Chapter 230.
Nansen was devastated along the way, but looking at the past, there were still pottery warriors and generals all over the mountains and plains. Who knows how many funeral objects that Emperor Shihuang made for himself.

However, after Nansen's eruption, the generals of the terracotta warriors calmed down instead, and stopped making unnecessary attacks.

But even so, Nansen still picked up the place where there were many people on the other side and plunged into it, and there were broken limbs and bones all around him as he moved forward.

Soon, the four rushed out of the range of the terracotta warriors, and then Nansen pulled up directly, leading the three behind him like a shooting star, and directly smashed towards the high mountain in the distance.

Along the way, Nansen also discovered other hell races on the second floor, but judging from the number and scale of those races, they were not at the same level as those terracotta figurines.

In this second layer of hell, only the owner of the terracotta figurine is the veritable boss here.

The trajectory of the four of them flying in the sky was like a shooting star, and soon Nansen reached the place and then fell.

Suddenly, a big hole was smashed out on the ground, and then the four of them walked out of the hole slowly.

After Roark's narration along the way, Nansen also understood that this sky-high mountain is actually a passage to leave the second layer of hell, through which you can continue to go to the third layer of hell.

After Nansen came here, there was a person who had been waiting for him for a long time.

That person was different from those skeletons or terracotta figurines. On the contrary, he looked like ordinary people, with two eyes, a nose and a mouth.

It's just that at this moment, he is wearing a black-bottomed wide-body robe, and nine golden dragons are decorated on the robe.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." He said in his mouth.

Although everyone still couldn't understand what he said, it didn't prevent them from understanding the meaning of his words.

Nansen took a step forward, and the stars appeared all over his body, as if a newborn universe wanted to burst out at this moment, and power lingered in that universe.

So far, the First Emperor has not expressed any kindness to Nansen and his party, so Nansen also appears to be in high spirits at this moment, and the big deal is nothing more than a battle.

The scene seemed to be at a stalemate for a moment. Behind the majestic man was a magnificent palace, and after that was the sky-high mountain.

If Nansen and his party wanted to leave the second level of hell, they had to step over him and go to that mountain.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked Nansen slowly.

Speaking of who this person is, it is unclear whether it is Johnny or Deadpool.

Roark knows a thing or two with his Mephisto avatar, but all of them don't know as much as Nansen.

After all, Nansen is an out-and-out Huaguo person, he was in his previous life, and he will be in this life as well.

"King Qin Yingzheng, Emperor Shihuang!" Nansen said everything simply.

After hearing what Nansen said, Ying Zheng looked at Nansen, his face was not as serious as before, but he felt a sense of relief.

"As you can see, in this second layer of hell, I am the only emperor.

Even if those high-level demons in hell come here, they will not be my opponents. I think you should understand this. "He continued.

Having said that, Nansen vaguely guessed his thoughts, "So, you want me to defeat you, otherwise you won't let me go, right?"

After listening to Nansen's words, Emperor Shihuang looked at him with approval, "That's right, I know the purpose of your trip and the meaning of your trip.

But I can't bear you to die, do you understand why I'm always on the second floor of hell?

Before I was alive, I was also a gold and iron horse, unifying the country and unifying the measures, but after I died, I was in a corner, and I did not compete with the world on this second level. "

After Ying Zheng said these words, Nansen felt that he was looking at him as if he was looking at a junior. He didn't have the hostility of his life, but he just couldn't bear the fact that he, No.1 on Earth, was going to die.

Human death is like a lamp being extinguished, and there is still a soul in the death of the mortal world.

And the death here will have no other shore.

He proudly watched his descendants now stand at the height of No.1 on the earth, and will lead the human race to the sea of ​​stars. Naturally, he didn't want to watch Nansen die in hell like this.

Ying Zheng was in hell after his death, but his news was never blocked. Those hell giants knew what happened in the world, and so did he.

Nansen knows and understands Ying Zheng's words and intentions, but he has his own plan, and he must go to the No.18 floor of hell.

In silence, he made the three Deadpools retreat, and then bowed to Ying Zheng with high momentum.

The attitude and words in this are naturally self-evident.

Ying Zheng looked at Nansen at this moment, showing relief and bitterness, but in the end he was helpless.

There are some truths that people would not understand in life, just as he was the first emperor, and he only realized how big the world was after his death.

It was only after his death that he realized that there is no eternal dynasty in the world, and his Qin Dynasty disappeared in the generation of Qin II.

The Great Wall he built was intended to resist those foreigners and erect an immortal industry for his descendants.

Unexpectedly, the fuse of everything was actually a hasty uprising in the fields.

There are some truths that he didn't understand as a human being during his lifetime, but after his death as a ghost he understood.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to prevent Nansen from challenging Mephisto!
Between the two of them, one wants to go, the other wants to stop, the attitude has been made clear, and the only thing left is a battle.

Yingzheng was an emperor during his lifetime, well-clothed and well-fed. He was once chased by an assassin, but after his death, he was enshrined in faith, worshiped and respected by the world.

Those terracotta figurines buried with him during his lifetime can also take shape, stopping the three Deadpools.

It can be said that Nansen doesn't understand how strong Ying Zheng is, and Ying Zheng doesn't understand this, but he doesn't need to understand.

"If you decide to give up, you can tell me that I have enjoyed the worship of the living and the worship of the descendants all these years, but I only learned one trick after my death. This trick is called: Dreaming for the rest of my life!"

In an instant, the situation in hell on the second floor changed, and countless things seemed to appear in the illusion.

Nansen remained still, just standing there quietly, while Ying Zheng in front of him had risen up, and a high platform of more than ten meters appeared under his feet. He stood on the high platform and looked down, it was already completely cold.

Not far away, there are also palace buildings and jade buildings, and there are even more palace maids behind Ying Zheng at this moment.

Nansen is now like being in a cage, the surrounding wind and dust have dispersed, and it is full of Qin Dynasty iron armor.

And in the clouds above the head, nine hundred or even thousand-meter giant dragons appeared together, they were cruising in the clouds, swallowing clouds and blowing fog.

The battle formation has been set up, and everyone is waiting for an order from the person on the high platform. Out of respect, Nansen did not rush to make a move, but waited quietly together.

The waiting time was not long, and he quickly ordered: "Kill him"

Everything suddenly came alive. Before this sentence, the whole audience seemed to be a frozen picture, only Nansen and Ying Zheng were the only two living creatures in the picture.

And after these words, everything around him began to move, and those Qin Dynasty iron armors who surrounded Nansen began to attack.

The floating clouds in the sky also began to float with the wind, and the golden dragon in the depths poked out its head to look at the world from time to time.

The court ladies fanned Ying Zheng unhurriedly, as if time had returned to the peak dynasty at this moment.

All of this seemed so real, and what made Nansen even more terrifying was that at this moment, he even felt that all the power in his body had been wiped away.

It's as if Ying Zheng wrote a script and then set up an exquisite costume crew, even Nansen's combat power at the moment was also restricted.

Even if they are physically strong and have high martial arts skills, they also give a fundamental definition, human beings.

In a hurry, the attack of the palace guards had already arrived. Soldiers in Qin armor held spears and surrounded Nansen. There were not many soldiers and guards around, only more than 200, and they circled around a few times.

The high platform where Yingzheng is located is not high, and it is only more than ten meters by visual inspection, which is not comparable to a small middle-rise building in today's world.

More than 200 human beings are nothing more than a magic spell to the previous Nansen, or a punch, or even a thought, can directly draw out the blood in their bodies.

The height of more than ten meters is just a simple moment for Nansen, and he can cross this distance with just one thought.

He even said that every corner of the earth's surface is just an instant distance to him.

But now Nansen is in such a strange environment, two hundred Qin Dynasty iron armor, that is a torrent of steel, and on a high platform of more than ten meters, that is an incomparable height between looking up.

His power was deprived and his body was sealed. Even though he had all kinds of magical knowledge in his mind, he couldn't use it in this caged beast.

Nansen's identity has already been arranged. In Yingzheng's script here, the only way to end the script is when he is killed.

In a hurry, Nansen dodged and dodged the spearhead stabbed by a soldier. His thoughts were fast, but at this moment he couldn't help feeling that his body was so slow.

At this moment, he clearly felt a wound cut on his face by the sharp spearhead. The wound was not deep, but the blood oozing was so scarlet.

Nansen felt that he hadn't faced this kind of danger for a long time, even when he faced Dormammu in that dark dimension, he didn't have such a sense of crisis.

Because at that time, he knew that he and the supreme mage Gu Yi were going to leave, and it was impossible for Domamu to stop them.

Now this kind of scarlet blood really reminded him that although this is the world built by the First Emperor Yingzheng in hell, at this moment, all of this is real.

But now he has no power, no weapon, even at this moment he can't even open the space backpack, the situation seems to have entered a deadlock in an instant.

Qin Chao's soldiers were ruthless and efficient. After Nansen dodged the first attack, subsequent attacks followed one after another, with no gaps in between for him to rest.

If these soldiers are brought out individually, Nansen can fight even without everything. After all, his strength has reached a certain height, and his understanding of killing is naturally different from ordinary people.

Even if it was three or five matches, Nansen was sure to kill them all after paying the price.

But the base number of these people was more than 200 people, and they surrounded Nansen in circles. At this moment, Nansen felt that even if he moved between steps, he would have to pay a huge price.

Even if he desperately hurt one of the people in the first circle surrounding him, the people in the second circle would stab himself and that unlucky guy into gourd strings without hesitation.

Not to mention that there is a third layer of encirclement around the periphery, and even a fourth layer.

Even if he was able to kill those soldiers, there was still a group of people on the outermost periphery holding the Qin Dynasty's crossbow, even if they were desperate to kill his own people, they would not hesitate to pull the trigger on Nansen.

Nansen felt that he had never experienced such embarrassment in his life, but under such a crisis, he calmed down even more.

The power in the body is still sealed, and the space backpack cannot be opened in this environment, but Nansen hastily discovered another situation.

In an instant, a smile was on the corner of his mouth.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's move was so powerful that he could completely capture and even kill Nansen without making a move himself.

This is his accumulation of thousands of years, and to a certain extent, it also represents his nostalgia for the past years.

The longing entered the soul and became a dream, and only then did this dream last for the rest of my life.

It's just that at this moment, Nansen finally found an opportunity to break the game.

The power was banned and the backpack was sealed, but Nansen's enhancement machine was still there.

Even Ying Zheng couldn't interfere with this point, let alone stop it.

His "Dream for the rest of his life" is too real, it is not a dream at all, but a real world, and it is precisely because of this that Nansen's visit is not a hallucination or anything else.

Instead, he was really immersed in the world built by Qin Shihuang, so his enhanced machine is also here.

After Nansen created his own internal universe and copied the authority of the universe from the infinite rough stone, he actually didn't use the booster much anymore.

In other words, he just used the booster to increase his strength, but at this moment, the booster was his last resort.

In the end, everything turned around, and he achieved everything with the booster, but after stripping everything at this moment, only the booster can be used.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng on the high platform noticed the slight change in Nansen's expression, narrowed his eyes, and said to himself: "What other trump card does this kid have?"

During his words, Nansen had already been approached by the guard soldiers of the Qin Dynasty. They did not give Nansen a chance to turn around and move. At this moment, all the soldiers had only one thought, "stab to death He, complete the king's order!"

But at this moment, Nansen's whole body began to shine brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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