super big player system

Chapter 77 Eat Me 1 Stick

Chapter 77 eat me

The wild bone-enhanced fighters moved quickly, and each vertical leap was a few meters to ten meters. The muzzles of ordinary hair-plucking gangs couldn't keep up with the figures. Only a few powerful fighters led by Gillian could rush up and fight hand-to-hand.

Although Gu Feng and the others kept firing to support them, the opponent's quick-moving guns could not make an effective attack at all in the dark, and the battle soon fell into a stalemate.

The mountain was completely dead at the moment. Zhang Fan glanced at the corpses on the ground and then looked into the mountain. Everyone saw clearly under his piercing eyes. People are injured, but the whole is safe.

"No one can hurt my people under my nose!"

Zhang Fan's face showed anger, and he jumped down the mountain.

A long howl resounded through the mountains, just as the moon rising from the clouds fell to the earth, Zhang Fan dashed down in the air like an eagle.

Those who were fighting in the mountains were alarmed by the howling, and looked up one by one, the sky was shrouded in a bright moon, and a golden armored monkey waving the golden Dinghaishen needle volleyed down the sky. The people of the Wild Bone Tribe were all shocked when they saw this. The color of the face is full of fear.

The powerful momentum and murderous aura enveloped the entire mountain like a mountain, and everyone felt a little out of breath from the cold wind.

"Don't play wild on Lao Tzu's head!"

Zhang Fan snorted angrily, and with a wave of the golden cudgel in his hand, a strengthened warrior of the Wild Bone Tribe was sent flying like a piece of dead wood. Like an arrow shot, he slammed into the mountain dozens of meters away, smashing with a bang. His body and bones rolled down the mountain like a bag of noodles.

"Kill!" The wild bone-enhanced warriors were terrified when they saw this, but they still jumped at Zhang Fan one by one with their scalps on their heads.

"Where to run!" Gillian suddenly jumped and hugged a wild bone warrior who abandoned her and wanted to attack Zhang Fan, grabbed her legs, turned around and threw it out heavily, hitting the boulder with a bang I fell and cracked my brain.

Zhang Fan looked at the wild bone warriors rushing forward and snorted, went up to him and swung the Dinghaishen needle in his hand to the left and right. All the fortified warriors who were originally strong and strong like cattle were blown away like pieces of dead wood. The wild bone warriors who had already died were flying everywhere in the mountains.

The originally stalemate battlefield was settled by Zhang Fan with a few sticks. The camp of the Hair-plucking Gang was in a mess, and everyone came out to look nervously at the messy homeland.

"Boss!" Old A ran to Zhang Fan's feet in Ling Likong, so excited that he almost cried.

"Boss, you... so... cool!" Linghua folded her hands and looked up excitedly, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"Big... Great King." Gillian walked over excitedly step by step, protecting her chest.

Zhang Fan looked around and nodded, then dropped the golden cudgel to the ground, and said to old A: "Take out the Naruto beef and give it to everyone to eat."

Wan Youshan promised: "Then...then our goods will not be much."

Zhang Fan said angrily, "If I eat anything, I will eat it, and if I don't have it, I won't sell it!"

Wan Youshan looked at Zhang Fan's monkey-like ferocious face, scared Pigu sat on the ground, wiping his brow of cold sweat and dared not utter a word.

"Bring some wine." Zhang Fan sat on a big rock with a lonely expression on his face. He thought he was invincible and would avoid death in the future, but he did not expect to experience it once.

As Zhizunbao said in the movie, he felt that he was only 0.000001 seconds away from completing his incarnation, but the boulder hit him on the back at that moment, and he threw Linghua down and put his hands on the ground. The incarnation has been successful, but the person still loses consciousness.

"Boss." Old A brought a bottle of wine and handed it to Zhang Fan.

While drinking, Zhang Fan looked at the huge bright moon in the sky. It was covered by clouds or a sandstorm, and the night darkened instantly.

The picture in the Moonlight Box appeared in front of him, Monkey King wanted to kill Tang Seng, this picture was so real that Zhang Fan felt that it was a memory rather than a memory of a movie he had seen.

[The host has obtained an SSS rating for this battle, and will be rewarded with [-] points. 】

[Accumulate 150 [-] points. 】

Zhang Fan listened to the prompt and shook his head, feeling that he was in an inexplicable confusion, as if he couldn't find his goal or himself in the world, and he was a bit confused because he couldn't examine what he was doing and what he wanted to do.

Hokage Beef was ignited everywhere in the mountain like lamps, the red flames drifted like blood, and the air was full of the smell of blood.

It seems that this place is very tragic. Many people died and many people were seriously injured, but no sadness and despair can be seen on the faces of these people. People are even brimming with joy after victory.

Zhang Fan drank the wine in sips. He gradually began to truly understand the mentality and survival philosophy of these people. No matter what the purpose of fighting is for survival, the death of his companions is the same as not fearing that he will eventually die. If they are alive, they will not give up the hope of living, and fighting is their strongest will.

Gu Feng plucked up his courage and said, "Boss, the vehicles were damaged in the attack. One died and three were injured. The entire caravan was injured and needs three days of recuperation."

Zhang Fan looked at Gu Feng, nodded after watching for a few seconds, and said, "Recover."

Gu Feng was almost scared to pee. At that moment, he thought that Zhang Fan would open his mouth and eat him, so he hurriedly nodded and accepted the order.

"What are you drawing?" Zhang Fan looked at Linghua who had been sitting at his feet and writing.

Linghua turned the notebook towards Zhang Fan and smiled, "Drawing you, does it look like it?"

Zhang Fan stared at the notebook, and it was the scene of him sitting on the boulder drinking wine at the moment. He was wearing a golden armor and even his eyebrows were painted vividly. The moon above his head looked brighter and spotless than it really was.

"Aren't you afraid to follow me?"

Linghua immediately shook her head and said: "Don't be afraid, if I didn't follow the boss, I would regret that I missed seeing the boss's battle that changed the world."

Zhang Fan laughed, poked the golden cudgel in his hand on the boulder and stood up, "I may not be able to protect each of you, not every single point of you, but I will lead you to fight until no one dares to commit any crimes in this world." !"

"Long live the king!" Everyone pumped their fists and shouted excitedly. They needed such a leader, a boss who was so powerful in their hearts that the enemy would fear him, and lead them to fight.

Zhang Fan suddenly understood the meaning of his being here, that is to fight, to fight to the end in this chaotic world, to let everyone know who he is!

What a strategy!
The Wild Bone Gang is his target. If you dare to provoke a monkey, when the monkey blows its hair, no one can stop the monkey from declaring your death even if the world collapses!

(End of this chapter)

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