Super God Summoner of League of Legends

Chapter 229 The Moat and Battle Exploits

Chapter 229 The Moat and Battle Exploits
The excuse for De Klein's crusade against the Jiajie Kingdom is that the soldiers of the Jiajie Kingdom robbed De Klein's passing caravan.In order to seek justice, Jiajieguo must be taught a lesson.

Of course, everyone knows that this is just a fig leaf.

If it were changed to normal days, any slight movement of the army of any country would be like dropping a stone in a calm lake, causing ripples.

But now, Wan Guolin is like a rough sea. Even if a huge stone is thrown, it will only cause a splash of water, and it will be submerged by the waves in an instant.

The Lei Xunsi country sent [-] troops and colluded with the princes of the neighboring countries who had failed in the struggle for the throne, and started the war on the grounds of "crushing against rebels".

Jing Hongguo also found a high-sounding reason to attack a small country next to him.

The Sunset Kingdom didn't even bother to fabricate reasons, and directly claimed that the ruler of the neighboring country insulted the country, and directly marched across the border in order to get an explanation.

Under the "leading" of these great powers, Wan Guolin was truly in chaos.

In contrast, De Klein's war against the Jiajie Kingdom seemed very ordinary.Even if De Klein remained motionless, he would be considered abnormal.

For thousands of years, because of the restraint of the three behemoths in the inland, Wan Guolin has maintained this strange situation of all countries, just like a hungry tiger is surrounded by fat, but it is tied up with ropes to prevent it from eating.

Now that the rope is gone, how can this hungry tiger who has been hungry for thousands of years be able to bear it?After a trial or two, it's time to start feasting!
Originally, things between countries were not so explicit.But there are three reasons why the situation has developed so rapidly.

First, it is naturally due to the strong rebound caused by the constraints of the millennium.War is like a gunpowder keg, the more you suppress it, the more gunpowder you will accumulate, waiting for an opportunity, it will explode!
Second, because of the death of the king of Yizhao Kingdom.It was like dropping a match on a dry straw.directly accelerated the change of the situation.

Thirdly, it is because some countries headed by Lei Xunsi clearly know that the current situation is in chaos because they are cut off from the mainland, the sea routes are blocked, and the inland influence can no longer be exerted on the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Forest.

But maybe on that day, the sea route will be restored?You know, the sea route was cut off because of Presfin, but who can guarantee that Presfin will not leave?If it was just to vent its anger on its son, and returned to the deep sea after a year or so of trouble, then the sea route would be unimpeded again. At that time, there would be inland constraints, and even if it wanted to fight, it would not be able to fight.

This kind of situation is like a big family sitting down to eat, the older elder brother covets the meat in the bowl of the young and ignorant younger brother, so while the parents are away, he twists the meat in the younger brother's bowl and eats it.After a while, the parents came back, the meat was gone, and the younger brother couldn't speak, so could he still sue?On the contrary, the meat has been obediently staying in my brother's stomach.

This is the case with Wan Guolin now.Especially for those powerful countries, taking advantage of the current chaos, it is a good time to fish in troubled waters.If the sea route is really unblocked by then, even those powerful inland countries will not be able to force them to give up the fat they swallowed, right?

Under such considerations, wars between countries not only have no restraint at all, but tend to become worse and worse.

For a powerful and ambitious big country, this opportunity is undoubtedly a gluttonous feast.But for those small countries that have been stable and stable under peace for a long time, it is a tragic nightmare. If you are not careful, you may usher in an indiscriminate disaster, and end up with the end of the country's destruction.

Jerio left a thousand soldiers guarding the fort to deal with the aftermath.After only resting for half a day, they didn't even have time to set up the celebration banquet, so they took the remaining [-] soldiers and went straight to the main city of Jiajie Kingdom.

The large army of Jiajie Kingdom is still stranded in Yizhao Country, and there are [-] new troops coming behind their own. These are the confidence of General Jielio.

After traveling for seven days, every day was a hasty march, and finally the army arrived in front of the main city of Jiajie Kingdom.According to reports from the spies, it will take at least two days for the more than [-] soldiers of Jiajie Kingdom in Yizhao Kingdom to arrive.

In other words, if Jerio can break through the main city of Jiajie Kingdom within two days.Then this battle will be a complete victory, even if the ten thousand soldiers arrive, it will be too late.

However, if the city cannot be broken within two days, then when the [-] soldiers arrive, plus the sergeants stationed in the city itself, even if there are [-] backups, De Klein's side may not necessarily have the upper hand in terms of numbers.What's more, if one party is attacking the city and the other is defending the city, the difficulty factor will be greatly increased.

This point, even a layman like Wu Zhi can see it, and General Jerio will naturally not be ignorant of it.

But knowing it is one thing, and implementing it is another.The [-] soldiers rushed day and night, and finally arrived at the main city. It can be said that they are a tired army.If you attack the city at this time, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, although he wished to break through the city gate immediately, General Jerio finally ordered the camp to be guarded, let the soldiers have a good rest, and recover their physical and mental strength.

The [-] soldiers on General Jerry's side were actually worn down by the previous battle, and there are still more than [-] soldiers left.But even so, the military appearance is neat, and every tent seems to have been measured, and there is no deviation in the slightest.

On the contrary, there were 2000 people in the noble private army. After World War I, the number of people decreased very little, and this camp, all kinds of colorful tents "grow" like mushrooms after the rain.

Fortunately, although these nobles are absurd, they also know something.The tents stationed are some distance away from the barracks. Although they are messy, they will never affect the large troops.

General Jerio also understood very well that these noble private troops were actually here to gain military merits and win the battle.For example, when the city was broken before, it was enough to call on these guys to share some military merits. When the real war started, just stay aside and don't make trouble.

Although Jerio is a general, he is also a nobleman of De Klein. The two thousand private troops almost represent the interests of the nobles of the entire country, so they can only turn a blind eye.

In the early morning of the next day, even when most of the noble children were still sleeping in the camp, the thunderous drums sounded.

Wu Zhi walked out of his tent and saw that in one night, there were already ten more siege ladders in the army, and there were even five chariots with a huge log with a sharpened end fixed on it.Looking at the light green texture at the tip, it was obviously made from local materials at night.

"It seems that General Jerio can't wait."

Wu Zhi sighed, and then saw, accompanied by the shocking drumbeat, groups of soldiers broke away from the army formation. These soldiers were wearing full-body armor, and ropes were attached to the front, back, and shoulders. Sacks of sandbags filled with dirt and sand are firmly tied.

On the city wall were the soldiers of Jiajie Kingdom. Arrows rained down like rain. Half of the soldiers died on the road before they even reached their destination.

The soldiers who passed through the rain of arrows by chance took off the sandbags on their bodies one after another and threw them into the moat in front of the city.

Yes, moats.

In front of the city, there is a moat ten meters wide and deep, like a moat.

Wu Zhi sighed when he saw the moat.

The moat can be said to be a sharp weapon to protect the city in the cold weapon era!There is a moat, unless the river is filled first, otherwise, the defenders only need to draw the bridge, and it will not help as many people as you want.

To deal with this situation, either wait until winter and the river freezes.But this kind of situation is really rare. If the people in the city are on alert, boil some boiling water or set off a big fire, they can perfectly defend the city.

Or use a large army to besiege the city and starve the city people to death!But if there is enough food in the city, it is very likely that after a year or two of siege, they will find that their army food is insufficient.What's more, Jiajie's army is about to rush back, let alone a year or two, even a day or two is not enough.

Or, dig a hole next to the city to divert the water from the river.But this method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it also needs to mention the interference of the defensive city, and it is not suitable for current use.
This was the case in the ancient times of the earth, but even in the magical world, the role of the moat is still very significant.Although the magicians of the three departments of earth, ice, and water are very restrained from the moat, and even as long as any magic master from these three departments casts a spell in front of the moat, the moat can be instantly rendered invisible.

But here comes the problem
The casting range of a general magician is about [-] meters.However, the range of any archer is more than [-] meters.A frail magician, going to the moat to sing magic?Isn't that lighting a lantern in the toilet-court death?
Of course, there is also a way to let a group of people protect the magician tightly, as long as the protection magician casts a spell.

Then the problem is coming again.

Although Jiajie Country is a small country and cannot afford magicians in the border fortresses, there must still be magicians in the main city.

Besides, the magician on your side is calmly casting magic to fill up the moat, isn't the magician on the city wall bombarding you with magic?

In the face of the power of magic, even fully armed shield guards will come and die as many times as they come.Unless you protect that magician with a group of master-level professionals.But a master-level professional is not a Chinese cabbage. If you are accidentally caught by others, you can kneel and cry.

Every professional at the master level is precious.And the magician is the treasure among the treasures. Even if Jelio wants to try it, others will not agree.

Therefore, only the most stupid way is to fill it with sandbags filled with soil!
General Jerio stood in the middle, watching the soldiers brave the rain of arrows and throw sandbags into the river one by one with their lives.Some soldiers who were shot by the river knew that they would not survive, so they simply climbed to the river and plunged into it, using themselves as sandbags.

However, the effect is minimal!
Every minute and every second, De Klein's soldiers are dying.The general's face became more and more gloomy, and finally he called the soldiers around him, bowed his head and gave some instructions, and then continued to watch the soldiers "send to death" one after another with cold eyes.

On Wu Zhi's side, squinting his eyes to see the changes ahead, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.At this time, human life is as cheap as worthless. If there are really dead souls, then there may be countless innocent souls floating on the moat.

At the same time, Wu Zhi was also a little anxious. According to such a siege method, the soldiers' lives would be wasted and they would not be able to touch the edge of the city wall.

And at this time, General Jerio's messenger came to the noble private army again, bringing the general's notice.

"General Jerio invites all senior professionals and above, as well as all noble gentlemen, to go to the barracks to discuss matters."

Wu Zhi looked up, and the other nobles whispered to each other, obviously not knowing what happened.He turned his head and gave some instructions to the tribal warriors under his command, and then brought Bron along with the nobles to the main camp.

In the huge camp, dozens of people came in at once. The general saw that he had to ask those professionals who were not nobles to wait outside the camp.

"General Jerio, it's not good to be sober now. The day after tomorrow at the latest, the [-] soldiers from Jiajie Kingdom will return. If these [-] soldiers join the city defenders, it will be difficult for us to fight. You now Filling the moat with human life won't show any effect?"

Among the nobles, Aliwang, the nephew of the Minister of Military and Political Affairs, spoke first.

Jerio glanced around, and there were nearly 20 nobles left in the field, which meant that there were no fewer than 30 professionals outside.

He settled down for a while, then smiled and said, "I invited everyone here to discuss the matter of breaking the city. You have also seen that there is a moat blocking it. Unless my soldiers can fly, I must solve this problem first." Only then can I do it. After thinking about it, I finally realized that I need your help."

The eyes of some nobles flickered: "General, do you want our subordinates to also carry sandbags to fill the moat?"

As soon as the nobleman said this, the others immediately became rioted.

Those private soldiers are the strength cultivated by the nobles through hard work, and it is absolutely unwilling to let them do this kind of death.For these nobles, if the battle goes well, they will get a share; if the battle goes bad, it doesn't matter, anyway, it is Jerio who is responsible.But it is absolutely impossible to let them do such thankless things.

Jerio seems to have expected this a long time ago, with a flash of disdain in his eyes, and then he said: "Of course I don't mean that. What I mean is, I hope to borrow some of your senior professionals, and by the way, use your space ring."

Jerio pointed to the defense line of the moat: "Everyone has also seen that with the current progress, it will take the year of the monkey to fill the moat. But the [-] soldiers from Jiajie Kingdom will return soon. By then, I don’t need to tell you how difficult it is to break through the city again.”

"However, if everyone is willing to contribute a little bit, then the moat can be easily filled, and when the time comes to break the main city, everyone will have a share in the military exploits."

After all, Aliwang was also from a military and political family, so he realized it all at once, and said, "Does the general want them to use space rings to fill the moat?"

The general nodded: "That's right. I asked everyone to bring professionals above the senior level. As long as these people wear full armor, they won't be harmed even in the rain of arrows. And as long as they use The space rings hold the soil, so if one person brings more space rings, the moat can be easily filled."

The general paused for a moment, and added: "This matter is completed, and I will record a second-class merit for everyone here."

This time, the nobles finally moved.

Indeed, as the general said, professionals above the senior level, with their battle qi body protection and armor, can indeed survive the rain of arrows safely.All it takes is a little effort, earning a second-class combat exploit for nothing, and selling Jerio as a favor.

So, the nobles agreed, and they still tossed their space rings in a hurry, took out all the things in the ring, and then filled them with dry soil.
During this period, these young nobles inevitably had to compare whose guards were stronger, whose space ring was larger, and so on.In the end, there were a total of 27 fighting spirit practitioners. Each of them had an average of two space rings in their hands, and they were all filled with dirt. Even if they couldn't be filled at once, a few more runs would definitely fill up the moat!

Wu Zhi thought about it and decided to join it.Talked to General Jerio, and the latter naturally agreed to everything, but he felt that this newly promoted nobleman had a lot of guts and liked him.

After the preparations were completed, the 28 people including Wu Zhi were mixed among the soldiers, carrying sandbags full of them, and came to the moat with difficulty like ordinary soldiers.

Then, a large amount of soil was poured out of the space object by these people, and the water surface almost rose crazily, and the moat visible to the naked eye was filled up to half of it at once!

The soldiers on the city wall finally realized that something was wrong, and arrows shot over with a clatter of arrows, and the professionals hurriedly ran back protecting their vitals.Wu Zhi was also planning to go back with the big flow and move the soil again, but his body suddenly froze in place.

"Watch, trigger the accumulation task, exchange for battle achievements."

"Mission description: Gain combat achievements on the battlefield. The more combat achievements you get, the richer the rewards will be. (Note: Only limited to this battle of Jiajie Kingdom.)"

"Mission reward: a third-class military achievement, exchange for [-] game coins;

A second-class military exploit can be exchanged for [-] game coins;

A first-class military achievement can be exchanged for [-] game coins;
A special military exploit can be exchanged for [-] game coins. "

Wu Zhi's body paused, without saying a word, and then shouted at Bron next to him: "Bron, open up!"

Bron was taken aback for a moment, but immediately understood what Wu Zhi meant. With a chuckle, he took the Holy Shield of the Legion from behind to his face, and then smashed it hard at the moat!
Glacier crack!

A large number of ice layers were born directly from the river water, or directly condensed from the river water, and spread across the river surface for tens of meters.As for the cover of these sudden ice formations, Wu Zhi reached into the moat with one hand, randomly dug out a large amount of soil from the Ring of Leftward, and poured it into the moat.

The moat, which was only half filled at most, was instantly filled!It's just that the top is covered with a layer of ice, so you can't see the reality below.


Wu Zhi yelled, and then ran towards his own army formation. At this time, the soldiers on the city wall woke up like a dream, and they all drew their bows and shot at Wu Zhi and the two of them.But Bron jumped to Wu Zhi's side lightly and skillfully, with the shield in his hand backwards, "Indestructible" was cast, the huge ice shield was behind, and the arrows were bounced away one after another, and then the two relaxed Song returned to the army formation.

(End of this chapter)

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