But soon, he found that the entire base became inexplicably busy, and everyone became in a hurry.

Outside Nansen, there could not be the sound of a row of soldiers running past, and there were still many people transporting and transferring equipment.

And Nansen didn't care much about this. After all, Hydra found that the third going out team disappeared, and then assembled its troops. It is very likely that it wants to transfer or evacuate.

Now Hydra's power is not too strong, it can only cling in the shadow of the world, some small actions are fine, but if it really appears grandiosely, life will be very difficult.

Just as Nansen was about to go out to be quieter outside, suddenly a person opened his door directly, and at the same time said: "Kole, come out quickly.

We are about to evacuate, and an unknown signal has revealed the coordinates here.

Now that those carrying the communication tools are being interrogated above, we must leave. "

He spoke very fast, and as soon as he opened the door of the confinement room, he found that Nansen was holding a game console in his hand!

The two stared at each other for a moment, Nansen stepped forward and pinched the man's neck, pulled him in, and asked aloud, "Kole is your friend?" He blinked and said admit.

"Well, I'm really sorry, because I killed your friend before." After Nansen finished speaking, he squeezed his hands hard, and he could only die.

Nansen then changed into his clothes, threw the body directly into the system backpack, and then returned Kule's body to its original packaging, put it on the bed, and used the book "Hydra—A Lifelong Belief and Pursuit" Cover your face.

All of a sudden, he changed his identity from Cooler again, and 'Koller' might have caught Whitehall's attention before.

Coupled with such a series of incidents at the base, after his investigation failed, he would inevitably pull that Kule out to investigate.

When something goes wrong, it's more like a demon, a hand with a gun, can't hold a plate of rice?

It's just that his investigation clues were destined to end in this confinement room, and all he found was a corpse.

Under the cover of his new identity, Nansen began to search within the base.

Now the base is in chaos, many people are transporting things out, there is no time to estimate him, he just keeps looking here.

Daniel Whitehall, where the hell are you?

(End of this chapter)

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