I'm a god in the game

Chapter 277 Will You Play? (Thanks to the "Bai Xue Flying" book friends for their rewards)

Chapter 277 Will You Play? (Thanks to the "Bai Xue Flying" book friends for their rewards)

Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel.

Yan Yun Yunran sneered at the message from "Overlord Spear-Diplomat of the Desert Dust Alliance" on the crooked dialogue notes.

Then he replied lukewarmly: "Okay, we will cooperate again when we have a chance in the future."

For this kind of alliance that changes according to the wind, he doesn't like it at all.

At this time, the main city of Kaifeng plundered the battle plane, and the battle was still going on.

Gu Chuan took advantage of the spare time when he was killed in battle, and glanced at the score in the upper right corner.

[Plundering Battle of the Main City of Kaifeng, Blossom of the Other Shore]

Tage Alliance VS Snowland Alliance
Points comparison between the two sides: 7000 VS 9000
Battle time: 10 minutes and 30 seconds (Plunder battle time is 2 hours)

At this point, there were only 10 minutes and 30 seconds left before the battle ended.

Gu Chuan clicked on the small map of the battle. On the map, the Tage Alliance has always been in a defensive state because it is at a disadvantage in numbers.

As for the six defensive buildings that belonged to the defender, four of them had been lost at this time, and the remaining two were also in a precarious situation, facing the risk of being destroyed at any time.

Although the players of the Tage Alliance have been fighting hard to fight back, the disadvantage in numbers is too great.

The Snowland Alliance has 180 more players than their number, and nearly 5 combat regiments.

The battle continues.

At this time, thick flames had already erupted in the range of shops and streets, and nearly half of the entire street was destroyed.

Qiu Shui: "Boss, the opposite side has assembled."

The second in the whole area: "Boss, the opposite side is marching towards the fire-type defensive building."

Qiu Shui and the management of the second Tage Alliance in the region are constantly conveying the movement of the Snowland Alliance to Gu Chuan.

Gu Chuan clicked on the defense interface and checked the situation around the fire-type defensive building. The Tage Alliance's defense force there was only 40 players from a combat regiment, and the blood volume of the defensive building was approaching the verge of destruction.

Seeing that the plundering time is coming to an end, the Snowland Alliance intends to abandon the strategy of expanding the settlement rewards, concentrate its superior forces to destroy a defensive building, obtain the last 1000 points, and then win.

Gu Chuan reacted immediately, commanding in the channel: "Give up the defense of shops, streets and stone monuments, and defend the remaining two defensive buildings with all your strength."

At this time, there are only 10 minutes left before the end of the event.

The player-only buildings in the shops and streets were basically destroyed by the Snowland Alliance, and some of the remaining buildings could not allow the opponent to obtain 1000 points in a short period of time.

The reason for giving up defending the stele is because the opponent has no intention of attacking the stele, and the remaining time is not enough for the opponent to break the durability value of the stele.

Afterwards, the 320 players of Tage Alliance responded quickly according to Gu Chuan's command.

"Clap clap-"

Thick smoke billowed from the streets and alleys of Kaifeng City, dyeing the azure blue sky a khaki.

The blazing flames unscrupulously expanded its claws and claws in the city, and the soaring fire carried thick black smoke, hovering in the air like dark clouds covering the sun.

The sound of fighting, insulting, and clashing of swords resounded in Kaifeng City for a long time.

Following Gu Chuan's command, the Tage Alliance players quickly assembled in the only two remaining defensive buildings.

From the small map of the battle, it can be seen that the players of the Snowland Alliance, represented by the small red icon, are rushing towards the only two remaining defensive buildings of the Tage Alliance like a raging ocean.

And the Tage Alliance players represented by the small blue icon stood in the circle surrounded by the red icon, like an indestructible reef, ready to face the impact of the wave at any time.

The surrounding area was full of flames, and in the entire Tage Alliance united front channel, only the passionate battle songs were still playing.

At this moment, Gu Chuan roared angrily: "Come on!"

"Brothers, go! Kill this bunch of trash." The players of Tage Alliance shouted in unison.

In this way, the war broke out in the blazing streets and alleys, and the charge launched by the disadvantaged Tage Alliance.

Looking at the Tage Alliance players charging in the distance, the united front of the Snowland Alliance looked gloomy: "Kill!"

Around the only two remaining defensive buildings, ruthless flames are still devouring the remaining buildings.

There were dots of flames floating in the air, gray and hideous.

The flaming city of Kaifeng looked like a monster with a bloody mouth and a big mouth, with thick smoke and scorching heat, mixed with the whistling sound of reckless behavior, and the rattling sound of suffocating gas burning rapidly.

Everything looks so hideous, gloomy, and chilling
But at this moment, as the players on both sides charged, the hot blood continued to surge with the passionate battle songs, and the sound of fighting went straight into the sky.

The heaven and the earth seemed to let go of the sudden outburst of fighting spirit.

Nearly a thousand players charged collectively, and the scene was shocking and exciting.

Dark clouds hissed and pierced through the thunder and lightning in the sky, billowing thick smoke dispersed over the ruins that were silent for a while but noisy.

The raging flames in the streets and alleys trembled amidst the charge of nearly a thousand players, as if some ferocious natural enemy passed by, they all bowed their heads to greet them.

The torrent of players represented by the two icons of different colors twisted and intertwined in an instant, blood mist flew all over the sky in the firelight, and hot blood flowed everywhere.

Piece after piece of ruins engulfed by the flames, under the broken eaves and broken walls, is the place where the players of the Tage Alliance fought.

The sword waved under the light of the fire, reflecting a little bit of cold light, like the cold winter wind flickering in this hot street.

"Snowland dog, haven't you eaten yet? Use some strength."

"500 beats 300, and it's still like this, go home and raise pigs, waste."

"Behead your dog's head first today, and slaughter your alliance later."

The players alive on the battlefield are still fighting hard, and the players who fell to the ground on both sides are also breathing.

No matter how much the other party talked, the Tage Alliance proudly despised their enemies. They did not admit that this was a failure. They believed that with the same number of people, the Tage Alliance slaughtered them like dogs.

This is their self-confidence, this is their self-confidence as the No. [-] combat alliance of the other side flowers, and they are also passionate men who have been forged by blood and fire.


"Brothers, hold on, don't let the opponent get close to the defensive building, let the opponent experience what is execution, what is not to bleed, and to die without a truce."

"The united front on the opposite side is also a waste, not even half the level of our boss in Xiangzhou. I can do it myself, haha."

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the remaining beacon fires still remained on the broken eaves and walls, but the fighting in front of the battlefield gradually slowed down.

[Plundering time has ended, judging]

Attacking side: Koi-Snowland Alliance
Number of participants; 500
Loot points; 9500

Defender: Bianhua-Tage Alliance
Number of participants; 320
Loot points: 8200
System judgment: draw
As the system's notification sounded, the remaining flames gradually extinguished silently under the unknown power. It completed its mission. It witnessed a tragic battle, the roar of the winner, and the silence of the loser.

At the end of the war, seeing the word "Tie" hovering over Kaifeng, the players of the Tage Alliance shouted in unison.

Countless Tage Alliance players in front of the computer screens roared excitedly and slapped the desktop in front of them excitedly.

"500 against 300, draw, will you play?"

"Brothers are cheating, Wanlisha is cheating!"

 Thanks to the "Bai Xue Flying" book friends for their rewards, thank you from Xiangzhou.Thanks to the book friend "You are so handsome" for your reward.Thank you "Xiao Ming Didn't Get Up" book friends for their rewards and support.Thank you for your love guys!

(End of this chapter)

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