Chapter 228 The First Wave

In the era of cold weapons, there are generally three methods of siege: ladders, carts, and tunnels. Of course, there are many other methods of siege.Without going into details one by one, all in all, attacking a city is much more difficult than defending it, that's for sure.

However, General Jerio didn't bring any siege equipment, and hurriedly brought soldiers to attack the city. How could he attack the city?
In other words, the war situation between the magical world is different from that on Earth?

Wu Zhi thought to himself.

indeed.The war in the magical world is different from the cold weapon era on Earth.

The difference is...magic!

Following General Jerio's order, Wu Zhi saw a siege battle that was completely different from what he had imagined, but with a special character!
Some soldiers wearing light-colored military uniforms and stranded behind the army formation took out a large number of already-made modules from the space ring they carried with them, and then pieced them together to easily assemble huge ladder vehicles one by one. !

It was early morning, and the sun had just come down.Wu Zhiben came to see General Jerry's haste and thought that he would attack the city again as soon as he arrived.But I didn't expect that after the general ordered all this, he didn't rush to start, but ordered to rest on the spot, and at the same time, he started a fire behind the army!
The soldiers had been on the road in the middle of the night, and they were already hungry.General Jerio let the soldiers take turns to rest. Each time two-thirds of the soldiers stayed in the formation, and the other third took food and took a short rest.In this way, until noon, when the scorching sun was shining, almost all the soldiers recovered their spirit and physical strength. At the same time, behind the army formation, five huge ladders with a height of four meters, which were solid and even covered with iron sheets, had been spliced ​​together. Come out and spread out behind the army array!

At this time, a small group of magicians wearing battlefield robes came out of the army formation, and at the same time, there were a large number of soldiers holding human-height shields, closely following the steps of the magicians, protecting the surroundings.

Then, the soldiers on the ladder took their positions, staring at the arrows coming from the front wall, and slowly pushed to the front of the formation. The siege battle was finally about to begin!

At this time, the mages chanted loudly. These mages may not be of high level, but they are carefully formed and cultivated mage groups.In terms of scale, it may not be comparable to any branch of Yunhui, but the power displayed at this time still makes Wu Zhi dumbfounded!

There are only about 34 magicians in this team.But General Jerio used to mobilize a full three hundred shield guards to protect these magicians.

Logically speaking, at this time, the defenders of the city should shoot these magicians with archers, and at worst they should interfere, so that the magicians can't chant the spell safely.

But at this time, General Jerio is taking a two-pronged approach, letting the soldiers build ladders and start attacking the city. This kind of moment is not the time to cherish the soldiers.In the process of pushing the ladder to the city wall, the soldiers suffered heavy losses under the shooting of bows and arrows. When the ladder touched the city wall, the battle became more intense.The soldiers on the ladder were like targets. They were shot at random by the soldiers on the city wall. Even if they were only scratched by arrows, if they accidentally fell from the narrow place of the ladder, it would be fine to fall to their own death. Maybe it will hit one or two of my own brothers.

But even so, General Jerio's expression was as calm as water, as if the dead and wounded soldiers had nothing to do with him.

Wu Zhi noticed that the arrangement of the five ladders was actually very particular.It seems to be loose, and the distance between each other is different, but in fact, it blocks all the places where the archers are most likely to shoot at the magicians. Even if they don't block them, they can still interfere with the soldiers on the ladder.

The archers on the city wall can choose to shoot the mage, but the distance is too far, and there are shield guards guarding the mage next to it, so it may not be effective.On the contrary, those soldiers on the ladder could almost hit one with one arrow, and with the tragic battle happening right in front of them, these archers almost subconsciously focused their firepower on the soldiers on the ladder.

And at this time, the magicians finally showed their power!
First, the ice cone technique was performed by ten ice magicians.This cone of ice is just a simple silver magic, any ice magician above level [-] can easily cast it.However, when ten people cast it together, this simple silver magic is not so simple.

I saw a huge ice cone that was one meter thick and three meters long slowly emerged in mid-air, and then reflected the dazzling luster against the sun, and slammed into the city wall fiercely!

There was only a bang, and a large amount of shattered ice at the city gate rose with the cold air, which could be seen clearly under the sunlight.And at this time, the magic of the fire magicians also arrived.

A huge ball of fire that kept tumbling and exuding waves of heat was condensed, and then slammed heavily at the gate of the city.

A large amount of crushed ice that hadn't dissipated was evaporated in an instant, and the originally hard city gate was twisted out of shape like a fence toy in the hands of a child in this alternation of cold and heat.

At this time, the third magic arrived.

This time it was a thick jet of water, as if a river had fallen from the sky, rushing towards the gate of the city, washing away the messy gravel, coke, fragments of the gate and the soldiers behind the gate. , leaving a soggy, unobstructed path!
The gate is broken!

The soldiers who attacked the city cheered, while the defenders were desperate.Originally, when they heard the news that De Klein's army was coming, they didn't report any hope. It was only for the sake of the country that they had a solid city wall to resist, so they organized a fighting force.

However, now that the city gate is broken, the fighting will of these soldiers has been greatly weakened. Only thinking of the motherland and family behind them, they desperately resisted the enemy troops entering the city.

Wu Zhi was in the army formation, watching the siege battle in the magic world carefully.Then summarize the most important point.

The outcome of this battle was decided so quickly, not because Jerio's soldiers were redundant, nor because of how brave and skilled these soldiers were.The really crucial factor is this: the attacking side has magicians, but the defending side does not.

It's that simple.

With a magician, you can easily cast joint magic and bombard the city gate.Even a city wall made of steel can't withstand another round of baptism by the devil!

If there are magicians on the side defending the city, who can withstand any round of magic bombardment in the ice and fire, then it will not be so easy for Jerio to break through the city gate. At the very least, he has to wait for the magicians to recover their mental strength Only then can a new offensive be launched.

Unfortunately, there are no magicians in Jiajie Kingdom.

In other words, there are magicians, but they can't gather the size of the team. Even if they can gather the size of the team, they will guard the main city and will never be stationed in a border fortress.

How big is Jiajie Country and what is its population?
With 20 people, how many of them have magical talents?
Among these people, how many people can learn something?How many people are there who are successful in their studies and are willing to join the army?

As the head of all professions, a magician is superior to others everywhere.Unless it is cultivated from an early age, and there is a long period of training and adaptation, otherwise it is even more difficult to form a team of magicians.

Don't you see that Jerio's mage team is less than half a hundred?

This is the absolute gap in strength between big and small countries.

A mage team of just a few dozen people has such an amazing effect on the battlefield.So, what kind of demeanor should they be in the inland, the Holy Light Magic Troupe of the Holy Church of Light, and the Dark Magic Troupe of the Dark Church?
Wu Zhi sighed lightly.

But at this time, the messengers in the army ran over quickly, and conveyed the general's words to these noble private soldiers with a straight face: "All the private troops belonging to the domestic nobles who participated in the war this time can now Follow the soldiers into the city to raid the enemy, use the left ear as the military merit, one hundred military merits will be recorded as the third class once. Do not harass the people! waiting."

After the messenger finished speaking, these nobles, who had already been impatient for a long time, immediately became excited, and without a word, they rushed into the city with their own retainers and private army. Compared with the neat regular army, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Wu Zhi smiled, and rushed into the city with fifty soldiers under his command.

The scene in the city was even more chaotic. The soldiers of De Klein and the soldiers of Jiajie Kingdom fought together. Because it was a fortress, there were not many people in the city, and they were all huddled in their homes. Soldiers in the camp, just kill them directly.

Accidentally hurt civilians?deserve it!Who told you to come out and wander around at a time like this?If you cut off your ears, who knows if you are a civilian or a soldier?It's all military merit!
The nobles came with the army this time, of course, they all came for military merit, so bringing their own private army was full of killings in the city.Ordinary soldiers are also brave and fearless. To the nobles, the ears of the enemy are military exploits, glory, and bragging capital.For them, it is also opportunities and money for promotion!
Coupled with the fact that the enemy's will to resist is not strong, it is as if they were picked for nothing. From the beginning of the city to the end of the city, there are fighting crowds everywhere.

Wu Zhi took the warriors of the tribe and wandered through the streets at random. When he encountered soldiers from the enemy country, he killed them casually.

For him, military achievements are just floating clouds.If he really wanted to rely on his military exploits to earn a fief, he would have to wait until the year of the monkey, not to mention whether there were so many battles for him to fight or not.

The reason why he agreed to come with the army was to paralyze the ruler of De Klein, and to buy time for himself.

That plan cannot be completed in a short while!
Thinking of this plan being slowly weaved in a secret place like a spider web, Wu Zhi frowned slightly, feeling a little excited.

Turning a corner, two soldiers were running towards this side. However, after seeing Wu Zhi and his group, his complexion changed instantly, and he turned around and ran away.

Wu Zhi chuckled, stepped on and caught up with the two soldiers, and stabbed the soldier's back with the long sword in his hand.

But at this moment, the two fleeing soldiers stopped suddenly, and the one who was being chased by Wu Zhi rolled on the spot, turned around and stabbed Wu Zhi's abdomen with a pitch-black dagger, while on the other side, the other A soldier puffed up his cheeks and blew vigorously, a small silver needle shot out from his mouth, and at the same time a large amount of white powder came out, filling the entire space, breaking down even more instantly when encountering the air, Cover up all the surrounding environment!


The moment the soldier turned his head, Wu Zhi realized that these two soldiers might be the assassins of the Assassin Guild.

After knowing the king's arrangement, Wu Zhi was naturally very careful, and he was always wary of the surrounding environment after entering the city.But I didn't expect these two assassins to be so bold. They disguised themselves as soldiers and got a good idea of ​​their own characters. They would definitely chase after the soldiers who were fleeing, so they set up this killing situation.

The black dagger and the gloomy light above the thin needle.If there is no accident, even if it is just rubbed with blood, it will definitely be poisoned, and these two assassins can take advantage of the white powder and escape in the chaos, leaving him to die of poison!
"What a bold and ingenious calculation!"

This killing game looks ordinary, but when you think about it carefully, many factors have been taken into account, including the current environment, Wu Zhi's character, habits, and even strength!

"According to the strength of my seventh-level professional, if I meet two ordinary soldiers, I will definitely catch up and kill them. But at this time, I will be slightly out of touch with the soldiers behind me. At the same time, under the contempt, I will relax my vigilance and not fight at all. I will put two ordinary soldiers in my eyes, and the assassin's attack at this time, the timing is perfect! And one of them uses a dagger and the other uses a hidden weapon, it seems that they must kill me here!"

"If I'm really just an ordinary seventh-level swordsman, I'm afraid that these two assassins will really succeed, but unfortunately, I'm not."

Smiling, a golden light lit up amidst the whiteness, and the summoner's skill "Barrier" had been used instantly.

The dagger and flying needle pierced the barrier, making a crisp sound.Then it was easily ejected.

In order not to attract Wu Zhi's attention, these two assassins did not use grudges, but wanted to kill him with poison.So the strength of the flying needle and the dagger is not very good, how can it break through the defense of the barrier?

Wu Zhi laughed, and swiped his long sword. Silver-white flames permeated the blade, passing over an assassin's body, leaving a huge scar, and at the same time directly set half of his body on fire, and fell to the ground Rolling and howling.

The other assassin wanted to run away when he saw that the situation was not good, but Wu Zhi glanced at him, and the latter suddenly seemed to see something terrible, and yelled crazily, even forgetting about Wu Zhi behind him. The presence!

Doomsday messenger skills, fear!

With a flash of silver light, the assassin's head was also cut off by Wu Zhi.At this time, the clan fighters came running from behind and defended Wu Zhi in the middle.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Wu Zhi smiled slightly: "It's just a piece of fish. Cut off their ears so they don't burn them. It's a military achievement anyway."


The soldier nodded and went to cut off his ears, while Wu Zhi turned his head and looked in De Klein's direction, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Two waves of assassins, and a mysterious gunman "Split Skull" who can shoot tenth-level strong men.

Now that the first wave of assassins has appeared, the rest will not be far away, right?

The news of the great victory was sent back to De Klein, and the whole country celebrated together!The nobles celebrated each other, banquets and receptions, large and small, continued, and the folks were also full of joy.

His Majesty the King immediately dispatched [-] soldiers from Zhenjie Fortress for reinforcements, and he must take advantage of the empty military of Jiajie Kingdom to secure the victory in one fell swoop!

In the villa.

Joleil was walking in the backyard of the villa, and beside him was a handsome young man with blond curly hair, with a bright smile on his face that could fascinate ladies and ladies: "Sister Jolene, Marquis Borazo is going to hold a party tonight." , It is said that there is a song and dance troupe from the inland to add to the fun, hehe, sister Ruoleer must have never seen a song and dance performance, how about going to see it with me?"

Jolaier didn't even look at him, as if there was air around him, and finally stopped and turned her head when she was really annoyed, and said, "Aren't you annoyed! I've already said that I don't want to go, so I have to keep talking and talking , It’s so noisy! I don’t have time to go with Sister Barbara tonight, since that party is so fun, why don’t you just go by yourself?”

After speaking, Joelle turned her head and ran away in three steps and two steps, leaving the poor prince behind, and the atmosphere became colder.

Esbell next to her saw this scene and smiled secretly, but she walked over with a calm appearance on the surface: "Your Highness, Princess Joleil may feel a little uncomfortable today, please forgive me. It's getting dark, I've already I have arranged a carriage back to the city, if it is later, I am afraid the city gate will be closed."

Price straightened his face and showed a charming smile: "Thank you, Miss Esbell, for your concern. I see that Miss is also single, why don't you go to the party with me?"

Esbell smiled reservedly, and the lady from the big inland family had the right style: "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well today, I'm afraid I can only thank Your Highness for your kindness."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay. Miss Esbell's health is important. It's very cold on the mountain, so please pay attention to your health."

The corner of Prince Price's mouth twitched, and then he said a few more polite words before leaving the villa.After going down the mountain, he opened the curtain of the car, looked up at the brightly lit villa, and faintly heard the sound of laughter like silver bells coming from inside.

His Royal Highness's face darkened.

"Bitch! They're all sluts! Let me make you proud for a few days now, hehe, in the end, Joelle, don't you want to lie on my bed and beg for mercy from me? Continue the blood of the royal family and keep the blood pure. Father's meaning."

Putting down the curtains, Prius smiled coldly, thinking of Joelle's beautiful golden eyes, his heart suddenly became extremely hot!

"Come on, hurry back and inform Maria, tell her. See you at the old place!"

(End of this chapter)

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