Chapter 248 Blood Moon

After finishing speaking, Elise suddenly lowered her body, and the beautiful curves were displayed in front of Wu Zhi, but before she could appreciate them, the stooping stunner turned into a ferocious and terrifying giant spider. He easily climbed up a nearby tree, and then let out a sharp cry. After a while, countless spiders flooded in from all directions, kneeling down in front of the spider-shaped Elise like a pilgrimage.

When Wu Zhi saw this scene, a strange look flashed in his eyes. He naturally recognized that these spiders were all under the control of Despicable Maw.This territory is the territory of spiders.

"Elise, can you control these spiders?" Wu Zhi asked.

Elise turned her body and turned into a human form. The joints on her back shook a few times, and they were even more delicately put away, revealing a smooth and beautiful back without any traces.

Elise walked over gracefully, putting her arms around Wu Zhi's body: "Of course, Summoner, I am their queen. I can feel that they once had a 'god', but it is dead now. Now, I am their new 'god'."

As she said that, a scarlet color flashed in Elise's pupils, she glanced at Mo Tu who was not far behind Wu Zhi, and gave a look of astonishment: "Oh, what did I see, beautiful lady."

Elise walked towards Moda with an elegant smile on her face.The latter hastily stepped back a few steps, looked at Elise coldly, and had already taken out her wand in her hand.

"Well, why are you so nervous, relax, I won't bite you."

Mo Tu's back was even colder.

At this time, Wu Zhi said: "Okay, Elise, the people around me, you'd better not move. Since you can control these spiders, it just so happens that these guys are also a good force, let them enter my ring bring it on."

Elise turned her head and smiled slightly: "As you wish, Summoner."

Apart from the level and the magic sword, the most important thing is about the "ascension mode" that the system automatically turned on after the coma at that time.

Staring at the system in your mind, you will find that in addition to the columns of hero skills, summoner skills, system store, and system tasks, there is also a row of large gray characters.

"Ascension mode!"

Gray means it cannot be used and cannot be activated.But this does not prevent Wu Zhi from knowing about this ascension mode.

The system's explanation of this ascension mode is very simple: enter the ascension state for a short time, and greatly increase strength, speed, vitality, and spiritual power.One use consumes [-] game coins and lasts for ten seconds.Currently unavailable.

Although his mind was muddled at the time, Wu Zhi knew that he was able to survive and complete the mission because of this ascension mode.

Even the siege of the second ring mission about the unification of nations was spontaneously completed for some special reason to make up for the huge consumption of using this ascension mode.

That despicable throat is at least the peak of the Beast Emperor, a powerful monster equivalent to the level of Little Presfin.But in the short time of ten seconds in the ascension mode, it was easily killed. One can imagine how terrifying the improvement of strength is in this state!
"Ascension mode, in the game, is an entertainment mode located on the map of Crystal Scar for fun. Players can obtain the 'ascension state' by killing the ancient ancestor Xerath, and their body shape and various attributes will change. It has been greatly improved. I didn't expect that in reality, there is also an ascension mode."

"Well, since there is an ascension mode that can exist in this form, what about other modes? Unlimited firepower, six-kill mode, or even doomsday human-machine?"

At night, Wu Zhi sat in front of the bonfire, thinking quietly.

At this time, a long wolf howl suddenly broke the calm of the night.Then, in the surrounding darkness, pairs of dark green eyes lit up, staring at Wu Zhi and the two beside the campfire gloomily.

This is a pack of wolves.Very common in mountains.Originally, when the big team was marching, this kind of wolf pack would not target them.After all, the leader of the wolf pack also needs to weigh the pros and cons. When facing a large number of enemies, he will not make a move, but will choose those targets that seem weaker and easier to succeed.

There is no doubt that there are only three people on Wu Zhi's side at the moment, so they are regarded as "weak" targets by this wolf pack.

Mo Tu stood up, flipped his hands over and took out a small staff.Elise next to her chuckled lightly, pursed her lips, and the joints behind her had already quietly unfolded.

But Wu Zhi was faster than them.

As soon as the black shadow flashed, it disappeared directly from the spot, and then appeared in the place where the wolves were most concentrated.

On the black long sword, a dazzling red blood lighted up, and with a light stroke, a wolf's head was beheaded.

The long sword drank blood, and the blood color on the sword became more vivid.

Wu Zhi fought among the wolves, and in just one minute, more than a dozen wolves had already died under his sword.If it was during the day, you could see the wounds on the corpses of those wolves, the fur and muscles were as dry as dead wood, and all the blood and nutrients on them seemed to have been brutally plundered.

The addictive Dark Moon Sword originally had the function of plundering blood.Coupled with the "Thirst for Blood" that Wu Zhi obtained later and has been turned on all the time, it can be said that if a sword is pierced into the body of a middle-aged man, it only takes a few seconds to suck him into a mummy!

Every time he killed a wolf beast, Wu Zhi could feel a surging and powerful feeling transmitted from the sword into his body, making the fighting spirit in his body stronger.

This feeling is like using a straw to drink a bottle of frozen cold drink during the dog days. The feeling of the cool liquid flowing all over the body almost makes people tremble!
There is no doubt that these wolves are like bottles of sweet and delicious cold drinks, and the addictive Dark Moon Sword is like that straw.

With the rise of killing, Wu Zhi almost forgot about it, this kind of pleasure is like taking drugs!Even more intoxicating than taking drugs!
Drugs only make people mentally excited, but the feeling brought by this addictive Dark Moon Sword is the double pleasure of spirit and body!
A low growl full of threats resounded from the pack of wolves. Finally, the leader of the pack couldn't stand Wu Zhi's massacre and was about to step forward.

In the darkness, a giant demon wolf with smooth silver-white fur and red lines on its four paws slowly walked out.

This devil wolf is nearly two meters tall and three meters long, just like a baby elephant!
The sharp fangs stick out of the lips, and the cold eyes seem to choose someone to bite at any time.

Just looking at this power, one can tell that it is at least a beast of the peak level (tenth level) of the Beastmaster.

However, when Wu Zhi saw the wolf king, he let out a loud laugh as if cheering, and clenched his palms, and a dazzling bloody light suddenly lit up on the addictive Dark Moon Sword, and then started from the arm holding the sword. , covering Wu Zhi's whole body.

When the light gradually faded away, Wu Zhi's body was raised a bit, and his height was close to two meters, giving people a slender and well-proportioned feeling.Palm-sized scales appeared all over his body, covering his whole body tightly.

On the shoulders, knees, and elbows, there are sharp black rams.The whites of the pupils disappeared and became pitch black, and the blood-moon-like imprint on the center of the eyebrows was emitting a hazy light.

Addicted to the Dark Moon Sword, I don't know when it turned into a tall giant sword for one person, with various dark red and mysterious patterns on it, giving people a dazzling feeling.


Deep in Wu Zhi's throat, he let out a soft hum, and then kicked his feet, leaving a huge hole in the ground, but his whole body shot out towards the wolf king like a cannonball!

The wolf king roared, the fiery red hair on his four claws seemed to be on fire, he opened his mouth, a red light emerged from the depths of his throat, and then a fiery pillar of fire rushed out, shooting directly at Wu Zhi!

"Banmen get an axe!"

Wu Zhi sneered, and then smashed the huge sword in his hand directly at the fire pillar!
On the giant sword, a silvery-white flame with some dark blood-colored monsters emerged, and after colliding with the pillar of fire, it immediately collided crazily like a thunder from the sky stirring the fire on the ground!

The hedging of the same attribute eliminates the restraint factors between the attributes, and only looks at the strength between each other.

However, there is another situation, which is the suppression of grades.

This so-called grade refers to the grade of attributes.

To use the simplest analogy, a flame of [-] degrees must be higher in grade than a flame of [-] degrees, that's for sure.

And although this devil wolf can use fire magic, it is just an ordinary magic flame.And the flame on Wu Zhi's sword was first mixed with the power of the celestial body, and then tempered by the addictive Dark Moon Sword. Even he himself couldn't tell what the flame was.

But there is no doubt that this flame must be several grades higher than ordinary magic flames!
Therefore, as soon as the flames of the two sides touched, there was a crushing situation.The silver-white flame mixed with blood on Wu Zhi's giant sword directly disintegrated and devoured the flames of the demon wolf, and then charged in front of the demon wolf like a broken bamboo!

"Blood thirst, switch! Blood reward!"

A flash of blood flashed in Wu Zhi's eyes, and then he clearly felt that a part of the blood in his body had flowed out in an instant and gathered on the giant sword in his hand, and then the sword was burning with bloody flames , fell on the wolf's body fiercely, directly beheaded its head, and the flames swallowed its head, and burned it into a pool of white ash in a short while.
Wu Zhi stood on the spot, holding a huge sword in one hand, surrounded by flames, like a demon awakened from hell.The other wolves around him hesitated at first, then roared, and finally turned into low whimpers, turned their heads and fled into the dense forest with their tails between their legs, and disappeared completely.

Wu Zhi sneered, the dark blood-colored giant sword in his hand slowly changed into a black long sword, his body retracted slowly, and the scales on his body surface also turned into blood-colored light spots and scattered, and soon disappeared without a trace. without a trace.

Wu Zhi raised his head and saw that the last trace of blood was slowly disappearing under the blackness above the long sword in his hand.become unremarkable.

"Addicted Dark Moon? It's too ugly. From now on, I'll call you Blood Moon! Blood Moon Demon Sword!"

In the night, Wu Zhi gave the Demon Sword a new name, and the bloody crescent moon mark on the center of his brow also shone slightly, as if echoing it.

There were only two people left in the team, and with Elise who was summoned later, there were only three.Although the number of people has decreased, in fact, the speed of travel has increased.

At Wu Zhi's request, Mo Tu cast silver-level wind magic, "Wind Walking Technique", on the two of them every time they were on their way.And if Elise turns into a spider form, her speed is not even much slower than the two people blessed by the wind travel technique.

In front of Mo Tu, Wu Zhi didn't have to hide too much. When her mental power was almost exhausted, she would use the Clarity Technique to restore her.Interleaved use can almost form a perfect cycle.

In addition, Wu Zhi could know the terrain ahead and choose the most correct path, so he originally planned to travel for at least two months.Almost reduced in general.Six days after No.20 encountered the Vile Maw, Wu Zhi and Mo Tu appeared on the southeast edge of the Colossus Mountain Range.

The reason why he was able to move so fast was first of all due to the contribution of the insight technique, and then the acceleration of the Mo Tufeng magic.

In the end, it was because with Wu Zhi's current strength, even if he encountered an ordinary monster of the Beast Emperor level, he could still fight. Even if he couldn't beat him and escape, it wouldn't be a problem at all.In addition, Elise, a level [-] hero, was by her side to protect her, so she chose to walk in a straight line during the journey, and when entering the territory of some powerful monsters, she also chose to walk the shortest distance.

In the past 20 days, it goes without saying how many powerful monsters he has fought and driven away by more powerful monsters—there are not a few monsters who died under Wu Zhi's magic sword.

The only thing worth mentioning is that during these 20 days or so, all the battle qi in Wu Zhi's body was finally tempered by the blood moon, and then a very special thing happened.

That is, the change of the Blood Moon Demon Sword.

Just after all the grudge in Wu Zhi's body was tempered, it seemed that a certain critical point had been triggered.The shape of the Blood Moon Demon Sword even changed slightly!

From the original black lacquer appearance, the sword body turned silvery white, and the hilt turned dark red.In the center of the sword body is a bloody groove, and at the bottom of the hilt is a bloody crescent moon mark similar to Wu Zhi's brow mark.

At the same time that the Blood Moon Demon Sword was changing, Wu Zhi felt that the connection between himself and the sword was further enhanced, as if he was a clone of himself.

This kind of wonderful feeling has never been felt on Youmeng and Sunflame Cloak.

What's more, when Wu Zhi moved the magic sword close to his arm, he suddenly discovered that he could integrate the magic sword into his arm!
Some are similar to the legendary Monkey King putting the golden cudgel into his ears.This magic sword is fused into Wu Zhi's arm bone, it can be summoned at any time, and it can be withdrawn at any time.

Reminiscent of the situation where the holy angel is turned into a tattoo and attached to the back, and the Ring of Leftward can change with the mind.
"Could it be that magic items above the legendary level have the ability to blend into the body and change at will?"

But anyway, this change is still very good.And after the shape changes, when it is used in public in the future, even if someone has seen the addictive Dark Moon Sword before, they will not be able to recognize it, right?

On the edge of the Colossus Mountain Range, Wu Zhi, Mo Tu and Elise walked out slowly, looked at the endless field in front of them, and let out a long breath.

At the same time, in Wu Zhi's mind, the system's notification tone also rang.

"Ding, Miracle side mission. Call for help. The first ring, through the Colossus Mountains, complete!"

"Mission description: Cross the Colossus Mountains and return to the interior."

"Task reward: one, ten thousand game coins. Remaining: 10030 game coins.

Two, random hero body summoning authority. "

"Among Random Heroes"

"Hero confirmation: Widowmaker—Evelyn."

Seeing this message, Wu Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With the [-] game coins, I can finally replenish the life potion for Leia and continue her life, which can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

As for the summoning of Evelyn the Widowmaker, let's postpone it for now.Every penny of game currency now is the guarantee of Leia's life continuation, so it can't be wasted at will.

Looking around, seeing the desolation around him, Wu Zhi simply waved his hand and released the mahogany bed under the blue sky and white clouds.

Inside the mahogany bed, Leia was still lying quietly, her face pale.But the wounds on his body healed up to date, and he fell asleep peacefully, like a princess in a fairy tale, waiting for the prince's kiss
There was only a shallow layer of the red potion around her, so that most of Leia's body was exposed to the air.

Wu Zhi directly bought eighty bottles of life potions, opened them one by one, and poured them in.Immediately, the fragrance of life wafted around again, and the 7630 game coins that Wu Zhi had just obtained dropped by [-] in an instant, leaving [-].

Instead of putting Leia back into the ring, Wu Zhi sat aside, staring at Leia's face, wondering what he was thinking.

Mo Tu at the side sighed faintly when he saw this scene.

And at this time, there was a sudden commotion in the distance in the wilderness, and then I saw a group of people coming from a distance. They seemed to have seen a few people from Wu Zhi's side, and turned their direction slightly, running towards this side. over here.

Wu Zhi stood up, put the mahogany bed into the ring, and looked coldly at the galloping horses.He didn't want other men to see Leia's body.This group of people suddenly appeared when he was nostalgic for Leia, which already made him a little uncomfortable.

With his superb eyesight, he has already seen that there are about 30 people in the team. The leader is a young man with short hair, dressed in a luxurious sable fur, with a bow and arrow on his back, riding a fine horse, and a god standing on his shoulder. A gallant falcon.

The rest of the people were all dressed up as guards, surrounded by the young man like stars surrounding the moon.

 At the end of the month, let me say a few words.

  I said before that the [-]D will be updated every day this month, but today is the last day of this month, and I did it.

  The [-]D update lasted for a month, to be honest, this is my first time.As for the other book friends who shouted to make me explode, I can only say sorry, [-] words a day is already my maximum limit, and there is nothing I can do if I explode again.In other words, [-] words a day is almost a burst every day.

  This month is really tiring, so next month I will not be able to go on like this. I can only guarantee the most basic updates and outbreaks from time to time.At the very least, let me delay for a few days, right?

  Finally, thank you for your support all the time, I won’t say too much, I am happy to write, and you are happy to read it.The weather is cold, everyone remember to wear long johns

(End of this chapter)

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