Chapter 295 Gifts
Evelyn and Elise left, each with the seeds of Twin Flowers and some gold coins sponsored by Wu Zhi.

Elise is going to build an intelligence network, while Evelyn is going to the Assassin's Guild together with Moda.

Now the only heroes around Wu Zhi are Galen, Yi and Sona.

The next time, naturally, is to arrange those people about the tribe.

Those young people and children naturally learned martial arts from Galen and Yi, and Wu Zhi also searched for spiritual objects and fighting qi exercises on the market to condense the seeds of fighting qi.The emperor is the capital of the Dagad Empire, so as long as you have money, these things are naturally not a problem.

As for the old people in those clans, they eagerly absorbed all the knowledge from the outside world.It seems that I want to see all the wonderful things I haven't seen in most of my life.All kinds of books are their favorite.

It is not a problem to resettle the tribe, but Wu Zhi finds that the real problem he has to face is to deal with the relationship between Lin Ai, Meng Feier and Leya.

There is no doubt that these three women with their own characteristics have already had an inseparable relationship with him, and he is unwilling to give up any of them.In this case, the solution is very simple.

However, this kind of thing cannot be solved by wishful thinking.Lin Ai waited for him so hard, but when he came back, he brought back two women who were in a relationship. Even with Wu Zhi's current mentality, he was still a little embarrassed to say it.

Leia's side is easy to say.Wu Zhi had told him about Lin Ai before, so there was no need to do more work.

But Meng Feier is very troublesome here.

After all, when he was in the Marquis's Mansion back then, due to the special situation, Galen summoned the Eternal Nightmare—Nocturne on his own initiative, and tampered with Meng Feier's memory in his sleep.Although this approach is beneficial to Wu Zhi himself, it is a kind of deception and harm to Meng Feier.

And this way, Wu Zhi couldn't explain it, so he could only find a way to summon Nocturne again to restore Meng Fei'er's memory.

However, Wu Zhi only has more than 5000 game coins on him now, even if he uses all of them for primary summoning, he can only perform more than a dozen times, and the chance of summoning Nocturne is only about one-tenth.

Wu Zhi really didn't know how to deal with this kind of headache, so the best way was to put it aside.Even though the relationship between the three women was somewhat tacit, but Wu Zhi didn't say it, no one broke the veil.

After Meng Fei'er came to the martial arts hall, it seemed that because of her cheerful mood and the relationship with the execution ground last time, her fighting spirit became a little quieter, and she has been retreating and breaking through barriers for the past few days.Lin Ai and Leya are busy with resettling the tribe. After all, there are more than 200 people. It is not a small workload to settle the basic necessities of life properly.

When Wu Zhi came to the back of the martial arts hall, he saw Lin Ai was busy counting the sundries.This woman who was originally the son of darkness of the Church of Darkness was dressed in plain clothes at the moment, she looked like a little woman at home, with black hair hanging down her ears, covering her pretty face, adding to her charm.

Wu Zhi walked over from behind, Lin Ai turned her head when she heard the footsteps, and when she saw him, her eyes lit up with joy: "Why are you here?"

"Of course I came to see you. In addition, I will give you the gift I mentioned last time."

Wu Zhi smiled, and then a delicate box appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Lin Ai: "Open it and have a look?"

Lin Ai glanced at Wu Zhi, then took the box, opened it, and saw the "Phantom" lying quietly inside.

"This is?"

Wu Zhi smiled faintly: "Phantom, a legendary magic item, I bought it for you from the Mercenary Union. Put it on and see if it fits."

Lin Ai looked at it over and over for a while, and then suddenly blushed: "Do you want me to wear this dress here?"

Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then patted his head: "Oh, I forgot that this is a tights, go back to your room and change it, I'll wait for you."

Lin Ai glanced at Wu Zhi, then took his hand, came to her room, left him here, walked into the room with the phantom, "I'm going to change clothes, you are not allowed to peek. "

Wu Zhi smiled lightly, but didn't speak.It wasn't until there was a rustling sound from inside that it was discovered that Lin Ai hadn't closed the door.

In an instant, he couldn't help thinking about it, thinking of Lin Ai's graceful and exquisite body, even if he had the ability to control the blood, he still couldn't control the blood rushing down.

But fortunately, this embarrassment did not last too long, and within a few minutes, Lin Ai walked out of the room.She only wore the "Phantom" inlaid with small chips. As she walked, it reflected the evil light, and the tights perfectly set off her perfect figure.

"how do you feel?"

Wu Zhi asked.

But Lin Ai did not reply, but still walked towards Wu Zhi.

Wu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Lin Ai wanted to hug him, so he opened his arms, but the embrace was empty.Because after that "Lin Ai" walked in front of her, she unexpectedly scattered like phantoms with a bang.

At this time, a girl's silver bell-like laughter sounded in the room: "Idiot, I'm here."

Wu Zhi looked up, only to see Lin Ai standing gracefully in the room, the one just now turned out to be just a phantom!

"Is this the ability of Phantom? It's so lifelike that I didn't notice it even if I wasn't paying attention." Wu Zhi sighed in admiration.

Lin Ai pursed her lips and smiled: "If this ability is used well, it will indeed be very powerful. Whether it is offensive or defensive, it can have very good results."

Wu Zhi nodded: "Indeed, it can make up for some of your shortcomings as a gunner. I chose this phantom because of these. In addition, it is said that this phantom also has the effect of condensing magic shields, which can defend against magic types. The damage of the attack, you can try it out."

Lin Ai nodded, and immediately saw that the countless black chips on her body lit up with deep light, and then reflected the black light one after another, forming a magic shield like a broken eggshell covering her body. around the body.

Wu Zhi stretched out his hand to feel it, "Is it a magic shield with a dark attribute?"

Then a silver-white flame ignited in his hand and pressed it on the magic shield. As soon as the flame came into contact with the magic shield, it immediately canceled out crazily like water and fire meeting.

"It seems that this magic shield can almost resist gold-level magic attacks, and the effect is really good."

(End of this chapter)

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