Xueba's technology tree

Chapter 93 Media Interviews

Chapter 93 Media Interviews
Zhou Yu and the executives of Xinghuo Motor Company walked into the small conference room, sat down on the rostrum arranged by the employees in advance, and waited for the collective interview of media reporters.

Relevant personnel from major media began to enter the small conference room.They have a clear division of labor, some are responsible for videotaping, some are responsible for interviews, and some are responsible for making drafts on the spot and publishing news first.

After all the media reporters had entered the arena, the figure of Xianghua appeared next to the rostrum.

"Xinghuo Technology's first media press conference will start now. If you have any questions, you can raise your hand. I will choose which reporter to ask."

As soon as Xianghua's words fell, the reporters raised their hands enthusiastically.

"Please ask the reporter in front of you." Xianghua chose a familiar reporter.

The CCTV reporter showed a smiling face, picked up the microphone and asked: "I am a CCTV reporter, and I would like to ask Mr. Zhou Yu, why Xinghuo Technology always produces unexpected products."

Zhou Yu adjusted the microphone in front of him and said: "Good products are developed, and users can't just develop whatever they like, otherwise there will be no technological breakthroughs.

Instead, it is necessary to develop new technologies and cultivate user habits.

This depends on long-term investment in research and development, and is reluctant to invest in basic science. A high-tech company cannot be supported by only a few golden ideas.

Some companies are even willing to act as compradors, but only copy the technology of foreign technology companies, without their own core technology. Such companies cannot go far.

The most important thing is to pay attention to the profit distribution within the company and cultivate the wolf nature of employees.

You must know that wolves can only eat meat in order to maintain a strong combat power.

Now there is an unhealthy atmosphere in some technology companies that does not respect the value of scientific research talents. Investors and company executives get the most benefits, and scientific research talents receive similar salaries to ordinary employees.

Some executives of technology companies eat meat and can use some bones to cultivate scientific research talents. In this way, they occasionally develop new technologies and maintain the market size of products, but it is difficult to develop disruptive products.

In more companies, the executives eat their own meat and feed the researchers with grass. You must know that wolves do not eat grass, but cows eat grass.

This is not cultivating a wolf nature, but a docile bull nature. Coupled with bad habits such as seniority, how can it be possible to develop subversive products.

Last year, Spark Technology invested 570 billion yuan in scientific research, accounting for 58% of Spark Technology's total revenue.

It is with such a high proportion of scientific research investment that many scientific and technological products that change people's lives can be developed. "

Xianghua also designated a female reporter: "Please ask the reporter in front of me wearing a pale pink down jacket to ask questions."

"Hi, I'm a reporter from the Global Times. I'd like to ask Mr. Lu Dayong. From the press conference just now, I understand that the intelligent assistance function of electric vehicles is very advanced. Why don't you promote the intelligent driverless function."

Lu Dayong replied: "At the press conference last week, the general manager made it very clear that we can technically judge the road conditions and direct the car to act according to the best plan.

But in this way, huge computing resources are required, and technical support for certain special vehicles is okay, and it is not universal.

What's more, the current 5G communication is not very stable at all times, and we cannot guarantee that our data centers will provide services at all times.

Even if the signal is delayed by one second, a car traveling at high speed will travel tens of meters.

With current technology, it is impossible to guarantee 100% safety of unmanned vehicles.

The current promotion of unmanned driving functions is a gimmick. Unless there is high-speed, no-delay and stable wireless communication, it is impossible for a high-speed car to completely hand over control to artificial intelligence. "

Xianghua appointed a male reporter in the back row to ask questions.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Huaxia Finance and Economics. I want to ask Mr. Zhu Jianhua, why did you give up the huge profits of the loan and cooperate with Xinghuo Technology to develop the installment payment."

Zhu Jianhua and Guo Shuming also accompanied Spark Technology to participate in media interviews.

Zhu Jianhua picked up the microphone and responded: "This is part of our cooperation with Xinghuo Technology, which is mainly aimed at Qinglong electric vehicles.

New energy and environmentally friendly vehicles do not pollute the environment, and they can also make it easier for people to travel and promote social mobility. "

He dealt with the reporter full of official phrases. The truth is of course that Spark Technology put the settlement account and cross-bank cross-border payment in ICBC.

The profit brought by these funds is far greater than the income brought by the loan, which is why Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has cooperated with Spark Technology. Besides, launching this project can also strengthen the brand of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Xianghua picked a reporter again.

"Hi, I'm a reporter from the Business Times. I would like to ask Mr. Zhou Yu. Experts say that the launch of electric vehicles will have a huge impact on China's major industries. What do you think of this statement?"

Zhou Yu said with a serious face: "The experts are completely nonsense, they use their one-sided knowledge to predict the laws of China's economy.

Expert predictions have absolutely nothing to do with their level of knowledge, everything to do with their asses.

There are interest groups behind all experts, and they are speaking for their own interest groups, not based on scientific research.

Those who seek truth from facts and earnestly learn are real experts, and these can only be called beasts.

Experts say that electric vehicles will have an impact on the auto market, and this is absolutely true.

But it will not have an impact on other industries, because electric vehicles have replaced traditional cars.

Just like feature phones are replaced by smartphones, it cannot be said that the mobile phone industry has collapsed. "

Xianghua smiled and said to everyone: "Time is running out, please ask questions enthusiastically, this time let's see who raises their hands and choose who, please raise your hands."

"Hi, I'm a reporter from Dahe Entertainment. You and Ms. Chen Jin have been in love for a long time. May I ask how soon you plan to get married?"

Zhou Yu said with a smile: "We are not public figures. I didn't expect reporters to care about my marriage. We are both students now. We will wait until graduation to discuss the marriage."

Xianghua said: "Time is running out. Electric vehicles will be sold online soon. We are inviting a reporter to ask questions."

This time, Xianghua no longer chose randomly, but directly chose a well-known media.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Science and Technology Daily. I would like to ask Mr. Zhou Yu, what products will Spark Technology plan to develop next."

Zhou Yu responded indifferently: "Our company develops products with a purpose, it is impossible to develop whatever we want?
Unless the scientific researchers have a brainstorm and make a breakthrough.

Now that the foundation of Xinghuo Technology has been laid, we try our best to use existing technologies to develop new products.

Next, we will study civilian robots with the support of industrial machine technology.

The antenna coverage of 5G communication technology is low, and its application has limitations. We, Spark Technology, are also exploring related technologies of 6G communication. "

After Zhou Yu finished answering the questions, Xianghua walked to the center of the rostrum, bowed to all the media people, and said: "The media press conference is over now, please leave in an orderly manner."

(End of this chapter)

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