A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 231. 230. Coming to the 8th Floor of Hell

Chapter 231. 230. Coming to the Eighteenth Floor of Hell

Now the strengthening machine has been upgraded to the highest level by Nansen, and everything in the world can be strengthened.

In the bright light, the clothes on his body shot out thousands of rays of light.

Soon the rays of light were introverted and turned into a set of combat clothes to wear on the body. There were still energy nodes in every part of the clothes, and the clothes were agitated, and the muscles were majestic.

The rich rely on technology, and the weak rely on mutation. What Nansen can rely on is strengthening.

【+20 Sports Combat Clothes】

Explanation: It is reinforced by sportswear, comparable to high-tech biological exoskeletons, and greatly enhances the wearer's speed, strength and defense.

Unique Skill: Physical Enhancement
Special Instructions:

1. Due to the general limitation of materials, it will definitely fail if it continues to be strong, and the raw materials will be damaged at the same time.

2. The specific strengthening effect depends on the wearer.

Looking at Nansen's strange clothes, the soldiers looked at each other, and finally one of them shouted, and rushed over regardless of life or death.

Nansen just raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. They bullied themselves by their numbers, but now they are quite different.

To be precise, these more than 200 Qin Dynasty Iron Armors are now surrounded by themselves.

When the first spear pierced, the second and third followed. When Nansen's muscles exploded, the energy nodes all over his body began to flash.

After that, Nansen's figure suddenly seemed like a ghost, and he couldn't stop shuttling through the spear, like a fish swimming against the river, at this moment, he came towards the first circle to encircle and kill.

Relying on his speed, Nansen quickly came in front of the Qin Dynasty Iron Armor who was closest to him, but no matter how fast he was, he still couldn't dodge all the attacks.

The moment he was close to the body, several spears had already stabbed him fiercely. Nan Sen resisted the attack, and in the soldier's astonishment, he stretched out his hand and crushed his neck.

"The first one." Nansen said in his mouth, while looking at Shihuang Yingzheng who was on the high platform.

As the first soldier fell, Nansen took the spear in his hand, and the spear disappeared from Nansen's hands for no reason, and the reinforcement was in progress.

Because of Nansen's attack, his speed slowed down, and the surrounding area was covered with spears in a moment, and the sharp spearheads pierced his battle clothes, as if piercing a piece of hard leather. Can no longer go half a point deep.

Restricted by the times, although these weapons have been sharpened as iron, they are too far behind in toughness and hardness. Compared with Nansen's battle suit that has been strengthened to 20, it is useless at all.

With a "snap", the spearheads stabbing at Nansen shattered!
Ying Zheng's "Dream for the rest of his life" was so real that Nansen could clearly see the astonishment and disbelief on the faces of the soldiers.

In the next second, a spear appeared in Nansen's hands out of thin air, and it had been strengthened.

The spear swept across, and the surrounding soldiers had no time to disperse, and all of them had their throats cut.

Seeing this, one of the generals in the field was already in a cold sweat, and hastily ordered: "Shoot the arrow and kill him!"

He has been in the army for many years, where has he seen such an invulnerable person?
The crossbowmen then started shooting. Nansen, who was standing in the circle, was such an obvious target at the moment, but the crossbowman's shooting still showed coverage.

While the bowstring was ringing, the rain of direct arrows had arrived in an instant, and Nansen jumped high with the spear in his hand.

The spearman has been lucky since ancient times, but unfortunately he is not just a spearman.

In the next second, they went straight into the flock, killing everywhere.

The initial surprise of the commander off the field has turned into fear.

Although Nansen doesn't know any spear moves, killing is nothing more than speed and strength, and other than that is the control of speed and strength.

And these four points, Nansen is not lacking.

When his figure moved around in the arena, these Qin Dynasty iron armors were destined to usher in death.

The balance of the battle has begun to tilt since Nansen's strengthening.

Soon, there was only blood left in the small square, and even the air was filled with the smell of blood.

This world seemed too real, so real that blood was everywhere at this moment, and the soldiers who had suffered injuries and lost their combat effectiveness couldn't help crying.

Remnants and severed arms flew together, and blood came with death.

"Papa papa!" There was sudden applause from the high platform, and Ying Zheng looked at Nansen approvingly, "Not bad, not bad, my strongest thing is not to simulate such a scene, but to seal the enemy's ability.

But I didn't expect that even so, you can show new abilities, which is beyond my imagination. "

Nansen didn't respond to Yingzheng's words, because the giant dragons that were swimming above his head had already dived from the clouds, and they quickly began to shrink their bodies, and nine golden dragons rushed towards Nansen.

Nansen looked at the approaching golden dragon, grabbed a strong bow beside him, shot nine arrows in a row, and the arrows were like a rainbow, and then he didn't even look at the golden dragon above his head, and jumped directly towards the high platform.

Jumping up with one step, the energy nodes on his body shone, and then he came to the side of Shihuang Yingzheng.

At this moment, there was a burst of blood rain in the sky, the golden dragon howled, and then the huge dragon body fell on the square in front of it.

Nine golden dragons descended one after another, causing the ground to vibrate continuously.

"I think you should understand that all this is meaningless and it's time to end." Nansen walked towards Ying Zheng while talking.

At this moment, Shihuang Yingzheng looked at Nansen with full approval, but he shook his head, "My ability is called 'Dameng Yusheng', which was created after my death.

Because I really doubt all of this, whether it is my achievements in life or my survival after death, can you understand this ethereal feeling? "

Nansen nodded after hearing this. If Shihuang Yingzheng asked this question to others, others might feel puzzled, but he was different. After all, he was a happy charterer in his previous life.

After coming to this world inexplicably, what else can he not accept?no longer exists.

After seeing Nansen's approval of him, Ying Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand and gently fiddled with the air in front of him, and then the distance between the high platforms was stretched extremely far.

Looking from a distance, Nansen felt that he was thousands of meters away from Yingzheng.

It was as if a painting had suddenly been stretched.

"Precisely because I want to know what is life and what is death, what is true and what is false.

I have thought about this for many years, but unfortunately I did not want to understand this problem, but I realized the rest of my dream.

It can be said that in the second layer of hell, when I unfold this ability, all the questions I think have answers. "

While speaking, Shihuang Yingzheng stretched his posture, and the surroundings changed again, as if a pair of hands appeared out of thin air, wiped away all the background, and began to outline again.

"I had power over the world and ruled the world during my lifetime, but after death I still possessed my mind and practiced the ghost sect.

Then I realized that I could be real or I could be fake, that I might be living a waking dream and living in the dream to steal the rest of my life. "

After the words of the first emperor Yingzheng finished speaking, the scene suddenly began to change, and Nansen was suddenly filled with a neat army of millions.

It can be said that no one has ever seen what an army of one million looks like.

Because even in ancient times, the battle between the two countries cost hundreds of thousands or millions, but that was actually just a bit of pen and ink by the historian.

In the ancient times when communication was underdeveloped, no commander could take care of millions of troops at the same time, that is simply a dream.

Even an army of hundreds of thousands seemed hasty. After all, orders were passed on one after another. The larger the base of the army, the greater the possibility of miscommunication.

But at this moment, under the ability of the First Emperor Yingzheng, a million-strong army has been realized.

All the soldiers seem to be alive and well, with a complete range of arms, and even a complete range of chariots ready to go.

And at the rear of the army, Shihuang Yingzheng was there.

"This is the greatest manifestation of my current ability. If you can kill me in front of the crowd, then I will admit that you have won."

Ying Zheng's words reached Nansen's ears, but Nansen just shook his head after listening, "This game is too boring."

"Boring?" Shihuang Yingzheng couldn't understand what Nansen meant.

It was as if he had already lined up his troops and was waiting for Nansen to come, but Nansen just shook his head and said something boring.

"Old Hei, come here." Nansen said in his heart.

There is a lingering bond between him and Lao Hei, and Lao Hei can be regarded as his servant.

This kind of bond is because he once strengthened Lao Hei, which is not a form of superpower manifested externally, so he is not bound by Ying Zheng's world.

And this world seems to be very strong, but in fact it is really weak. It is a small world, completely immersed in the dream of Shihuang Yingzheng.

It's just that this is more real than ordinary dreams, and it's the real person who is fully involved, but it's still a dream.

And anyway?All dreams are actually very fragile, it is like a soap bubble, no matter how colorful or huge it is.

Dreams always wake up when the bubble bursts.

Suddenly, the world began to shake, and outside, Lao Hei led everyone to follow the connection between him and Nansen, and came to the outer edge of the barrier.

Everyone outside is not a master at breaking this kind of enchantment restriction, so they agreed to adopt the simplest method, blasting away with force.

It turns out that the simplest is often the most effective.

In the inner world, Nansen stood quietly like this, and suddenly the surroundings began to shake, the ground cracked, and the sky also cracked.

All the soldiers in front of Nansen disappeared at this moment. He found that the First Emperor Yingzheng was standing in front of him with a blank expression on his face, and finally disappeared.

"Bang" with a crisp sound.

The dream was shattered. When Nansen opened his eyes, he found that he had appeared in a hut before he knew it, and suddenly with a 'boom', the room collapsed.

Lao Hei came to Nansen immediately with Deadpool in his bag. Deadpool drew out his long knife and asked, "Nansen, what about others?"

Nansen shook his head, said nothing, and began to walk towards the mountain in front of him.

Along the way, everyone didn't ask any more questions, and Nansen didn't go after Shihuang Yingzheng.

"Let's hurry up next time, it's too long, it's not good."

On the way, Nansen said lightly, and everyone followed suit.

Next, Nansen exploded with all his strength, led the crowd to their knees, and swept past them directly.

With the help of his cosmic prototype, world authority, and the power of the dark dimension, when he decides to make a quick decision, he can travel unimpeded in hell.

After a long time, after two days, Nansen has really come to the No.18 floor of hell.

It's just that when they got here, Deadpool, Johnny, and Roark had already looked exhausted. The continuous fighting in the past few days had really exhausted them both physically and mentally.

Especially Johnny, in the later deep hell, his hell form can no longer meet the fighting requirements. Those high-ranking demons are treacherous and cunning. To defeat them, they must use more powerful holy light power.

But alas, this is hell.

He appears to be invincible by using the holy light, but naturally he needs to pay more.

At the moment when he first arrived on the [-]th floor, Nansen explored the spatial structure and stability of the space as usual, so he couldn't help but smile genuinely, "It seems that my guess is right, the space here is stable enough, it can indeed be Carry out large-scale space transmission."

While speaking, Nansen had already started to prepare, but at this moment a majestic voice sounded, "Human, you are finally here, but don't you seem too presumptuous?"

The space teleportation didn't cost Nansen too much trouble. In an instant, the space platform was built, and he sent Deadpool, Johnny, and Roark to go to Earth first.

After all, it will be the battlefield between him and Mephisto, and the rest of them should retreat first.

After finishing it, Nansen turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the speech, and responded: "You have always been the presumptuous one. I just came here to ask for some interest over the years."

While speaking, Nansen clenched his fists and rushed directly towards a figure in front of him. The evil breath in hell could not stop eroding his body and soul at this moment.

But Nansen is not afraid, this hell really needs to change.

With a "boom", Nansen punched the figure directly.

The surrounding area couldn't help shaking, because of Nansen's attack, that supreme existence in hell was really angry.

"Damn you, hateful human being," he growled.

And that figure has been smashed into nothing by Nansen's punch.

With a bang, it exploded directly.

But with that roar, Nansen found a boundless giant suddenly standing out of the lava in front of him, and Nansen looked up.

100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters... 1000 meters...
He knew that Mephisto's original body was a Balrog, but he really didn't expect that this Balrog was really so big!
In a hurry, a monstrous palm had already slapped it down.

(End of this chapter)

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