A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 55. Flying to Afghanistan

Chapter 55. Flying to Afghanistan

After saying goodbye to Coulson, Nansen walked to his room, and he still had to tidy up some things before leaving.

As a result, when Nansen returned to the door of his room, Skye, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped up and jumped onto him.

Regardless of the classmates or teachers she came and went with, she kissed it directly.

"Hmm..." Nansen was taken aback by Skye's passion, and subconsciously let out a whimper, but it was not easy to block Skye out directly.

Skye's slender legs were wrapped around Nansen's waist, and his whole body hung on Nansen's waist, sending out a sweet kiss.

After experiencing the initial discomfort, Nansen entered the room, and after closing the door, he began to demand wantonly, and his hands became no longer honest.

At the moment when the flag was raised and the dragon raised its head, Skye also felt something, jumped down immediately, and said with a blushing face: "No, not now, this is just a small reward for you, and it also shows my heart." .

Everything, wait until I find my mom and dad. "As she spoke, her gaze drifted towards Nansen, her face blushing.

Wait until you find your parents?I don't know if your father will hold a scalpel and rush over like crazy to cut off my leg.

Nansen could only respond with a sad look. He looked at his brother and at the shyness on Skye's face, and shook his head helplessly.

She is still young, just a child, I can't do this!
Nansen paralyzed himself with grief, "I don't know what the professor said to you, but my point of view is the same as his.

As for the clues to your life experience, I did find them in SHIELD, but I don't know any more specific information.

The rest is up to you to explore, be careful about everything, and tell me anything.”

Skye nodded, and then went out as if running away. Before leaving, he gave Nansen something, saying that it was given to him by the professor.

After Skye went out, Nansen's face became even more sad. The dragon roared up to the sky, but the opponent ran away with his life.

This kind of frustration of being invincible in the world made Nansen feel lonely, and in the end he could only use the five-pillar lock-dragon method to re-seal it.

The loneliness of his heart, the lamentation of his feelings, and the helplessness of his feelings are all sad and embarrassing.

Three hours later, when the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopter flew to the school, Nansen was ready to go.

In fact, he didn't have anything to clean up, but there was a small tree that he had to take away.

The small tree was placed on the head of his bed, like a miniature version of an apple tree. On that tree, there was a fruit about the size of a fingernail, and on the fruit was a complicated pattern of spiral patterns.

This fruit was planted from the core of the apple that Skye had eaten.

At the beginning, Nansen's crop planting proficiency was too low-level, but after the enhancement machine was upgraded, it can be regarded as planted.

Nansen still remembers the explanation given by the system for the original apple core:

This is a magical apple seed, and it has a certain chance to bear devilish fruit after being planted well.

Explanation: It is not easy to plant successfully.

If it is really possible to grow devil fruits as the system explained, then some of Nansen's plans can be slowly launched...

After the helicopter delivered Nansen to the airport, he boarded a military plane and headed to Afghanistan.

The schedule in the middle is very tight, enough to see the eagerness of all parties to find Tony Stark.

Nansen's current identity is as a special operations consultant for the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency (the full name of SHIELD).

Although he didn't have any military rank, he completely dominated the search and rescue operation against Tony, and all resources and intelligence would be open to him.

When the plane flew to Afghanistan, a man who looked like a black officer greeted him first, but after seeing that Nansen was too young, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

But then that gaze disappeared, and instead he spoke first, "I am Colonel Rhodes, welcome."

Nansen then greeted him. He is no stranger to this Colonel Rhodes. In the future, this man will get the steel suit presented by Tony Stark and become a famous patriot.

It's just that he is only an air force colonel now, and Tony's disappearance obviously put him under a lot of pressure, and he looks like he has lost weight by two circles.

According to this trend, it is estimated that he should be able to lose weight successfully and become a thin person in a short time.

"Is Colonel Rhodes not trusting me enough?" Nansen looked at him with a playful look in his eyes.

"How could this be?" Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, as if all the oxygen around him had left him.

He clutched his neck awkwardly, his face turned red in pain, and Nansen had already passed him and walked back.

"I think you should be familiar with my personal information. Then I hope you don't doubt my ability too much." Nansen said.

The soldiers around Rhodes looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the midst of this entanglement, a soldier decisively raised his gun and opened the safety, aimed at Nansen, and said at the same time: "Let go of Colonel Rhodes, you monster! "

The word "monster" made Nansen turn around involuntarily, glanced at the soldier, and at the same time an invisible spiritual force was activated.

In the eyes of the soldier, Nansen seemed to have turned into a monster in an instant, with countless tentacles growing out of thin air, and eyeballs growing all over his body.

The frightening and weird scene made him unable to bear to pull the trigger in his hand. At this moment, he suddenly felt as if someone had slapped him on the face.

The rifle in his hand was also taken away, and at the same time a voice rang in his ear, "Soldier, are you going to murder me in the base?"

Rhodes yelled at the soldier angrily. Just now, Nansen had finished drawing oxygen around him. He had just taken his first breath of oxygen when he saw the soldier next to him pointing his gun at him with a look on his face. The shot is full of fear, as if the gun will be shot in the next second.

"Colonel Rhodes, we don't have enough time. Tony Stark may be killed every second of his disappearance. When will you be able to start your work?" Nansen asked not far ahead.

Rhodes and his soldiers looked at Nansen with complicated expressions, didn't you mess with us just now?
"Received Rhode's resentment mood 345."

"Received resentment sentiment 555 from Kevin Ramirez."

Seeing such a wave of resentment pay off, Nansen immediately felt less repulsive about the task of saving Tony.

After all, there was a professor in the college who guarded him before, those students were not easy to deal with, and the business in the store, well, there was no business at all, and it was very difficult to earn resentment.

But here, everything will look different.

"I shouldn't question your ability, Consultant Nansen." Rhode said, and then trotted all the way to follow.

Ps: Change a small matter and adjust the update time.

Future updates will be during the day instead of at night. I would like to say sorry to everyone for the confusion of the update time these days.

 Thank you "I'm here to reward you" for the 500 starting point reward from my friend. By the way, when I saw your id, I wondered if it might be my friend's trumpet.

  Thank you "I don't understand culture" friends for the 100 starting point coins reward.

  Thank you for your recommendation votes, I will gradually improve.

(End of this chapter)

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