A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 251 250. Three Conditions of Freedom

Chapter 251 250. Three Conditions of Freedom

When the battle ended, Hela had been beaten into a coma by everyone. Her individual combat power was indeed strong enough, but she couldn't stand the earth people coming up to fight in groups at this moment.

Moreover, all the earthlings who are qualified to be present are the ones who have become the protagonists, which is even more terrifying.

Looking at Hela who had passed out, Nansen turned his gaze to Thor, "This is your sister, the one who is related by blood. How are you going to deal with it?"

Thor thought for a while, then just sighed and said, "Hey, let's be imprisoned on Earth first, after all, she can't go to Asgard."

After speaking, Thor also sent a slightly embarrassed expression to everyone. Asgard has been the boss for thousands of years, but today he needs someone else to help him with his family affairs. This feeling is true. It's embarrassing, but helpless.

Everyone has no opinion on this resolution, but Thor added, "I don't want you to treat her too well, but don't abuse him. Asgard will pay a certain amount of compensation on a regular basis."

Somewhere on the earth where the most dangerous prisoners were held, Nansen appeared in the base as if no one was there.

All the high-tech equipment seemed to be malfunctioning together, as if Nansen was not detected at all, and the magic seal was still functioning normally, but Nansen was ignored, and those power users who were sent to guard even ignored it.

In this way, Nansen walked all the way to the deepest part of the prison, came to the last cell, and then passed through it and entered it.

At this moment, Hela is in this room, but at this moment, she has long since lost the vigor and vigor of the moment when she was just liberated, and what is left is a kind of depression with deep exhaustion.

Even from the appearance, it seems that at this moment she has aged for an unknown number of years, and wrinkles have begun to appear on her originally delicate and beautiful face.

There is nothing greater than death, and it is her current state of mind.

Even if she was exiled by Odin, she was not so desperate, because she knew that Odin would definitely die before her, and as long as Odin died, she would eventually return, ascend the throne and fight the universe.

But now it is unacceptable for her to be defeated by the people on earth. After all, before she was exiled by Odin, the earth was still a barren land. A group of rough human beings who drink blood and drink blood kneel at her feet and worship her as a god.

But now, it has ended up like this. For Hela, who claims to be noble and fantasizes about the return of the king, it is a murderous process.

In fact, she didn't understand that the earth today has landed on one of the most dangerous places in the universe, especially with Nansen, so the earth is no different from those desperate places in the universe for those who have malicious intentions towards her. land.

"Heh, did you come to see my joke? Human beings." Seeing Nansen, Hela began to say strangely.

Nansen looked at Hela who was curled up in a corner, squatted down, and smiled: "Are you kidding me? No, I'm not so boring to mock an enemy who can never defeat me.

In fact, you really don’t need to be so sad. You are not the only one who failed miserably in the face of the earthlings. Even compared to the fate of those people, you are still alive and well.

At least there is food and drink, as long as you want, our earth is willing to provide you with some spiritual entertainment. "

Hela said mockingly: "No need, you just kill me, what a great honor it is to kill a true god while watching as many people on Earth as possible!

It is enough for you to be the guardian of all people on this earth, and you can even rule these billions of people, let them work for you, fight for you, until they die. "

"Speaking such harsh words will not help your current situation. You Asgardians have such a long lifespan. Are you really no longer nostalgic?

After all, only by being alive can there be hope for all this, and only by being alive can you achieve everything you want to do. "

After listening to Nansen's words, Hela had a miserable face, "Are you alive? So what if you're just alive? Will you be exiled again?

I don't think I have the courage to go through that kind of life again, alive or imprisoned by you here?

When one day Thor loses his majesty, I will become an experiment for you humans to seek further evolution.

How similar are you humans to us? What is a human being?But full of sin. "

Hela's words about her fate made Nansen unable to refute for a while. In fact, many scientists on the earth have proposed to study Hela. After all, her individual strength is understood by many people.

Although the current earth has gradually realized the overall sublimation of the globalization of supernatural powers, most people are still very interested in Asgard's long lifespan and Hela's individual super combat power.

The Odin family now has a direct bloodline. Apart from Thor, only this Hela is left. These two are the most valuable people in Asgar.

And it is naturally impossible for Thor to be put on the test bed, so the objects that can be studied are once again limited to Hela.

"What you said is correct, I can't guarantee what will happen in the future? Especially when I leave here, what will happen to you?

But I can give you a chance now, a chance to be free again. "Nansen slowly stated the purpose of his trip.

Hela suddenly raised her head, and a look of hope flashed in her eyes. The reason why she asked Nansen to kill her directly was because she didn't want to endure the pain of being exiled again.

Perhaps when a person has a belief, the long pain can gradually fade with the passage of time, but when the belief he holds on is lost, the exile really becomes a boundless pain.

"What's your condition?" Hela asked suddenly.

She had already decided that if Nansen's request was too much, then she would not be able to agree.

Although she is now a prisoner of the earthlings, she still has her own pride in her heart.

It's like she doesn't agree with her father Odin anymore, and even makes her own brother kneel down directly when they meet, but she still won't erase the pride of being a member of this family.

"Promise me three conditions. After completing these three conditions, you will be completely free."

"Three conditions?" Hela said, and after a short thought, she slowly stood up.

She won freedom by agreeing to Nansen's three conditions. She didn't think this condition was too much.

"Then, deal, I promise you." Hela said.

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that there were three shackles bound to her body in the dark. As long as these three shackles were not removed, no matter where she fled, she would have to succumb to Nansen's thought.

"Then, the first condition is that you must escape from here without killing anyone." Nansen said his first condition.

Then his body faded and disappeared into Hela's cell.

And just at this moment, the magic circle suppressing Hella's power faltered a little bit in operation, as if the light bulb was flickering due to insufficient power supply.

At this moment, Hela exploded instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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