A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 38 38. Entering the Ancient City of Aliens

Chapter 38 38. Entering the Ancient City of Aliens
[+10 Old Half Brick] It can be regarded as the most convenient ultra-long-range weapon for Nansen today, because its 'face-covering blow' skill is really a bit too strong.

Under the 60.00% judgment probability, the trigger probability of the skill can be improved by strengthening the throwing proficiency.

With such a high judgment probability, Nansen's face did not look so dark.

Now that half of the brick is chasing Salvador's face, flying all over the sky.

"Salvador, if I were you, I would stop struggling in vain." Nansen roared towards the sky at this moment.

"You bastard!" Her answer was extremely succinct, and her words revealed incomparable remorse.

That half of the bricks had been left here for so long, making the martial law area in Warburg so 'scented', and it was absolutely impossible for her to agree to being exposed to this thing all of a sudden.

Nansen curled his lips at this, so he ignored it. Instead, he took out a kiwi fruit and started to eat it.

Although it is difficult to continue to improve his physique with today's fortified fruit, it is still no problem as a supplement to physical and mental energy.

Not long after, Salvador's face was slapped hard, and the whole person was crookedly smashed from the air to the ground, startling a cloud of dust.

Nansen finally laughed, wiped the corners of his mouth with a piece of paper, put away all the scattered weapons, and then turned to the two who were still fighting.

"Hey, ladies, the battle is over, and the rest of the battle is just unnecessary and no longer meaningful." Nansen said to Skye and Raven, holding his arms.

At this moment, the White Queen has turned into a human form, but the skin on her body is chapped, and streaks of blood are like spider webs, covering her whole body.

Blood continued to protrude from the crack, and the bright red blood made her look more like a red queen now.

Although the torrent was pushed away by the White Queen just now and was not under Tang Dao's blade, it was directly knocked out by the shock wave. I don't know if there will be any sequelae?

As for the Red Devil and Angel Salvador, they also fainted, but the difference is that Salvador now has a red mark on his face, and there are bursts of stench.

Therefore, among the members of the fraternity on the scene at this moment, there is really only one Mystique left, Ruiwen.

After judging the current situation, Ruiwen also gave up struggling, stood proudly, and said in her mouth: "No matter what you want to do to us, please believe that Magneto will never let you go.

Members of our fraternity will hunt you down to any corner of the world. "

Her current appearance has already changed into the blue form of the main body. Under the rhetoric, she really has a bit of strong bones, a mutant heroine who does not let her beard.

Unfortunately, Nansen had no interest in persecuting them at all, he just said with a smile, "Actually, you don't need to look like this.

Our encounter was completely accidental, and there was no need for a conflict to break out. Besides, it would be too naive to threaten me with Magneto. He should be honestly staying in the federal prison now. "

"That prison can't trap him at all, he just needs to reflect on this incident." Mystique Raven said, and after thinking about it, she understood what Nansen's purpose was, "So you actually want to go to Explore the ancient city of aliens?"

Nansen nodded without denying, "You should understand that I am also a member of the mutants, so I will naturally find ways to study the things in the ancient city below.

Although we mutants and aliens have different principles of abilities, but by analogy, maybe I can research something. "

"So that's why you used biochemical attacks on us?" Rui Wen became more and more angry as she thought about it. After being smoked for so long, she wanted to prevent those soldiers and workers from escaping because of local legends.

She felt tired when she thought about it, and it was only when she found that brick and broke the superstition that the situation became better.

Because of this, they discussed and decided that even if the source of the stench has been found, they must not let it go and wait for the rabbit.

What Ruiwen said is correct. Nansen was indeed the first to provoke this matter, but Nansen asked back: "Then if I discussed with you before and wanted to enter that ancient city, do you think you would agree?"

"This..." Ruiwen was speechless for a while, lost in thought.

Their fraternity acts around the world and has always been an extremely arrogant type, even the mutants are still unmistakable.

If Nansen approached them first and said that he also wanted to enter that ancient city, the White Queen would have given Nansen control directly on the spot, and asked him to have a strip dance first, and he would not talk to you at all few words.

Most of the mutants in the Brotherhood belong to the radical category. In other words, they don't reason with you at all. When power has the absolute upper hand, they are more inclined to use power to solve everything.

So is there a difference between Nansen's first shot and his second shot?There is no difference at all.

Looking at the thoughtful expression of Mystique Raven, Nansen didn't want to say any more, and gave Skye a few strengthening fruits to restore her physical strength, then waved her hand and walked towards the martial law area of ​​Warburg.

Then the voice came, "By the way, the White Queen is bleeding a lot now, I suggest you go for treatment first."

Ruiwen thought that when she fought with Skye before, she could always recover quickly from her injuries, and now watching her eat the fruit, even her physical fitness has improved a lot, and she couldn't help feeling complicated for a while.

What kind of abilities did that man awaken, the mutants had never heard of such a player before!
Although Ruiwen watched Nansen walk towards Warburg, and walked straight to the previous hole, she felt a feeling of being used as a wedding dress for others, but in the end she just sighed and shook her head. Shake your head.

The fact that Nansen is a 'mutant' is very important to her, and he didn't kill his companions, so she didn't dare to do things too badly, and could only watch Nansen disappear on the horizon .

After all, what if he could be recruited into the group in the future?Then the Brotherhood will naturally be much stronger.

And Nansen and Skye walked into the now empty martial law area, and those soldiers had already slipped away when the red devil appeared.

After all, their chief executives have been replaced by others, so naturally they can run as fast as they can.

Even the previous workers, after losing the control of the White Queen, scrambled and left, leaving a machine that stopped working and a bottomless hole in place.

Not long after, Nansen and Skye found the big hole. Skye glanced down and asked doubtfully, "Are you sure the place you felt is down there?"

Nansen took a look, took out a light stick and threw it down. The light stick shone with a soft light, and then disappeared, "I'm not sure, maybe!"

After speaking, he pulled Skye and jumped down together.

Skye's current consciousness is still stuck in Nansen's sentence, maybe you just jumped?Still pulling me into the pit together?
(End of this chapter)

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