A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 61 61. Oh Ha Yo, Sea Claw

Chapter 61 61. Oh Ha Yo, Sea Claw
After calming Skye, Nansen returned to the valley.

In the valley, members of the Ten Commandments Gang were cleaning the battlefield and counting the wounded, while Nansen watched from afar.

After a while, several vehicles came directly from a distance, and began to load some usable weapons and equipment.

Later, Tony and Ethan were brought out by several people with rifles and began to transfer.

It is estimated that they thought their whereabouts had been exposed, so they could only transfer overnight.

Nansen just followed quietly in the distance, neither approaching nor interfering, and just kept following like this.

Just when Nansen couldn't help feeling bored, they finally arrived at their destination.

Of course, another more hidden valley!

The sad Tony wanted to escape halfway, but he was punched twice again. When the light came on the next day, the new Ten Commandments Gang base once again showed a scene of enthusiasm.

Everyone rolled up their sleeves and worked hard, sending missiles one after another into the cave. It is estimated that Tony finally got the hang of it and promised to make Jelliff missiles for them.

Seeing this moment, Nansen's heart was settled.

As long as Tony makes the first generation of armor and then runs out by himself, he only needs to be the first to find Tony at that time, and this task will be considered complete.

It's just that in Nansen's memory, this process takes three months.

Now that Nansen has made up his mind, it's okay to let him wait for him here for three months, but at that time, he must slaughter Iron Man severely.

To tell him a profound truth, only krypton gold can make you stronger!Otherwise, even if you can fly into the sky, I can still do it for you with a brick.

Just when Nansen was so bored, the communicator he got from Hydra unexpectedly rang.

The short electronic tone called twice, and then a message appeared on the receiver's display screen, "The third team has lost contact, and all troops are urgently assembled."

At the same time, there is a very strange pattern attached, which looks very messy and completely illogical.

But obviously that pattern is the most important thing, after all, assembly always needs an assembly coordinate.

It's just obvious that this coordinate has been encrypted!
But it just so happens that although Nansen didn't get any useful information after driving the three Hydra dead men crazy, it is not difficult to decipher this coordinate.

Nansen looked at the coordinates and smiled. Although the hydra came out a bit early, at least he could not let himself be so boring.

With this in mind, he left the valley directly, then got on his motorcycle and drove away.

Nansen speculated that Hydra is now coming here to get a foot in, just to find Tony, and take him away if he is not dead.

After all, it is not in line with Hydra's purpose to cause such a single rich man who has a strong influence in the world and is still a super genius not to do anything.

If they could transform Howard's son into a Hydra, the thought of it would make people feel extremely excited.

Didn't you create S.H.I.E.L.D. to mess with us?Okay, let's turn your son into a hydra and see who messes with who.

If this setting is used to write the kind of web articles of Nansen's previous life, it will definitely be very good.

It's a pity that in this world, Nansen will not let Hydra do that, because it is completely inconsistent with his personal position.

In a dark night three days later, Nansen finally got close to the coordinates.

Looking from the outside, there is an abandoned base of the Mi Army, and it is no wonder that Hydra uses it as a temporary stronghold.

Everyone knows the reason why it is dark under the lights. If the light bulbs happen to be broken, then it will only be darker.

It's just that there are some brand new ruts on the outside of this abandoned base, otherwise, just looking from the outside, anyone would think that this base has been idle for a long time.

But Nansen clearly found that there were various sentry posts in some places outside the base.

Nansen quietly moved towards one of them. The person was disguised in a pile of stones, and normal people would not be able to find it even if they observed carefully.

Kuhler suddenly saw a figure passing by in his night vision goggles, but everything returned to normal soon.

However, he understands that even the hallucinations that he may have should be reported. Hydra can survive in this world until now, not only because of their background.

But at this moment, Kule inexplicably heard a sound coming from his ear, "Oh ha, sea claw!"

Kuhler was stunned for a moment, brother, you must have a problem with the pronunciation!
At this moment, he suddenly felt that his brain lost control over his body, and even the air left him.

Soon, Kule lay directly on the ground and could not get up again. Before he died, his mouth was still gesticulating: "Yes, siren and sea claw (long live Hydra)."

Nansen grabbed his body directly and threw it into the backpack. Soon he changed into his clothes, and his face became exactly the same.

The system's space backpack is definitely a great artifact. Although it cannot hold living things, it is absolutely first-rate for killing and exterminating corpses.

In fact, Nansen thought about strengthening the dead body to see if he could strengthen it into an iron-haired flying corpse or something, but the system still told him that it could not be strengthened.

At this moment, he was lying on Kule's previous position, and at the same time, there was the latest resentment in the background.

"Received resentment 999 from Kul Stanov."

Nansen lay down like this for a while, and soon heard footsteps around him, and another person came over and said in a low voice, "Kule, go and rest, I'll take over."

Nansen nodded after getting up, and before he left, he turned his head and said to the man: "Oh, hayo, sea claw"

The man gave 'Kole' a puzzled look, and then continued to lie down in his position. If he hadn't been working with Cooler for a long time, he would definitely feel that he was mentally retarded.

Nansen was still puzzled, did Hydra stop saying hello now?How rude.

Later, Nansen discovered that many people had completed the changing of the guard, and he followed the flow of people into the apparently abandoned base.

Nansen didn't know what to do, and he didn't even know where this Kuller's room was.

Fortunately, these changing guards did not go to the room, but came to the restaurant.

Nansen followed numbly, and then used Kuhler's ID card to finish cooking. When he was going to sit down, a person walked past Nansen alone.

He wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses, looked gentle, and was wearing a suit. There were two people behind him who seemed to want to explain something.

The three of them hurriedly walked in front of Nansen, at this moment, Nansen 'accidentally' directly buckled the food he had just ordered, hitting the man in the suit right in the face.

"Received resentment 561 from Daniel Whitehall."

"Huh?" He turned his head to look at Nansen, and even the eyes of the two behind him were also scrutinizing.

Nansen was startled. Whitehall, the big enemy of the Skye family, was here. Would it be okay for him to say hello to Whitehall?
Ps: Change a small setting, the protagonist’s [Spiritual Light] cannot modify the memory, this setting must be changed, otherwise it will easily collapse, I am sorry for my lack of consideration.

(End of this chapter)

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