I'm a god in the game

Chapter 278 The Bleeding Gu Chuan

Chapter 278 The Bleeding Gu Chuan

In Kaifeng City, 320 Tage Alliance players looked at the huge word "Die" in the sky, and fell into excitement. They roared excitedly in front of the computer screen, and they were venting their blood.

They got carried away with excitement and shouted loudly.

Until a reminder similar to: "That little bastard has gone crazy? What's the name of the ghost."

The players of the Tage Alliance gradually calmed down, but their blood was still hot. They turned to typing in the game's dialogue channel to vent their passion.

The current channel, the world channel, and the rivers and lakes channel are all swiping violently, like a happy little fat man shaking his body in celebration.

And the players of Bianhua didn't talk about their screen swiping behavior like before. This time they can understand this feeling of needing to vent.

Many Bianhua players have also joined the army of catharsis.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chuan unconsciously smiled.

Gu Chuan happily said in the channel, "Brothers are doing very well today. I sent a few big red envelopes in the group. Brothers, let's celebrate together."

After celebrating with the players, Gu Chuan handed over the scene to Qiushui, and then clicked on the news that he had no time to check because he was fighting.

Yan Yun Yunran: "Boss, after hearing that we were working with the Snowland Alliance, Desert Guy chose to sit on the sidelines. I don't think there is any need for follow-up cooperation in this kind of alliance."

Seeing the news from Yan Yunyunran, Gu Chuan suddenly laughed.

He didn't feel much about Da Mo Gu Yan's behavior.

It is love for others to help you, and it is duty not to help you.

Don't take other people's love for granted.

The cooperation between Wanlisha and the Desert Dust Alliance is only in the preliminary negotiation stage, and the cooperation has not even started yet. Why would they help you.

In his opinion, what the Desert Dust Alliance did was completely normal.

It is foolish to offend a powerful enemy just because a partner has just finalized the cooperation.

The management of the Desert Dust Alliance is obviously very sensible, and its approach is also very correct.

Gu Chuan can also understand the reaction of the Desert Dust Alliance.

But understanding is understanding, and their cooperation with the Desert Dust Alliance is basically determined to fail.

He is not a saint, he can understand the behavior of the Desert Dust Alliance, and it will not create any gap for them.

But when you have someone who is willing to do "stupid" behavior for you, this kind of rational person is naturally not so important.

This is the complex psychology of people. People hope that others can understand their difficulties and understand their rational measures.

This is a mentality of seeking good luck and avoiding evil that most people will have.

When a disaster occurs, people will give priority to themselves, and then consider others when they have spare energy.

Can you say it's wrong?cannot.

But when a disaster happens, you are the one who needs to be rescued, and you hope that there will be a fool, a fool, who does not consider yourself and prioritizes others to rescue yourself.

Everyone has two sides, and Gu Chuan is no exception. He is not a saint, he is just a young man with a special opportunity. He has not yet become a saint, nor does he plan to become a saint.

Of course, for games, this is a bit exaggerated, but the meaning is the same.

Gu Chuan was excited, grateful, and joyful when he knew that the many alliances of Bianhua had participated in the war for him without any feedback.

He understands and agrees with the Desert Dust Alliance's behavior of sitting on the sidelines.

But future cooperation is basically impossible.

Because he's already got a bunch of somewhat lovable schmucks and jerks.

Although he doesn't hate those rational "smart people", he doesn't like them much either.

Why settle for less good ones when there are better ones?

Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel.

In the channel, Yanyun Yunran couldn't laugh or cry: "Boss, Junze told me that they couldn't find anyone to declare war on, and they were all fucking robbed."

Although the language is a bit vulgar, Yan Yunyunran's heart is joyful at this time. This is not an insult, but a compliment.

This is Yan Yunyunran's unique compliment.

He also didn't expect that Wan Lisha, who was one of the parties involved, would have no chance to fight back and get revenge, and was snatched away by other alliances of Bianhua.

After hearing the news of Yanyun Yunran, Gu Chuan was also a little dumbfounded.

"Jianghu is still so charming." He couldn't help sighing.

Afterwards, Gu Chuan said in a deep voice: "Old Yun, please help me count the list of alliances Bi'anhua has joined, no matter how big or small."

"This time the favor is too big, your boss, I'm going to bleed a lot."

Yan Yun Yunran laughed and said, "No matter how much blood comes out, our old Yun is also happy."

He joked: "Boss, if you go bankrupt and come to me, Lao Yun, you don't dare to say too much. You can still guarantee food and clothing for three meals a day, haha."

Anxiety laughed and scolded: "Fuck off, go and count the list."

"Got it."

At this moment, a drizzle suddenly fell outside the window, and the raindrops kept beating on the window, playing a pleasant song.

Gu Chuan took off his earphones, leaned casually on the chair, slightly closed his eyes, and listened to the rhythmic sound of raindrops, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I don't know if it's because of the music of nature, or because of what just happened.

And the turmoil about this war continues.

The plundering battle between the Snowland Alliance and the Tage Alliance is the first non-friendly plundering battle of Tiandao.

To a certain extent, it is also the first confrontation between the two servers of Bianhua and Jinlichao.

As the OL of Tianya Mingyue Dao, the pink newcomer in the 24 groups of servers - Bianhua.

The performance in this battle surprised the players of the major servers.

In this war, the other shore flower server showed unexpected common hatred and unity.

When they saw the unity of the Bianhua, many players were waiting for the reaction of the major players in the Koi copy server, and wanted to see how they would deal with the counterattack of the Bianhua.

He kept silent and took this matter as a matter of the Snowland Alliance family.

It's still a group counterattack, helping the Snowland Alliance in the name of fellow players' forces, and letting the world see their external unity.

Time passed, and in the end, all the major player forces in Koi Chao chose to remain silent.

This surprised many players who eat melons, and felt that it was a reasonable thing.

This was a normal thing at first, but the Bana Flower next to them really surprised them, so they also imagined that Koi Chao could also do such a move.

Afraid of comparison in everything, Bi Anhua next to her unexpectedly gave a perfect score on the test paper, and the players who were aroused by the anticipation also expected that Koi Chao could keep up.

The result is realistic and skinny.

Fantasies are fantasies after all, and the reason why miracles are miracles is because the probability of them happening is pitifully small.

"The latest news is that 500 people from the Snowland Alliance played against 320 from the Tage Alliance, and the draw is a big joke, hahaha"

"What is this? After the plundering battle in Xiangzhou of Bianhua, Wanlisha wanted to organize Wanlisha to fight back against the Snowy Alliance, but he couldn't find any targets to declare war on. However, all the targets for declaring war were snatched away by Bianhua's alliance."

"Sure enough, not every district is full of Bianhua flowers. I can't say I'm disappointed, it's just a feeling."

"The overall strength of Bi'anhua is not strong among the major servers of Tiandao. It is estimated that it is barely even medium, but this unity, it is okay to say that there is nothing wrong with being the first. I am so envious."

 It may be because of my friend’s birthday yesterday, I drank too much, and today I’m still a little confused. When reviewing the manuscript, I felt that the writing was a bit utopian, full of beauty and fantasy, but this is the kind of rivers and lakes in Xiangzhou’s mind. The rivers and lakes that I have been obsessed with for a long time are now broken.

(End of this chapter)

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