I have a holy letter

Chapter 65, Ideological education should start from the plot

Chapter 65, Ideological education should start from the plot

When the soul fragments were completely integrated with Jin Muyan, Wu Yue's attribute interface changed slightly at the same time. Below the skill bar, there was an extra status bar called follower, and Jin Muyan's name appeared on it.

Wu Yue stood up, found a piece of bread from the refrigerator, and handed it to him.

"try again."

Just because he drank the other party's blood, his body transformed into a human again?No matter how it sounds, this is a bit too fantasy... right?However, what can't be accepted by myself who has experienced organ transplantation?
Kaneki Ken hesitated for a while, then took the bread tremblingly.

"Aying, I really... Already, alright?"

Kaneki Ken doesn't want to see himself really become a man-eating monster, let alone show a disgusting side in front of his only friend.

So worrying about gains and losses, his open mouth stopped beside the bread, unable to take a bite for a long time.

"Hehe." Hearing the question, Wu Yue laughed directly, and asked back, "Don't you smell the aroma of bread?"


Kaneki Ken was stunned subconsciously, then lowered his head, put his nose on the bread, and sniffed carefully...

All of a sudden, tears flowed out of my eyes as if the embankment had burst!

"I can smell it! This smell... Ah Ying, this is the smell of bread!!" Kaneki Ken said incoherently in surprise and joy.

Then he opened his mouth and took a big bite of the bread, even though there were salty tears in the bread, he didn't care at all.

If you haven't experienced the unbearable and tragic reminder of being transformed into a ghoul, it is absolutely difficult to understand the value of eating normal food!


For more than half a month, Jin Muyan went from heaven to hell, and then to heaven. The strong psychological gap caused him to have a nervous breakdown. After eating, he suddenly burst into tears holding the bread.

Wu Yue crossed his arms and sat quietly opposite, patiently waiting for the other party's mood to calm down.

I don't know how long it took, Jin Muyan stopped crying, wiped his tears with his sleeves, ate the bread in three mouthfuls, Chong Wu said gratefully, "Thank you, Ah Ying."

Wu Yue lashed out, "Don't bother to thank me, I can only let you eat normal food, but in essence, you are still a half-ghoul."

"Ah? I thought... that I was cured by you."

Jin Muyan didn't think about this kind of question. Hearing Wu Yue's mention at this moment, he suddenly smiled bitterly, and suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "Then I will still eat people in the future, right?"

Wu Yue shook his head, "If you want to be an ordinary person, you can live on eating normal food, but if you want to become stronger, you must devour Hezi."

Jin Muyan quickly waved his hand, and refused with a dry smile, "No, no need! I really don't want to become so strong, as long as I can live a normal life, that's enough, ha ha."

He couldn't even think about devouring Hezi.

The corner of Wu Yue's mouth twitched, he was pissed off by Kaneki Ken's unpromising words.If you continue to go to college and become a good student, wouldn't brother's soul fragments be wasted?

no!This dangerous thought must be corrected!

I saw him deliberate for a while, and said, "My body is very special. I can absorb ghouls through contact, so as to strengthen my own ability. I don't need to bite other people's bodies with my mouth. Of course, the premise is that the object to be devoured Already dead. You drank my blood and inherited this ability, do you understand now?"

Jin Muyan's face was tangled, and he said aiaiai, "but, I don't want to hurt other people, my mother said, instead of hurting others, it's better to be the one who gets hurt..."

Facing Wu Yue's angry gaze, Kaneki Ken shrunk his neck subconsciously, and his voice became lower and lower as he spoke.

What shit logic!If your mother is still alive, I promise to kill her!

Wu Yue leaned forward, stared into the opponent's eyes, and said, "Then let me ask you, if you can save ten or even a hundred people by killing one ghoul, do you think this is a crime? Or salvation? When you If something like this happens, will you do it?"


Kaneki Ken had never thought about this kind of question, and was stunned for a while, with a dull expression.

"Can't you answer?"

Wu Yue took out the certificate from his trouser pocket, handed it to Jin Muyan, and briefly described the experience during this period.

Jin Muyan looked at the documents over and over again, shocked by Wu Yue's experience, and at the same time said unwillingly, "Can't ghouls and humans live in peace? Why do they have to hurt each other?"

Wu Yue rolled his eyes, if all the ghouls become good people, where can I earn points?

This kind of reason can only be thought in the heart, and of course it cannot be said out of the mouth.

I saw him put on a righteous look, and said seriously, "Yes! I also want to make this world a harmonious one, but is it possible? Even if there are no ghouls in this world, there are some traitors among human beings." Is it a criminal scum? What's more, ghouls can only eat people, and if they don't eat people, they will starve to death!"

"Put away your overflowing sympathy! When you sympathize with those monsters that eat people, shouldn't you think about the humans they eat? Those people may be the parents of children, the husbands of wives, the pillars of the family... "

"I'm telling you this, not to tell you how many ghouls I have killed during this time, but to show how many people I have protected! On average, a ghoul will attack seven to eight adults a year, if it is a child There will be more. If I kill one more ghoul, I will protect these seven or eight humans from the danger of their lives..."

In a word, killing ghouls is definitely a just and sacred cause!

Believe it or not, Wu Yue thinks so anyway, and he has to guarantee that Jin Muyan must think so too!

After Wu Yue's ideological education, Jin Muyan's face was full of astonishment, and his mind instantly became a mess.

I just want to be an ordinary college student, live and study in peace and stability, how can I listen to the other party, as if if I do this, I will become a heinous bastard?

As if aware of Jin Muyan's thoughts, Wu Yue softened his tone, and said in a deep voice, "An old man told me that with great power comes great responsibility. Before, you were just an ordinary person, unable to deal with ghouls." , I certainly won't force you to die. But now..."

Speaking of this, Wu Yue suddenly grabbed the fruit knife on the table and stabbed it into Jin Muyan's thigh like lightning.

Kaneki Ken couldn't react to the sudden attack, let alone avoid it.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, in the field of vision, his thigh was intact, only a hole was pierced in his trousers, but a fruit knife broke in two from the middle!

"Did you see? You are a human and a ghoul, and you can say that you have inherited the advantages of both. Now tell me, do you still want to be an ordinary person?"

Kaneki Ken was silent, his left hand unconsciously stroked the hole in his trousers, and Wu Yue's words kept echoing in his head - yes!I'm not normal anymore...

"Think about what I said, and wait for me at the gate of the CCG branch at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Wu Yue knew that in a short period of time, it was impossible to reverse Kaneki Ken's Madonna complex, and he was ready for a protracted battle.

Ideological education must start from the plot!
Anyway, let's get this guy into CCG first.

The environment can subtly change a person's character and thinking consciousness. He believes that as long as Kaneki Ken stays in the CCG and is influenced by his ears and eyes, it is impossible to have much sympathy for ghouls.

"Remember the time, don't be late!" After finishing speaking, Wu Yue left Jin Muyan's house.

Kaneki Ken stared up at the ceiling, muttering incessantly, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?Ah Ying has become so powerful... It seems that I have to make a change too!
If Wu Yue knew that the saliva he had wasted for a long time was not as useful as these eight words, he would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood three feet away.

As expected, Mr. Parker is the one who educated Spider-Man. When it comes to talk, he can definitely be ranked in the top three in the Marvel world!

 Thanks to the book friend 'Gaze of the Abyss of Evil' for the reward of 500, thank you for your support!
  The results were much worse than expected. The author said that it was a lie. From tomorrow, there will be five updates in two days, that is, one more update every other day.

  I originally wanted to save more manuscripts and put them on the shelves, but it seems that I can't save more!

(End of this chapter)

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