I have a holy letter

Chapter 64, Followers

Chapter 64, Followers

"Huh? Ah Ying?! Why is he here?"

Kaneki Ken did not expect that the two would meet at this time and under such circumstances.

Before he had time to think about his friend's attitude towards him after he found out that he was a ghoul, Kaneki Ken's instinctive expression changed drastically, and he shouted anxiously, "Aying, run! This guy will kill you, oh... "

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Jin Muyan suddenly realized that Nishio Jin who restrained him had no intention of violently murdering him. Instead, the moment he saw Wu Yue, he threw him away like a mouse seeing a cat. He jumped up towards the roof at top speed.

For more than half a month, the reputation of ghoul hunters has already resounded throughout the 20th district, and countless ghouls, big and small, have been brutally suppressed, and there is no defeat!

Wu Yue's name is like a dark cloud covering the sky of District 20. Those ghouls who dare to challenge the limit and try to become a ray of sunshine breaking through the cloud have already gone to hell to reunite with their families! !

Xiwei Jin, who is only an A-level ghoul, dares to solo with Wu Yue head-on, his mental quality is already good if he is not frightened...

A sacred destroying arrow came first, aiming at Nishiojin's back.

In mid-air, Xi Wei Jin had nowhere to rely, so he quickly released Wei He, trying to knock out the incoming arrows.But the arrow's power was underestimated, and it was only slightly missed. The arrow that was originally shot at the back of the heart pierced straight through his right shoulder.


While the blood was spraying, Nishio Jin screamed, fell from the air, and lay on the ground clutching his wound.

Such a scene beyond common sense fell in the eyes of Kaneki Ken, who was stunned in shock, with a series of question marks in his head.

When did Ah Ying become so powerful?Even the man-eating ghouls can't beat him!

"Please, let me go! I'm just here to teach the guy who broke into my quarry, and I didn't intend to attack humans!" Nishio Jin looked at Wu Yue who was walking in horror, and argued.

Never thought that death would be so close to him!

As Wu Yue kills more and more ghouls, under the instruction of Fangcun Gongshan, the ghouls in the antique coffee shop spread his ideas at the same time.

Only kill the ghouls that attack humans. If you want not to be suppressed, you'd better be quiet...

That's why Nishio Nishiki defended himself in this way.

"Oh? But I just heard the word '喰场'. Don't tell me that the 喰场 you talk about is a place to collect protection fees just like those punks."

Wu Yue was smiling all over his face, looking at the other party as if he was looking at a joke, the bow and arrow he drew did not intend to take it back.

"That... just saying it casually, I swear, I haven't done anything to attack anyone in this month, please believe me!"

Wu Yue put down his bow and arrow, and suddenly asked, "Are you a good boyfriend?"

After reading the original book, Wu Yue still approves of the relationship between Nishio Nishiki and Takami.Although one is a ghoul and the other is a human, it can be regarded as a forceful proof that people of different races can still fall in love.


Xi Weijin didn't expect Wu Yue to ask such a question, so he was directly stunned.

"Don't you answer? That means no?"

Wu Yue's holy destroying arrow aimed at his head again.

"No, no, no! I am! Although I am not a good person, I am absolutely sincere to Guiwei!"

Nishio Jin felt that he was going to be played badly, the other party pointed a weapon at his head, did he dare to say 'no'?
"I'll give you a suggestion, go to school well, and work in an antique coffee shop in your spare time."

Wu Yue withdrew his spiritual power, turned the cross into a bracelet, and wrapped it around his wrist again.At the same time, he aimed his right hand at the wound on Nishiojin's shoulder, and took back the remaining Lingzi.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Seeing the other party put down his weapon, Nishio Jin heaved a sigh of relief, and said cautiously, "Then, sir, can I go?"


After getting an affirmative answer, Nishio Jin ran out scramblingly.However, after walking a few steps, Wu Yue suddenly said, "Wait!"

Nishio Jin was frightened for a while, turned around, and looked at the other party uneasily.

Wu Yue pointed to the corpse on the ground and said, "Clean these up before leaving. As for the human corpse, it will be easier for you."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yue walked to Jin Muyan, pulled his arm, and left the place.

Along the way, Jin Muyan was silent, and wanted to ask Wu Yue what was going on, but he was also afraid that the other party would hate his identity as a ghoul, so he returned home worrying about gains and losses.

Wu Yue went into the kitchen, found a fruit knife, cut his finger, and dripped the blood into the water glass, a piece of soul was melted into it along with the blood.

After finishing this, Wu Yue walked back to the living room and put the water cup on the coffee table.


"This...I'm not..."

Ken Kaneki huddled up on the sofa uneasily, although he was drooling because of the smell of blood, but the consciousness of being a human being forcibly restrained this impulse.Raising his head, he looked at Wu Yue with pleading eyes, "Aying, I don't want to be a monster that eats people!!"

"I'm your friend, how could I hurt you? Believe me, I'll be fine after drinking it!"

Wu Yue handed the water glass to the other party.


Hearing this, Kaneki Ken still hesitated.

Wu Yue didn't speak, he shook his water glass and gestured again.

Thanks to the close relationship between the owner of the body and Kaneki Ken, the other party did not hesitate for long, took the water glass, and gulped down.

"Wow... so bad to drink! Vomit..."

Just after drinking the blood, Kaneki Ken's complexion suddenly changed wildly, and a strong nausea arose spontaneously.

Brother's blood, is it really so bad to drink?

Wu Yue's face darkened, he quickly reached out his hand to cover Jin Muyan's mouth, and shouted, "Don't spit it out, swallow it!"

Gudu, Gudu...

Kaneki Ken forced himself to swallow the blood with difficulty, his face was twisted in pain, and sweat dripped from his face.

After a long time, Jin Muyan gradually calmed down. For some reason, he felt that he had established some kind of connection with Wu Yue.

Although Wuyue's soul fragments are not as strong as Yuhabach's and can directly give others powerful power, with the help of the system, it is still very easy to let the ghouls eat normal food without harming the body.

Moreover, this is only an incidental effect of the soul fragment.

From then on, if Kaneki Ken kills the ghouls, he can also directly absorb the opponent's Hezi and convert them into points, half of which are used to strengthen the body, and half are handed over to Wu Yue.

Of course, during this process, Kaneki Ken would not know the existence of the system, points or something, let alone know.In the future, he will only think that absorbing Kazuko can strengthen his body.

(End of this chapter)

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