I'm a god in the game

Chapter 295 I'm Not a Gentleman, So I Revenge on the Spot

Chapter 295 I'm Not a Gentleman, So I Revenge on the Spot
At this moment, there was a loud noise in the stronghold, and the entire stele shattered, and then quickly condensed under the mighty power of the system.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chuan showed ecstasy on his face, clicked on the channel broadcast and shouted:

"All brothers who died in battle on the Bashu map, choose Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold to resurrect, speed!"

At this time, the koi defenders in the stronghold of Wanqing Bamboo Sea, with the change of owner of the stronghold, suddenly became a turtle in a urn, allowing them to be slaughtered.

At this time, the system's notification sound was long overdue.

[The system prompts that "Bi'an Flower" has successfully occupied the stronghold of "Wanqing Bamboo Sea" on the Bashu map]

[The system prompts that "Bi'an Flower" has successfully occupied the Bashu map "Broken Star Building" stronghold]

[The system prompts that "Bi'an Flower" has successfully occupied the "Yufengtang" stronghold on the Bashu map]

With one shot and three shots, as the three strongholds were captured, the battle on the Bashu map suddenly changed, and the situation of Bianhua's trapped dragon dissipated in an instant.

Now the advantage of the koi copying on the Bashu map is completely gone, and the entire southern stronghold of the Bashu map is under the control of Bi'anhua.

The resurrection location has also increased from a single Qinyue Valley to four strongholds.

More importantly, after successfully occupying these three strongholds, the offensive of Higanhua can become more diversified and more durable.
Nearby you can attack the Cuihai stronghold, and far away you can attack the Lingyunbi stronghold, Shuangyuewan stronghold, and Longmenshan stronghold.
The entire stronghold in the central half of Bashu is within the range of Bianhua's attack, so there is no need to worry about the resurrection location being too far away.

The strongholds in the Bashu map can be roughly divided into three parts according to the terrain. There are huge rapids traversing between each part, and the edges on both sides are bottomless valley bottoms.

There is only one stronghold in the broken star building in the upper half.

In the middle part, there are strongholds such as Longmen Mountain, Yufengtang, Lingyunbi and so on.

In the lower part, there are strongholds such as Ziwu Ridge, Qianfo Cliff, and Shuangyue Bay.

It can be said that it is only a matter of time before the koi copying is defeated on the Bashu map. Once this defense system is broken, it will be difficult to cause trouble to the Bianhua.

You know, if it weren't for the limitation of the resurrection location and the challenger's BUFF limitation, the Bana Flower would not be so uncomfortable. They have nearly a thousand more combat power than the Koi.

Koi copied the alliance channel.

The idiot didn't wait for the people below to report, but after reading the system's prompt, he knew what was going on. Bi'anhua opened up the situation on the Bashu map.

He doesn't care about the gains and losses of the Bashu map, what he is afraid of is causing a chain reaction.

"Fuck!" The idiot shouted depressingly as he thought about it more and more.

You must know that this battle was used by the Tiandao official for publicity and promotion. The winner is eye-catching and famous, and the loser has no loser, and no one will remember the loser.

After being annoyed for a while, the rice bucket reacted quickly:
"All the remaining strongholds on the map of Bashu, such as Lingyunbi, Longmen Mountain, and Cuihai, have been transferred to Shuangyue Bay, Yunlai Town, Sky Canyon and the main city of Bashu."

"Abandon the other strongholds, stick to these three strongholds and the main city, and then send harassing troops to hold back Bianhua for me."

Now is not the time to care about gains and losses. The idea of ​​​​the idiot is very simple. Since you can't trap you, then you won't be trapped. I will stick to it. If you attack by force, I will imitate you and sneak attack.

As long as you drag the main force of Wanlisha of Bi'anhua to the Bashu map, it doesn't hurt to give you all the strongholds on the Bashu map.

As long as Wanlisha is dragged here by the four major alliance camps of the Bianhuahua, it will be a victory.

As the offensive and defensive situation in Bashu changed, Wanlisha's offensive in Bashu became stronger and stronger, successively taking down the Longmenshan stronghold and Lingyunbi stronghold.
Yan Yunyunran looked at the occupation announcements that the system kept swiping the screen, and said worriedly: "Boss, I feel that the following strongholds are a bit too simple. Do you think the other side will play some tricks."

Wan Lisha has made so many preparations and smoke bombs in order to take down the stronghold of Wanqing Bamboo Sea, and now he has almost occupied the stronghold on the Bashu map so easily.

Yan Yunyunran was a little worried, the game of Tiandao never lacked any tricks and tricks.

Gu Chuan said lightly: "It's okay, we occupied these strongholds not to save eggs, but to use them as a springboard to eat a few waves."

"If he dares to continue to give way, I dare to continue to take it."

Wanli Setting Sun Fugui suddenly said: "Then boss, are we going to destroy these strongholds?"

Hearing this, Gu Chuan said to Yan Yunyun: "Snowland Alliance, Zhejian Alliance, Soul Devouring Alliance, these alliances are enemies with us Wanlisha."

"All the strongholds, the main city, as long as they are captured, I will burn them all, and save the stone tablet for resurrection and teleportation."

"If you don't want to die, you will never die. If you dare to provoke us, then be mentally prepared. Except for these alliances, other main cities and strongholds will not be violated."

"Yunran, you have a list, tell all the brothers."

Yan Yunyunran responded cheerfully: "Yes, I will put it down later."

Seeing Yan Yunyunran and Wanli Setting Yang Fugui both leave, I don't need to think about it, I know what they are doing.

If Wanli Setting Sun Fugui didn't bring up this topic, he almost forgot it. Now that he remembered it, there was nothing to say, since he was going to die anyway, so why keep it for them.

He is not that kind of saint, he can't reach that state of mind, and he doesn't have such a high level of ideological awareness.

Treat the enemy like the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, and seize the opportunity to kill.

If you destroy my building, I will burn your stronghold, that's fair.

With Gu Chuan's approval, Yan Yunyunran and Wanli Setting Sun Fugui led the Wanli Setting Sun Combat Group to "do evil" everywhere.


In several strongholds occupied by Wanlisha in the Bashu map, ferocious muzzles continued to roar, and revenge shells slammed on the buildings in the stronghold, causing raging fire.

All of a sudden, flames blazed, and the flames of revenge ruthlessly devoured all the buildings in the stronghold.

All the major strongholds on the map of Bashu suddenly billowed black smoke, gathering into patches of dark clouds in the sky, gloomy and chilling.

"This is from the Zhejian Alliance, burn it, fire it."

"This is from the Snowland Alliance. Let me do it. I want to do it myself. Brothers, give it a chance."

"Don't be so fucking pretending. If you want to have sex, just say it. You won't even lie. It's embarrassing."

Most of the strongholds in the entire Bashu map, as long as they were the strongholds of the Snowland Alliance and its allies, were all attacked by Wanlisha crazily, and collapsed under the merciless gunfire, leaving only ruins.

Koi copied the alliance channel.

"President, all our strongholds in the Bashu map have been destroyed by the Bianhua."

"President, the same is true for us who broke the alliance."

In the channel, the major presidents who heard the news reacted very flatly, as if the destroyed stronghold was not theirs, and they didn't care.

The strongholds in the Bashu map really don’t belong to them, they were given to them by the Snow Region Alliance, so if they lose it, they will lose it, and they don’t feel bad at all.

Qianzhanhan was furious when he heard the news, but he still pretended to be calm and replied: "It's okay, I'll pay for the loss later."

"Bi'anhua is obviously taking revenge. Now it's the map of Bashu. Don't feel sorry for everyone. When Bi'anhua hits other maps, I don't know if the presidents will feel distressed."

Hearing Qianzhanhan's words, everyone realized that this was a full-server war, and Bi'anhua didn't just fight on the Bashu map, and their alliances all participated in the last war.

If Wanlisha occupies their stronghold, then the current Bashu will be Qinchuan later, or it can be Jinghu and Xiangzhou.
"Grass!" The president, who had participated in the battle against Wanlisha, felt depressed for a while.

The other alliances that also have strongholds in Bashu have no such worries at all, because they have not received news of being destroyed until now, so they are naturally happy to see the joke.

(End of this chapter)

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