Chapter 252.

There is no doubt that Hela is a powerful Asgardian, at least he can beat his younger brother very easily.

In the entire Asgard, with the death of Odin and Frigg, there is no one who can control Hela.

But this does not mean that such people do not exist on the earth. At the moment when Hela's violent outbreak, Professor X has already noticed, and then made relevant arrangements, sending people to stop the turmoil in Hela.

But soon, he lost the spiritual imprint on Hela, as if she disappeared on the earth in an instant.

When the people sent by Professor X rushed to the prison where Hela was held, all they found was a pile of ruins, but there were still many voices calling for help under the ruins.

Not long after, Hela appeared on a beach on the west coast of the United States in casual clothes.

"Tell me your second condition." Hela said coldly to a figure in front of her.

Although she is obviously under the control of others now, her tone and attitude still seem to be superior.

Nansen turned around and glanced at her, "Miss Hela, don't worry, look at this scene, don't you think it's pretty?"

Nansen looked at the setting sun in the distance. Under the brilliant clear sky, the sun was slowly sinking into the sea level, rendering the sea water a golden light, while all kinds of aircraft flowed continuously above the high altitude.

Even through the atmosphere, Nansen clearly saw that a giant space berthing port was being built in full swing in space.

At the same time, there are also various robots in the solar system, and they are completing the establishment of the orbital defense system in the solar system.

It can be said that today's earth has officially stepped into the space civilization. This sublimation is not only reflected in the progress of globalization of human superpowers, but also in the progress of science and technology.

The earth now officially has the capital to stand among the high-end civilizations in the universe.

But Nansen felt more and more that he was going to leave this world. With the development of the embryonic universe in his body, this universe had begun to repel him.

Just like one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, under the same spatial dimension, the emergence of two universes will inevitably lead to the destruction of one of them.

Even if the information law between the two universes is 90.00% the same, there are still differences, and the point of difference will cause the information collapse of one side, and then it will be destroyed.

This is the incompatibility of the two information levels, which causes the destruction of physical rules and spiritual rules.

Seeing this thriving earth, Nansen looked back at Hela: "Miss Hela, have you ever had a nostalgia for a world?"

When Hela heard Nansen's question, she expressed disdain, "All that is left in the world I pass by is ruins."

Nansen didn't have any strange emotions after listening to it, but he was even more satisfied with Hela.

"Well, Miss Hella, your second condition of freedom is to go to the universe to find a person named Thanos, and then join him!" Nansen told Hela about her second condition of freedom.

After listening to Nansen's words, Hela frowned, but did not say anything.

In her opinion, it is a very insulting thing for her to seek refuge with others now. After all, Hela is the first heir of Asgard. As the queen of a huge kingdom of God, let her go It is really shameful to take refuge in others.

Nansen was not surprised by Hela's reaction, "Miss Hela, please face this reality squarely.

I don't think it's realistic to rely solely on you to regain your throne of Asgard, so I've pointed out a way for you to find a strong ally. Isn't that great? "

"Hmph! Tell me your third condition, human being. I don't think you would be so kind."

"Actually, the third condition is not difficult. You just need to find Thanos and tell me where he is. I think this is a very simple matter.

Of course, in order for you to gain the trust of Thanos, I can even disclose some information to you. Nansen smiled and said his ultimate goal.

He is about to leave this universe, but he must kill Thanos before he leaves.

It's just that during these times when Nansen was in the limelight, Thanos seemed to have disappeared in the entire universe, and he couldn't be found at all.

Obviously, Thanos has realized something, and now he is completely stuck in a corner of the universe. As long as he can hold his breath, then Thanos believes that one day Nansen will be engulfed by the universe, or choose to leave this universe completely .

From a perspective that others can't understand, he watched Nansen become stronger step by step, and he must understand that this universe will not tolerate him more and more.

That's why Nansen came up with this method. Hela was originally a villain, and Thanos is also an ideal villain. Let Hela go to the universe to find Thanos, and the possibility of finding it will be greater.

Besides, even if Hela doesn't go to find Thanos, Thanos will definitely send someone to find Hela. Nansen doesn't think that Thanos will choose to let go of such a powerful Asgard.

It was precisely because of these reasons that he rescued Hela from the prison on the earth, and then blocked Professor X's spiritual perception for her.

The acting needs to be complete, and it will obviously be more convincing to portray an Asgardian royal family who returns but is bullied, and finally escapes from prison, and then goes to the universe to find allies.

"Tell me your plan, I think you must have a more careful plan for this," Hela said.

She has gone through many wars, and understands that even if she surrenders, she needs to show some sincerity. Now she just hopes that Nansen will use the capital given to her, and then go to the universe to find Thanos.

"Well, it's the right choice for you. I think you should have heard of the Infinity Stone."

Hela thought for a while: "Are the six stones with unpredictable power in the universe? Oh, that's just a legend. They may be more powerful, but they are not as powerful as in the legend."

Nansen shook his head, "No, you are wrong, they are real. Thanos is collecting these rough stones, I can give you the location of one of the unowned rough stones, you present this information to Thanos, I think he will Accept yours.

Then you wait until he gets the rough stone, and then tell me where he is.Then you're free, whether you choose to come back and fight for the throne, or whatever, it's up to you. "

Nansen's words caused many calculations to flash through Hela's mind, but after weighing each plan, she denied them all.

Seeing Hela's performance, Nansen felt very satisfied, and then imprinted the location of the original soul stone into Hela's brain and planted a spiritual seed for a moment. When Hela felt that the time was right, he could activate that seed Reach out to yourself.

Then Nansen took out a spaceship and signaled Hela to leave.

After Haila boarded the spaceship, Nansen smiled and waved his hands, "I wish you a smooth sailing, Miss Hela!"

Soon the spacecraft lifted off and was about to leave the earth, but at this moment, all the anti-aircraft weapons on the earth began to sound alarms, and at the same time, the fighter planes also took off together.

Hela, who was sitting in the spaceship, suddenly changed her face, and cursed in a low voice: "What a bastard!"

But then, those weapons on the earth have already fired at her!
(End of this chapter)

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