Chapter 37

Regarding this question from Mystique Ruiwen, Nansen thought about it in his mind for a moment, and finally said: "Because the first time you brought those soldiers to do something, you must be beaten at that time.

And now, can I say that I don't like the strong man you have transformed into now? "

Ruiwen was stunned by Nansen's answer. She just turned into a strong man at will to increase the momentum of her teammates.

In the end, you came to beat me up for this reason?
In a hurry, Ruiwen threw away the rifle in her hand, gave up the unnecessary struggle, and turned into a woman, who looked cute and cute. In order to cater to Nansen's oriental face, the race she changed was even oriental .

Wearing a school uniform with a pleated skirt that reaches to her thighs, her chest is full and round, and her face looks extremely youthful, as if she has instantly transformed into a high school girl who is about to graduate.

She didn't forget that Nansen announced just now: Forever!
I, Raven Duckholm, can change into thousands, and there is always one that suits you.

After she changed, she lightly brushed the long hair around her ear, bowed down and said respectfully: "お兄さん, どうぞよろしく. (Brother, please give me more advice)"

Because of her bending over, the skirt behind her rose up, and she could vaguely see a touch of whiteness, but suddenly a white holy light covered Nansen's eyes.

That is the harmonious bright holy light, no wonder.

In fact, it was Skye's right hand. For this reason, she even put away the Desert Eagle in her hand, just to cover Nansen's eyes.

Skye deliberately didn't look at Nansen's expression at the moment, but rushed forward directly, and when Mystique didn't dare to get up, he directly punched him with an old fist.

"I'm sorry Mystique, I don't like the character you created this time!" Skye said.

"Received Remorse 599 from Raven Darkholme!"

Nansen felt speechless when he saw it. He touched his nose subconsciously, and then turned his head away from looking at them. Anyway, Skye won't suffer in close combat.

Suddenly, the space behind him twisted again, and the Red Devil directly attacked him by taking advantage of his teleportation, but this time, Nansen didn't want to let him go.

The Red Devil became smarter amidst constant failures, and he judged that the thing similar to the protective shield should be opened by Nansen.

At this moment, Skye and Mystique are fighting, and there is still a certain distance from Nansen, so the best way is to attack her.

But Nansen smiled behind his back. In the eyes of the White Queen opposite him, this smile was very sinister no matter how you looked at it.

Her complexion changed suddenly, as if she had thought of something, and her mental power came out in a single thought, but this time she was not going to attack, but to defend the Red Devil mentally.

Such a move by Nansen really seems a bit sophisticated.

But Nansen also appeared to be very fast at this time. The Tang Dao in his hand was shot instantly, and a huge force was continuously poured into the blade.

Under this time, the blade made soft noises.

What will happen to [Hundred Step Flying Knife] under Nansen's full strength?
So far, Nansen has only used this skill twice, one time at Sylvette's lover's house, where he casually threw the knife into the load-bearing wall.

Another time he was chasing a vicious mugger, who escaped vigilantly into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and Nansen threw a knife, cutting the car in half.

And now, it was the third time Nansen used this skill.

Just between the lightning and flint, Tang Dao set off a hurricane, and the riotous dust rose up with it. It was like a black dragon going out to sea, appearing unstoppable.

Lei Liu had already stood indifferently in front of the White Queen long before, and two tornadoes flew up between his raised hands, trying to stop the knife.

After that knife flew out, Nansen felt a sense of weakness from the bottom of his heart. His skill consumption was indeed too high this time.

But it was really worth it. At this moment, the ground in front of Nansen was cut into a gully, and the tornado created by the torrent was also cut open.

The Tang Dao was constantly magnified and re-magnified in the eyes of the White Queen.

In an emergency, it seemed difficult for her to even escape, so she could only push the torrent away, squatting down in an instant, and turning into a crystal-like brilliant diamond.

With a bang, the two directly collided.

At the same time, the Red Devil lost her protection mentally, and suddenly felt a wave of spiritual power raging in his mind.

This power is far less powerful than that of the White Queen or Professor X, but it is also difficult for the Red Devil to defend against.

"Ahhh..." he suddenly covered his head and yelled in pain. Although the name of Nansen's [Brainstorm] skill is terrible, as a rare active skill, its performance is also good. Very good.

Soon, under this headache, the red devil Asazuo began to teleport crazily, aimlessly.

He subconsciously wanted to escape from here, from that man, but he couldn't keep reincarnating in mental pain. His life had gone through thousands of years, and now the pain of the millennium was like a tide.

And all this didn't end until he slammed into a rock hard after a teleportation ended.

At this point, Nansen's face was really only pale, and the physical and mental consumption was too great.

Skye is still fighting with Mystique now, Mystique is getting more and more anxious, but Skye is getting smoother and smoother.

She is stronger than Mystique in terms of physical fitness, and the only thing she loses is in combat experience and skills, but the difference is not that big.

So one has more speed and strength, and the other has more experience and skills, and when the two fight for a while, neither of them can take advantage.

At this moment, Nansen heard a sound of '呵呵呵', and a stream of thick phlegm slid down five centimeters from his body.

It's like having a piece of transparent glass in front of you, with a thick piece of disgusting phlegm stuck to it, which is still sliding down.

And in front of him, a large piece of ground was being corroded by the thick phlegm that fell before, and the sound of '呵呵味' came from there.

In the case of his physical energy being greatly consumed, the opening range of [Dustless Land] has been reduced to five centimeters outside the passive body, so it brought such an intuitive disgusting experience to Nansen.

Immediately, Nansen raised his head, and the female angel Salvador was flying above him. She noticed Nansen's gaze, and with an 'ahhh' sound, she covered her mouth with her hand.

Maybe she realized that she was wrong, but it was too late now, because Nansen still decided to take out his +10 half brick.

"Remorseful 999 received from El Salvador."

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the half brick in Nansen's hand, and even thought of what he was going to do, regretting for a while.

"Please remember, don't spit everywhere..." The next block shot.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets. At the same time, let me explain that the opinion building has been built. If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave a message there, and I will reply.

  In this way, the layout will appear more concise. If I post by myself, I will delete the post and not reply. Sorry for the inconvenience.

   Ps: Changed a small bug, the previous 'tornado' was changed to 'torrent', the character's ability is to create and control tornadoes, but the code name should be called 'torrent', this is my fault, but will not affect reading.


(End of this chapter)

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