A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 54 54. Threat to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 54 54. Threat to S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nansen didn't feel any surprise about Skye's answer. A woman needs a man in her life, but it doesn't mean she can't leave him.

Especially for a woman like Skye, she did not choose to indulge and degenerate when she was going through a difficult life, and she would naturally be desperate when hope appeared.

In fact, she can live proudly without being a vassal of any man, but Nansen's appearance largely conceals her brilliance.

Besides, Nansen once thought about letting Skye join S.H.I.E.L.D. It would be better for her to discover the secrets of her life experience by herself.

The reason why Nansen has mixed feelings is because it's like one day, the girl you brought up is going to leave you.

You can meet again, but not as often as before.

You know that this day will happen sooner or later, but when it does come, it is always so unexpected that it is easy to make people feel old.

But some complex emotions are only for a moment. Nansen's mind is different from those young people in their [-]th and [-]th years. He understands that life should be looked at a little further, so he said with a smile: "I am an oriental.

There is an old saying in our East that goes, "It's no wonder to have friends coming from afar.

Coulson, you are the first customer in my store, and you can be regarded as my friend. I can give you a gift. "

Professor X was also relieved to see Nansen adjust so quickly. He was really afraid that Nansen would say: I don't want to.

Then it will be very difficult to end!
Naturally, no one refused Nansen's proposal. Professor X said that he still needed to talk to Skye, and let Nansen send the guests away.

Soon, Nansen and Coulson came to the lawn in front of the school. There were many ancient trees on the lawn, some of which were even planted by Charles' grandparents.

It was lush and lush for a while, and mutant children of all ages were playing in harmony.

This is vaguely in line with Professor X's life creed of cultivating people and cultivating virtue, but it's a pity that Nansen is not such a person.

While walking, Nansen said: "Mr. Coulson, I understand that you are a good person. I have no objection to Professor X's proposal to let Skye work at your place.

But I hope you will promise me to keep her safe. "

Regarding Nansen's statement, Coulson can't guarantee it. They are a secret service organization. Who knows what that black corned egg will ask Skye to do.

However, in view of her powerful ability, it is more likely to let her be a field agent, which can greatly reduce their casualties.

If Skye was a field agent, injuries and deaths could never be [-]% avoided.

Just when Coulson was about to explain, Nansen continued: "It's no wonder that a friend comes from afar, this sentence is our old saying.

But I actually prefer another sentence extended from it: If you have friends who come from afar, you will be punished even if they are far away! "

When Nansen said this, all the trees, flowers and plants within a radius of five meters around him withered quickly.

The speed was so fast that Coulson felt a burst of fear, as if someone had issued an order to them.

And even if they must die, they can only obey.

In just a second or two, Coulson found that the place outside was still lush and lush, but his surroundings seemed extremely decayed.

After losing water, all the plants became extremely distorted, like mummies in the plant world, which looked horrifying and frightening.

Coulson opened his eyes wide and judged again. It might be drier than the mummy. Those plants might not even have the bound water between cells.

If it was acting on a human body all of a sudden, he would feel shuddering when he thought about it. After all, the biggest component of the human body is water!
"Mr. Coulson, please take my words seriously next time. They all think that I am a suspected fifth-level mutant. Of course, I am not sure if I am, anyway, you all have to say so.

A fourth-level Magneto can make many people suffer, and you should understand the degree of my threat.

If Skye has any problems with your S.H.I.E.L.D., Professor X Charles may not pursue it, and I will make this world without S.H.I.E.L.D.

I know my words may sound naive to you, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has countless bases of operations and safe houses all over the world.

But please believe what I said no matter what, and tell that black stewed egg that I am not talking nonsense, I just want you to avoid possible tragedies. "

When Nansen said these words, his tone was indifferent, but it was that indifference that made the sirens in Coulson's heart blare.

Young people always like to be fierce to make others feel that they are vicious, but powerful people will only be calm and calm, and decide the life and death of all parties.

He has seen that kind of person, even seen a lot, and he can clearly distinguish whether Nansen is threatening nothing, or if he really has the confidence to put his words into action.

Coulson felt extremely nervous at this moment, and Nansen's danger level was instantly listed as the highest level in his mind.

It feels like Professor X is not sending a powerful new agent, but clearly sending a female version of God.

But in the next moment, Nansen's aura just now disappeared completely, and he seemed to be back to the treacherous shopkeeper who sold himself a glass of watermelon juice for $[-] with a cheap smile on his face.

"Hey, you left after you stepped out of this school gate, and you will probably be Skye's boss in the future. This is for you, and I hope you will take care of it a little bit more in the future." After Nansen finished speaking, he took out a huge The thermos, and stuffed it directly to Coulson.

Coulson opened it and saw that it was a large glass of wolfberry and red date water, matching Nansen's smile on his face.

With an expression that everyone is a man and you understand, no matter how you look at it, it feels so cheap.

But he turned around and took another look. The restricted area of ​​life within a radius of five meters advised him that everything just happened was real.

Before leaving, Coulson said: "You pack up as soon as possible tonight, and a helicopter will pick you up to the airport soon.

Please rest assured, Miss Skye, we will make proper arrangements, and this point will be discussed and decided by the director and I. "

After hearing this, Nansen smiled and patted him on the shoulder with a teachable expression.

Immediately, Coulson hurriedly got into the car and started it. He didn't want to stay in this school for a second.

I am afraid that my three views will be ruined!
In reality, there are big bosses that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't afford to mess with, but definitely not many, and now a 17-year-old boy has popped up?
What is this called? SHIELD may not care about his threats, but there is really no need to be hostile.

For a while, Coulson had already thought about how to report to Director Nick Fury.

Professor X Charles and Skye witnessed all this in the high office, but the difference is that Charles is very satisfied with Nansen's approach.

If the academy wants to be friends with S.H.I.E.L.D., the first requirement is equality, which is the minimum. For equal negotiation, it is necessary to ensure that both parties can sit at the same table to play.

It's not enough to have only one person in the college, but adding another Nansen seems to be enough.

And Skye watched quietly. Just now, Professor X had explained to her what kind of giant S.H.I.E.L.D. is.

Now there is only happiness left in her heart, and she burst into tears in an instant.

That is the kind of happiness that someone can fight the whole world for you.

(End of this chapter)

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