Chapter 296 Cobweb
Gade is a huge empire, governing the country with doctrine and law, orderly and clear division of labor.

Naturally, there are people who are responsible for things like dealing with the country's external affairs.

But Wan Guolin's situation is somewhat special.It is both important and unimportant. The important reason is that Wanguolin has a large number of mineral deposits. After these mineral deposits are processed, they can be used to create various weapons and tools, such as swords, horseshoes, and arrows. These are places that require a lot of steel.

It is not important because the geographical situation of Wanguolin makes this place far away from the core area of ​​the mainland. The two basically have no influence on each other, so the Gard Empire only needs Wanguolin to provide continuous and stable mineral deposits.

In fact, although the big countries in Wan Guolin are supported by the three major empires in name, in fact, domestic affairs are still handled by themselves.The three empires are only working together to maintain the great peace in Wan Guolin and retain a long-term and stable place to acquire mineral deposits.

This has also led to the fact that the Gade Empire's emphasis on Wan Guolin may not be too strong.

Suppose, if the current situation is not that Presfin seized the sea route, resulting in the closure of the entire Wanguo Forest, but only the road from the Leixunsi Kingdom to supply minerals to the Gade Empire is blocked, while the other two countries are intact. .Then the Gard Empire will definitely jump out impatiently.

But the current situation is: I can't get it, and neither can you.Everyone is the same, so there is nothing to worry about.

It was precisely because of this mentality that when Leia went to the Temple of Elements for help, those Venerable Palace Masters were not even willing to talk to her.

For this situation, Wu Zhi has no good solution for the time being.

After all, the Gard Empire is also a strange place for him.If it is in Sealand, although there is a danger of revealing his identity, he can still get in touch with the high-level officials of the Holy Church and even the royal family, but in the Gade Empire, Wu Zhi's connections and relationships here are completely blank.

However, the matter of asking for help seems to be at a loss, but in fact, there are still ways to solve it.

In the Gard Empire, there must be someone who is responsible for managing the mineral deposits brought back from the Forest of All Kingdoms.The person who can be responsible for this kind of thing should have a high status and status in Gad. If you want to ask the venerable for help, then this person is the key!
At this time, it has been twenty days since Wu Zhi came to the Imperial Capital of Gade.Leia went to the Temple of Elements almost every three days. After all, this was her main mission when she came to the inland, but almost every time she returned without success.

Mo Tu and Evelyn have joined the Assassin's Guild, and now the latter is already a silver medal assassin of the Assassin's Guild, codenamed "Widow".Partnering with "Split Skull", in this short period of 20 days, he has completed three missions, and they were all missions to assassinate master-level professionals, which is considered a small reputation.

Originally, under the code name of "Splitting Skull", Mo Tu had already gained a great reputation in the assassin world, claiming that anyone below the eleventh level could be assassinated.

And now with Evelyn and her partner, it can be said that it is a powerful combination, enough to exert a powerful effect of one plus one greater than three!

However, Evelyn's current level is still a little low, and when her level rises, she will definitely be even more terrifying!
Second, there is Elise.

This spider queen was actually a good demagogue, and even founded the "Spider God Cult" when she was in Valoran.In Wu Zhi's words, it is "a pyramid scheme".In the situation of being alone, she has built an intelligence network of about [-] people in more than half a month. Although it is not big, it can already provide Wu Zhi with a lot of information.

Wu Zhi was very curious about how Elise works. After asking, he found out that she controlled the leader of a group of gangsters in the imperial capital, and then developed outwards based on this. The relationship and connections of the gangster leader , were all used by Elise, like weaving a net, weaving little by little.

Wu Zhi named this intelligence network "Spider Web", and he is the only one who knows about it for the time being.
Through the news fed back by the "spider web", Wu Zhi began to gradually understand some things inside the Gade Empire.

At the same time, they also found the person in charge of the Wan Guolin matter, Michel, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Gad Empire!

Michelle is the main person in charge of the diplomatic affairs of the Gade Empire. The earl has served in the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs for more than ten years.He is in charge of matters related to Wan Guolin.

Although the masters of the Temple of Elements ignored Leia's request for help, it was reasonable.Although a respectable professional has a lofty status, at the same time, he is subject to a lot of constraints.Especially these respected and strong men who hold important positions, their words and deeds will be speculated and analyzed by others.Not to mention leaving one's own country, even leaving the imperial capital will cause countless people's high tension and concern.In their identities, they must pay attention to the impact of their words and deeds, so they will definitely not agree to the crusade against Presfin on their own initiative.

And it was very simple to get them to agree to ask for help, but they didn't go to him directly.It is to let the Gard Empire know that it is good for them to drive away Presfin, so that they will naturally lend a helping hand.

However, those who are qualified to make this kind of decision, and have the right to order a powerful person to act, there are only two people in the entire Gade Empire, one is the Chief Hall Master of the Temple of Elements, and the other is His Majesty the Emperor of the Gade Empire .

The main hall master of the Temple of Elements is the most mysterious among the state religions of the three empires. Due to the special nature of the temple, the Temple of Elements is not like the Holy Church of Light and the Church of Darkness. Everything is under the personal jurisdiction of the Pope. The hall master is enough to take good care of their respective palaces, so this chief hall master is the most mysterious. The last time he appeared in public was two years ago.

Therefore, it is almost impractical to find the main hall master of the temple, so the only way left is to find a way to catch the line of His Majesty the Emperor.

As Wu Zhi, it is naturally impossible to meet the mighty emperor of the Gade Empire, so it is natural to save the country and focus on the Minister of Foreign Affairs Michel.

Wu Zhi straightened out his thoughts, then plucked a leaf from the twin flower, and wrote on it:
Make every effort to investigate the relevant information of Michel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Gard Empire.

After a while, a leaf on the twin flower fell off spontaneously. Wu Zhi opened it and saw two words on it: "One day."

 Thanks to the book friend "№繌ガロア" for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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