Super God Summoner of League of Legends

Chapter 247 Level 1 Distress

Chapter 247 Level [-] Distress

"Despicable Throat!"

Wu Zhi was drenched in blood, holding a sword in one hand, staring at the huge monster in front of him with cold eyes, but felt a wave of powerlessness in his heart.

Strength, speed, defense.All can be called the pinnacle.Even the phantoms of the two summoned heroes are no match for this guy at all because of the huge gap in level!

Could it be that because of the system, he possessed strength, cards and potential beyond ordinary people, but now he is also going to die under the monster created by the system?

strength!Wu Zhi desires power like never before!
Cang Yue battle qi, light magic.

When the bright moon is in the sky, a single spark is like a fire.

Dance of Broken Wings, Death Comes.
For ordinary people, Wu Zhi has all the things that can't be asked for.

However, it is not enough!Not enough!
When facing the monster in front of him, he was so powerless!

If you can have more power
Wu Zhi muttered to himself: "If I can have enough power, the villagers in the town will not be massacred, the Magic and Martial Arts Academy will not be destroyed, and I will not be run around like a bereaved dog, and even have to change my name." Change your surname."

"If I had the power to overturn everything"

A gloomy light flashed in Wu Zhi's eyes, and then, he suddenly let go of the Youmeng Spirit in his hand!

Then, a pitch-black long sword appeared in his hand. If you look carefully, you can see that there are strange patterns on the body of this long sword, which are breathtaking and soul-stirring!
Addictive Dark Moon Sword!
A legendary magical weapon obtained from Yale Mass, the Son of Darkness of the Church of Darkness.While possessing powerful power, it will also destroy people's minds, change the character of the holder, and make them bloodthirsty, crazy, and evil.

The reason why Yale Mass was so insane back then might not be because of this magic sword!

But although this magic sword has great disadvantages, it is undoubtedly a legendary magic weapon!
What is the concept of legend level?
One must know that even Wu Zhi's Cloak of Sun Flame and Spirit of Youmeng are only at the epic level according to the division of the Magic Continent.

The legend is one level higher than the epic, second only to the artifact!
Although it is said that people who use this magic sword will become crazy because of it, but it is better than death, right?
It is better to gamble on this than to die.If this magic sword can keep him alive, so what if he is crazy and bloodthirsty?

A flash of determination flashed in Wu Zhi's eyes, and then he held the long sword, slashed across his wrist, and spilled blood on it!
The blood soaked the pitch-black sword body, and the weird texture on the sword body immediately lit up, like a vampire who hadn't drunk human blood for a thousand years, greedily sucking the blood in Wu Zhi's body, and at the same time, Wu Zhi only felt The wound on his wrist became hot, and the blood in his body boiled as if it were molten.The heart was beating violently, as if it was going to jump out of the chest!

Wu Zhi suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed, the addictive Dark Moon Sword in his hand was like a red-hot soldering iron, even Wu Zhi could feel the burnt skin and muscles in his hand.

He wanted to throw away the sword, but there was glue on it, and he couldn't let go of it at all.

Wu Zhizhou's skin burst open suddenly, like a long-drought land, with gullies separated by blood lines, and then traces of blood were pulled out from the cracked skin like blood lines, weaving in the void, And directly flew up with Wu Zhi's body.

Bloodshot interspersed, intertwined.Then a tall blood cocoon of two people formed in midair!
The top of the blood cocoon shone with a blood-red light, and like a human heart, it kept beating and shrinking, as if it was gestating some extremely evil existence.

The Despicable Throat didn't care so much, even though Wu Zhi had turned into a blood cocoon, under the instinctive trend, it still raised its chelicer high, and then stabbed down fiercely towards the blood cocoon!
Then, something startling happened.

The terrifying chelicer, which could easily pierce steel, seriously injure Leia, and kill Bobby, was bounced off when it stabbed the blood cocoon, and hit the nearby rock wall, leaving a huge scratches!

And at this time, the blood cocoon finally moved again.

Cracks appeared on the blood cocoon, and then it shattered like a broken mirror. A humanoid monster about two meters tall and covered in dark red scales slowly walked out.

This monster is covered with palm-sized, dark red scales all over its body, and there are huge sharp thorns on its shoulders, elbows, and knees.Wu Zhi's shadow could be vaguely recognized from his face.

And at the place between his eyebrows, a blood moon pattern like a birthmark slightly radiates scarlet light.The double pupils are even more pitch black, giving people a strange feeling of indifference and dead silence!
The most surprising thing is that the ordinary black long sword in Wu Zhi's hand just now has turned into a tall, huge single-edged giant sword with black and red lines interlacing each other. When you go up, you will feel endless guilt and evil.It was as if this sword had completely released the source of evil!
Wu Zhi's appearance changed drastically. If he were another professional, he might feel hesitant, but Despicable Throat has no such emotions at all, so after a low growl, his chelicera slashed through the air again. Come.

This time, Wu Zhi didn't dodge or dodge, he directly swung the huge sword in his hand, and slammed into it.

Where the giant sword crossed, a dark blood-colored light and shadow was left behind, and after colliding with the claws, there was a sudden loud roar.

On the hard claws of the Vile Throat, another crack was added.But Wu Zhi was even worse. He flew upside down, and the scales on his arms were broken into pieces!
No matter how much the level differs.Even though the Addictive Dark Moon Sword can indeed enhance Wu Zhi's combat effectiveness, there is a limit. Even a powerful magic weapon of the legendary level cannot allow a master-level professional to cross six or seven levels and directly challenge the Beast Emperor The pinnacle of powerful monsters!

However, Wu Zhi didn't seem to feel the injury on his body at all, rolled a few times in the sky and landed heavily, and then rushed towards the Despicable Throat like crazy!

once, twice, three times, four times
Every time there was a collision, the scales on Wu Zhi's body would shatter into countless pieces.The muscles of both arms can be said to be a piece of erosion, just looking at it makes people feel shocking.

The most powerful part of the Vile Throat are the two largest chelicerae, which are so powerful that they seem to have the power to subvert mountains.And the speed is extremely fast, Wu Zhi is known for his speed, and after adding the enhancement of the Addictive Dark Moon Sword, he can only keep up with the swinging speed of the despicable Maw's chelicer.

But even so, in terms of strength, Wu Zhi was blown away for several blocks.Every time, he was beaten and flew out, and the injuries on his body kept getting worse.

However, it can also be seen that Wu Zhi's body's resilience and recovery ability in this state are indeed amazing.In a normal state, even with the blessing of the Sun Flame Cloak, under such frequent violent collisions, he would have already fallen to the ground.But now, it gives people a feeling of getting braver with each battle.The injury on his body stimulated his performance.

With the passage of time, Despicable Maw finally got a little impatient, let out a low growl, and then raised its slender and sharp pincers again.This time, you can see the surface of the Despicable Throat, there are layers of water waves constantly flowing, it seems that the strength of the whole body is gathered, and then burst out all at once!
It can be seen that where the chelicera swept, the surrounding rock walls burst open one after another, and the gravel shot out, and then shattered into a puff of stone powder.Just the aftermath of strength is already so terrifying!
Although Wu Zhi is now in a state of madness, his perception of danger seems to be more acute. A dark red blood flashed in his dark pupils, as if bloodstains accumulated for thousands of years. Then on the giant sword, The dark red light was so dazzling that even Wu Zhi's back shoulder blades had two scales cracked, and traces of bloody light escaped.

Then, there was the most intense collision!
The rock walls on both sides collapsed rumblingly, and a large amount of gravel and spiders fell down. On the chelicer of the Vile Throat, a small piece of hard armor was completely shattered, exposing the tender red flesh inside.As for Wu Zhi, he hit the rock wall behind like a cannonball, and his whole body sank deeply like a nail.


Wu Zhi coughed, and spit out black blood mixed with pieces of internal organs. Every muscle in his body was extremely sore, as if he had been dug out and put in a meat grinder and then stuffed back into his body. All of a sudden and piercing pain.

"Still...too weak!"

Wu Zhi didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, so he could only barely open a gap, and saw a woman lying in a pool of blood in the corner of the valley, her long dark purple hair was soaked in the pool of blood, which made people feel very sad , Good heartache.

Then, Wu Zhi passed out directly.

The "demonized" state of the addicted Dark Moon Sword does not make Wu Zhi King Kong invulnerable and invulnerable to all poisons.At most, it is to strengthen his strength and speed, and stimulate his body to exert stronger fighting power.

Even, there is an effect similar to taking stimulants, making him forget the pain in his body while being excited.

Under the same strength, if one side is not afraid of death, it will naturally gain the upper hand in momentum and exert stronger strength.

But when the strength gap is too large, this effect is not a good thing.On the contrary, it will make the user not aware of the seriousness of his physical injury.

For example, at this moment, Wu Zhi felt as if he had been bumped back and forth by a large truck more than a dozen times during the fierce collisions, and his internal organs were so horribly ruptured.The bones all over his body were even more shattered.

In the demonized state before, these injuries were suppressed, but after receiving serious injuries, everything erupted like a volcano.

Therefore, Wu Zhi directly entered a state of frequent death and fainting, was stuck in the rock wall, and passed out in a coma.

Vile Maw moved its huge body and walked towards Wu Zhi step by step—its chelicerae were as flexible as arms, but its body was very slow.

A tribal warrior stepped out and stopped Vile Maw with a weapon.

Even though he knew that his strength was insignificant, even if he knew that his death was in vain, he still stood up resolutely.

With a wave of its claws, the Vile Maw pierced through the warrior's body.

However, the other surviving warriors also stood up, raised their swords, and rushed towards the Despicable Throat.

Despicable Throat's claws swept away these soldiers, and the broken limbs flew around. The spiders on the nearby rock wall rushed over, picked up the corpses of these soldiers, and ate them. .

Mo Tu sighed, took a few steps back, but still stood in front of Wu Zhi.Silently chanted the mantra.

Then, in front of him, a huge dark blue wind blade condensed, on which the texture of the air flow can be seen, and the edge gives people a strange feeling that sawtooth can cut everything.

Wind Platinum Magic, Great Cut!
After casting this spell, Mo Tu's complexion turned slightly pale, but the wind blade flew straight towards Despicable Throat.The latter used its own chelicerum to resist, but the cutting force of the huge wind blade was unexpectedly strong, and it just happened to cut the wound on the despicable Throat's cheliceral, so it turned out to be a crushing camel The last straw directly chopped off one of its claws!
But that's all.

This big cutting technique stood behind a wind blade, causing Vile Maw to growl in pain, and then the other claws waved, easily knocking the wind blade apart.

Then, Despicable Maw continued to walk towards Mo Tu step by step, with its claws raised high.

She is only a seventh-level wind magic master, and casting platinum magic is not a small burden for her. In addition to the mental power consumed before, the mental power is almost exhausted now.

But Mo Tu didn't give in, she opened her hands, and a huge magic gun appeared in her hand.

Even if it is a desperate situation, even if you know that your chances are slim, you still have to make a final attempt.

Mo Tu, who has been plagued by curses all year round, yearns for life more than anyone else.

Pull the trigger and the bullet is fired.Then it hit the hard armor on Vile Throat's chest, sparking first-rate sparks, making a dent the size of a water cup.

But that's it.

The bullets in this magic gun are level ten armor-piercing bullets, and one bullet is worth tens of thousands of gold coins.For unprepared professionals, as long as they hit a vital point, they can be killed with a single shot.This is also the reason why Mo Tu can kill tenth-level professionals.

But for monsters like the Vile Maw, it has little effect.

Mo Tu saw that the bullets were ineffective, but his face remained expressionless, and his expression became more focused. The bullets were fired one by one, towards the compound eyes of Despicable Maw.

But in front of the compound eyes of the Despicable Maw, the four pairs of claws seemed to be an invulnerable shield. The bullets shot through it were easily stopped, and they couldn't hurt it at all.

The chelicera had already reached the top of Mo Tu's head.Seeing the next moment, the fragrance will disappear!

However, at this moment, there was a buzzing sound from the rock wall behind Mo Tu, and then the rock layer shattered, and Wu Zhi came out slowly, surrounded by layers of misty sacred golden light.

Time went back to ten seconds ago.

The warriors of the tribe knew that the mantis was like a chariot, but they went up one after another to die, just to delay the monster's pace.

When the No.1 soldier died, Wu Zhi, who was stuck in the rock wall and unconscious, suddenly trembled.

It was emotional.Although he was unconscious, he was still shocked by the heroic actions of the soldiers!
As the soldiers died one by one, although Wu Zhi was in a coma and didn't know what was going on outside, he could feel his chest was burning hot, his heart was beating thumping, and he wished he could jump out of his chest!

The thirst for strength, the apology to Leia and these innocent soldiers formed a kind of paranoid obsession, which lingered in Wu Zhi's mind.

"Power! Power! Power! Power!"

In Wu Zhi's mind, these two words kept reverberating, and they were deeply rooted toward the deeper part of his mind, taking root and sprouting.

Wu Zhi even vowed at this time that he would give everything for a stronger power!
In the outside world, the claws of the Despicable Maw have swung down, and Mo Tu is about to die.

At this time, that demanding power has gone crazy!Already crazy!

Suddenly, a faint sigh sounded in my mind for no reason.

Then, there was the system's notification sound, but it seemed to be a little different from the past. It seemed to be less rigid and cold, and more humane and agile?
"Ding, the host is detected to be in a first-level crisis state, with serious injuries and frequent deaths. An epic monster, the Despicable Throat, has been detected."

"Detect Guardian Angel cooldown"

"Detect that resurrection is not enabled."

"Detecting no chance of survival"

".Condition compliance 4/5."

"Emergency activation allowed: Ascension mode!"

"The remaining game currency 990 was detected, which is not enough for emergency activation consumption."


"Hand over the task by yourself: the unification of all nations, the second ring, conquering cities and lands."

"Ding, mission, the unification of all nations, the second ring, siege and plunder. Complete!"

"Reward settlement in progress"

"The reward settlement is complete, reward game currency: 11560."

"Remaining: 12550 game coins."

"Trigger a super-large series of tasks, unify all nations, the third ring, the struggle for great powers."

"Mission Description: Annex any one of Leixunsi Country, Jinghong Country, and Sunset Country."

"Task rewards: [-]. [-] game coins. [-]. Random relevant series of hero body summoning authority."

"The remaining game coins can activate the ascension mode, which is being activated."

"Consume [-] game coins, activate the ascension mode, duration: ten seconds."

"Remaining: 2550 game coins."

A lot of messages flashed by, but Wu Zhi didn't look at them at all.

He is still in a state of demonization under the influence of the addictive Dark Moon Sword, and his sanity is still in a state of semi-madness.All he knew was that after a strong demand for power, his body was suddenly filled with infinite power, as if he could overwhelm the river with every move!

Holding the huge sword upside down, Wu Zhi walked out slowly, the golden light around his body flickered endlessly, and the dead stillness and madness in his pupils gradually changed into a kind of indifference overlooking all living beings from above.

With a single finger of the giant sword, sand and rocks flew away, and the invisible aura landed on Despicable Maw's body. This incomparable and powerful monster subconsciously took two steps back, then roared, and rushed towards Wu Zhi in anger!

(End of this chapter)

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