I'm a god in the game

Chapter 294 Surprise attack on Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold

Chapter 294 Surprise attack on Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold

Hearing the sound of fighting coming from a distance in the direction of the Cuihai stronghold, Gu Chuan did not choose to go to support, but shouted in the channel: "Every regiment counts the number of people."

At this time, they were adjudicating Xiao Yu and the others, on the edge of the cliff that launched the Cuihai offensive, and were reorganizing their lineup.

On the steep and unattainable cliff, players from Wanlisha are constantly climbing up by using lightness kung fu and triple jump skills.

Taking advantage of the time when Wanlisha had not finished gathering, Gu Chuan clicked on the battle map of Bashu, and his eyes focused on the three strongholds of Wanqing Bamboo Sea, Broken Star Building, and Yufengtang located behind the Cuihai stronghold.

In this battle, the most difficult point of Bianhua's attack is how to increase the number of resurrection points and move the position forward.

As the attacker, Bianhua has an initial resurrection point on the twelve large maps, for example: Qionghuayuan on the map of Kaifeng, and Qinyue Valley on the map of Bashu
These initial resurrection points are, without exception, on the edges of the major maps.

During the stage of stalemate between the two armies, whether they can guarantee continuous supply will directly affect the victory of the battle. In this battle, the resurrection site is the supply of both sides.

The resurrection place of Bianhua is too single and marginalized.

Twelve large maps, each with only one initial resurrection point, Koi Chao's united front only needs to strictly guard the strongholds on the front line, and guarantee that the other side will not be taken down.

Then strengthen the security of the stronghold in the hinterland to ensure that it will not be breached by the sneak attack troops of the other flower in a short period of time. The sneak attack player of the other flower is like water without water, which can only bloom for a short time.

Although players don't need rations and supplies, it takes time to feel the battlefield from the resurrection point.

If the distance from the battlefield to the resurrection location is too far, then the dead players will not have time to rush to the battlefield to rejoin the battle, and they will only be eaten by the koi step by step.

At the same time, any cross-server battles prohibit the use of teleportation items, such as: gang summoning order, alliance summoning order
Now, if the player of the other side flower is killed, he can only be resurrected from the initial resurrection location, and then rejoin the battle.

But Koi Chao is quite different. On the twelve large maps, all the existing strongholds belong to them. These strongholds are not only related to the number of resurrection points, but also the key to victory or defeat.

That's why Gu Chuan arranged so many labyrinths, in order to attract the attention of the koi and reduce their vigilance, and at the same time weaken the defensive strength of other strongholds in the rear, so that the other strongholds in the rear can be easily broken by the other side. .

In the channel, the setting sun is rich and honored, shouting loudly: "Boss, brothers are all ready!"

The Wanli Setting Sun is rich and honorable, and the head of the "Wanli Setting Sun" combat regiment of Wanlisha's ace troop has the kind of family that really owns mines.

The Wanli Setting Sun Combat Regiment under him is the most elite of Wanlisha, with the highest average skill, the strongest execution ability, and the best benefits.

Hearing Wanli Setting Sun's words of prosperity, Gu Chuan nodded, glanced at the Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold on the map, his eyes became sharper, and shouted in the channel:

"All brothers, mount your horses and aim at the stronghold of Wanqing Bamboo Sea, Fugui. Later, you will lead the Wanli Setting Sun Combat Team to directly attack the Yufengtang stronghold above Wanqing Bamboo Sea. You don't need to participate in the battle of Wanqing Bamboo Sea."


Following Gu Chuan's order, 2000 Wanlisha players began to assemble the whole team and headed straight ahead.

The night in Bashu slowly descends, and the laurel hangs in the sky, sprinkled with the silver light that is as clean as water, and with a few small stars, hovering in the night.

In the quiet night, insects chirping and cicadas chirping, the sound of gurgling water murmuring, and the majestic mountains lightly covered with moon veils, it is a pleasant landscape.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes broke the silence, and a large number of cavalry was quickly shuttled through the forest under the moonlight.

Outside the arena, when they saw the live broadcast, 2000 Wanlisha players in plain white battle armor rushed towards the sea of ​​green bamboos like sharp arrows under the moonlight, which aroused the excitement of the audience.

The entire live broadcast interface suddenly boiled, and cheers and cheers came and went in an endless stream.

"Koi copying is still kept in the dark, Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold is gone, Bianhua, it's really awesome, this execution ability, Koi copying is too far behind."

"It's amazing. I said why didn't you attack the Cuihai stronghold. Bi'anhua wants to take the pot directly. Admire, admire."

"In the past, I often posted on the forum. I saw people on the forum saying that the battle of Tiandao is straightforward. There are no tactics at all. The comparison is just a lot of people. Now look at it, doesn't your face hurt?"

After raiding again for a period of time, Wanlisha and the others finally arrived at the stronghold of Wanqing Bamboo Sea.

Looking at the surging crowds compared to other strongholds, Wanqing Bamboo Sea looks much deserted. According to visual estimation, there are no more than 300 players, and most of the defensive players have been transferred to the front.

Looking at the deserted Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold under the cliff, Gu Chuan immediately changed his original deployment and quickly commanded in the channel:

"Fugui, lead the Wanli Setting Sun Combat Regiment to go directly to the Yufengtang stronghold. After defeating them, go straight to the Longmenshan stronghold."

Gu Chuan did not choose the Lingyunbi stronghold, which is closer, because Lingyunbi stronghold is one of the front-line strongholds, and the koi copy must be strictly guarded against.

Although the Wanli Setting Sun Combat Regiment is elite, the number of players is a natural disadvantage, and it is inevitable that they will be outnumbered.

Instead of fighting the tough bone of Ling Yunbi, it is better to take advantage of this god-given opportunity to expand the results of the battle.

Now, winning a few more strongholds is the kingly way.

Gu Chuan continued to command in the channel: "Qiu Shui, you lead 800 brothers to smash the Xinglou stronghold, and the remaining brothers follow me to take down the Wanqing Zhuhai stronghold."


Following Gu Chuan's order, Wanlisha's surprise attack force immediately divided into three groups and rushed towards their respective targets.

Under the sea of ​​green bamboos where the laurel is in the sky, murderous intentions suddenly appear.

The Wanlisha players all over the mountains, riding their horses, charged down from a high place, and arrived within the stronghold of Wanqing Bamboo Sea in an instant.

At this time, the koi player located in Wanqing Bamboo Sea also discovered the sneak attack of Wanlisha's player, and hurriedly shouted in the channel: "Hey, the Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold found the Bianhua sneak attack troops, the number of people stepped forward, and asked for speed support."

Then he hurriedly responded to the battle, and immediately, the artillery in the stronghold fired in unison, and the flames shot into the sky.

Outside the stronghold of Wanqing Bamboo Sea, it suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames. In the emerald green bamboo sea, the flames soared into the sky.

The battle is still going on, and the entire Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold is shouting and killing. The Koi defenders located here are under increasing pressure, and more than half of them have been killed or injured.

Gu Chuan yelled in the channel: "Don't worry about other people, hurry up! Everyone enter the stronghold and gather the steles!"

Wan Lisha's numerical advantage is too great. There are not enough defensive players here at all, and the defense line in Wanqing Bamboo Sea stronghold was broken through in an instant under Wan Lisha's attack.

Gu Chuan commanded the remaining [-] players and the defensive players of Koi Chao to continue fighting, and led the remaining Wanlisha players to frantically rush towards the stronghold stone tablet.

(End of this chapter)

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