super big player system

Chapter 78 Stupid Cow Looks Great!

Chapter 78 Stupid Cow Looks Great!

At dawn the next day, Zhang Fan called someone from the Hair-Plucking Gang to ask where the Wild Bones Gang was. He decided to kill them directly. Sitting here and slowly consuming energy was simply wasting the prestige of the Great Sage.

Gillian heard that Zhang Fan was going to attack the Wild Bone Gang and hurried over dragging her unrecovered body. She was seriously injured twice a day. Although Hokage Beef made her recover faster, it was still difficult to move even though she was seriously injured.

"My lord, please bring us with you if you want to attack the wild bones!" A-Jiao gritted her teeth, not caring about the pain from walking, and asked for a fight with determination.

"Take us, we are fed up with being attacked by the wild bone tribe frequently, we want to fight back!"

"Yes, the Land of Wild Bones used to be our territory, we want to fight back!"

"Kill it back!"

The members of the Hairplucking Gang roared angrily one by one. Even if half of the gang members were injured, they all wanted to participate in the battle regardless of their own safety, and it was a battle that seemed to have zero chance of winning with fewer hits.

As one of the five major tribes, the Wild Bone Tribe is also known as the most ferocious and savage tribe. Although they are not the largest in number, they still have [-] strong warriors. Otherwise, how could they have dominated the Wild Bone Land for more than a hundred years.

Even the other four tribes did not dare to provoke the Wild Bone Tribe easily. In the previous period when the tribes were constantly fighting and attacking each other, no matter how many tribes tried to invade and occupy the Wild Bone Land, they ended up in disastrous defeat. The Wild Bone Tribe is recognized as the most Tough wild bones!

"My lord, the homeland of the Hairplucking Gang is in the Field of Wild Bones. The Wildbones have driven us out for decades. All the members of the Hairplucking Gang want to return to the Field of Wild Bones one day to take back the glory of their ancestors. For the glory of the hair-plucking gang, please bring us?!" Gillian knelt down, this time she didn't have the shyness of any woman, nor did she have any extra feelings, the only thing she wanted was the honor of the hair-plucking gang.

Zhang Fan frowned looking at the group of wounded soldiers, but his unyielding fighting will moved him, and he said, "I'll take the lead first, and look for me in Baigu Town of the Wild Bone Tribe before sunset!"

"Yes!" Gillian took the order excitedly. This time, her battle was ignited for the Plucking Gang and for her glory as the leader, and all of this will be even more special as she follows Zhang Fan.

"Long live the king!"

Everyone watched as Zhang Fan lazily walked out of the mountain with his hands on the golden cudgel on his shoulders, and then flew away as soon as his figure moved. The sound of prayers resounded throughout the mountain, and it was also the horn of war that sounded at this moment.

Baibone Town, more than ten miles away from here, is a big stronghold of the Wild Bone Tribe. Greedy wolves dare not build the tribal stronghold on the edge of the line of fire, but Baibone Town is half within the line of fire, and the current power is even more extended. After reaching tens of miles from the front line, almost half of the front line area is considered to be in the hands of the Wild Bone Tribe, which is why the Wolf-greedy people only sent a few vehicles, and they fled after failing, but the Wild Bone Gang dared to hide in the dark. Send an army to attack.

It didn't take much time for Zhang Fan to fly more than ten kilometers away, even if he didn't have somersaulting clouds and the 100% power of the Great Sage. After flying in mid-air, he saw a small town with wild animal bones everywhere. It is a barbed fence built by various animal bones for defense, and a huge animal bone that looks like a crocodile skull hangs on the town gate.

There are not many people in the town. Although it is a town, the houses are very messy, and they like to decorate with various animal bones. There are gray bones with hair hanging everywhere, which looks like a grave. field.

Zhang Fan extended the golden cudgel in the air and smashed it towards the gate. The huge wooden gate and the animal skull on it were smashed from the middle, and the sound of collapse resounded throughout the town.

"What...who?!" The captain of the guard woke up from his nap and ran out.

"Monster... monster!" The crowd panicked and shouted one by one.

" was him, that monkey, he killed the Bone Hunting Group!" A wild bone warrior who was lucky enough to escape early last night pointed at Zhang Fan and shouted in horror.

Zhang Fan poked a stick into the center of the town, causing people to fall on their backs and many houses collapsed. He said angrily, "Where are your people, why are there only a bunch of rubbish here?"

At this time, there are only dozens of people in Baigu Town, and none of them are elite soldiers. The most elite fighters in Baigu Town are the Iron Bone Group that attacked Zhang Fan yesterday. Every small tribe in Yegu has Iron Bone Group, which is the most powerful fighting force. Unexpectedly, after the first battle, only three people escaped back. Although they returned to the Field of Bones overnight to report, the reinforcements had not yet arrived.

The mayor came out of the stone building while drinking with a wine bag. He wore a pair of horns on his head. These were the trophies he got from killing a third-grade rock-collapsing cow. After wearing them for a long time, they looked like they were growing on With a gold ring on the nose and a rough body shape, it looks more like the Bull Demon King.

He raised his head and glanced at Zhang Fan above the town, drinking drunkenly, not paying attention to Zhang Fan at all.

"Great... Your Majesty, that's him, that monkey." The Iron Skeleton Warrior who escaped nervously pointed at Zhang Fan to confirm to the mayor who killed all the Iron Skeleton Group yesterday.

"Trash!" The mayor snorted angrily, and with a wave of his hand, he smashed the back of the deserter's face. The deserter screamed and was sent flying several meters away. His facial features were instantly deformed, and he died.

Zhang Fan stared at this tall man who looked like a bull demon king. He was tired of killing those weak fighters, and he would kill enemies that challenged him.

"Bring my weapon." The mayor threw down the wine bag in his hand, and roared with murderous eyes.

Soon the two men lifted out an arm-thick iron rod with five iron rings from the stone house. The iron rod looked very heavy, so the two of them carried it so as not to be forced to bring it over quickly.

The mayor stretched out his hand and grabbed it easily, and stuck it on the ground with a buzzing sound. The iron ring made a buzzing sound, pointed at Zhang Fan and said angrily, "My iron rod is made of fine iron by the master, and it weighs three pounds. Hundred catties, this horn is the horn of a third-order Collapsing Mountain ox, harder than iron and stone, I am the mad bull war god of the wild bone land, what kind of monster do you dare to come here to play wild?!"

"Stupid cow, grandpa is the super big player clan Zhuan Fan, you can also call grandpa Monkey King, I will kill you today!" Zhang Fan angrily yelled.

Crazy Bull looked angry, looking at Zhang Fan in the air, he wanted to swing his stick to hit him, but when he thought that he could jump three to five meters high at most, the opponent was going to hit him at a height of tens of meters.

Pointing at Zhang Fan, he shouted, "You come down to a duel with me, the Mad Bull God of War has never been afraid of anyone on earth!"

Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing while holding the stick between his arms, this idiot knows how to use aggressive tactics.

"What are you laughing at, come down and fight to the death with me!" roared madly, he really can't fly, and he has never seen anyone who can stay in the air more freely than a bird. According to legend, the awakened people above the fifth level are all Few people do it.

"Stupid cow, look at the stick!" Zhang Fan shouted angrily, swung his stick and pointed at the mad cow, which fell from the sky and swooped down.

[After it’s on the shelves, I will start charging, and I won’t say much. Apart from having fun, writing a book must be for making money. I don’t ask much. If I can earn some food and drink, I will work hard to write it down. If you like it, please subscribe to the genuine support. If you like it The earning is not enough to eat and drink, and it is likely to have to end at the end of the month. To put it bluntly, it is to end the eunuch early. 】

 I will start charging when it is on the shelves, and I won’t say much. Apart from having fun, writing a book must be for making money. I don’t ask much. If I can earn some food and drink, I will work hard to write it down. If you like it, please subscribe to the genuine support. If you earn There is not enough food and drink, and it is likely to have to end at the end of the month. To put it bluntly, it is to end the eunuch early.

(End of this chapter)

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