I'm a god in the game

Chapter 250 Start of Guarding Hangzhou

Chapter 250 Start of Guarding Hangzhou

Wan Lisha's headquarters.

Gu Chuan saw that there were only 10 minutes left before the start of the event, and said to Yan Yun Yunran in the channel: "Directly pull the summoning order of the alliance meeting."

This event is a carnival for all, and the requirements for participation are low. Even the new account that just entered the game today can reach level 32.

Therefore, as long as the players who received the summoning order of the alliance can basically participate.

The experience of guarding the sect told him that now is the time when the more players, the better, and the more united they are.

Looking at the large number of players sent to Hangzhou, Gu Chuan directly commanded in the channel: "The management of the major alliances, all go out to start new groups, and organize all these players. There will be a summoning order, and then the group will start."

For this guarding event, the major alliances have basically carried out publicity on the World Channel in advance, using the guarded city as the command unit to organize and unify the command.

As for the command channel guarding Hangzhou, Gu Chuan put it directly on the Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel out of trouble.

At this time, the number of people on the Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel is constantly increasing with the promotion of the World Channel and the team.

The number of people on Wanlisha Waiwai's headquarters channel has reached 3+, which is the highest in history.

At this time, the city of Hangzhou was crowded with almost half of the players of the entire Bianhua, and there were players from the two alliance camps of Wanlisha and Shuilongyin everywhere.

At a glance, the entire city of Hangzhou is full of people, very lively.

There are four major gates in the whole city of Hangzhou, Qiantang Gate on the north, Ciyun Forest and Phoenix Collection on the top, and Wangjiang Gate on the south, separated by the sea.

The west gate is Qingbo Gate, across the Qiantang River, and the east gate is Yongjin Gate.

Among the four major city gates, Wangjiang Gate and Qingbo Gate are connected to waterways, and are basically dead ends, so they don't need to be guarded.

The main ones that need to be guarded are Yongjin Gate and Qiantang Gate, because only these two gates in Hangzhou are connected to the land, and they are also the most likely points for wild monsters to attack.

Of course, these are the guesses of the players, because Tiandao currently does not have water thieves and other similar wild monsters that can cross waters.

Among the two places connecting the land, Qiantang Gate is the most important.

"Twelve alliances including Sky Alliance, Tage Alliance, and Yanyun Alliance guard the Qiantang Gate, plus casual players, a total of [-] players."

"There are [-] alliances guarding the Yongjin Gate, including the Water Alliance, the Judgment Alliance, the Inquiry Alliance, and the Longyin Water Alliance, plus [-] casual players."

"The remaining Qingbo Gate and Wangjiang Gate are guarded by the Red Flame Alliance and Muyu Alliance to prevent wild monsters from crossing the waters. If no wild monsters attack after 10 minutes, we will all support Qiantang Gate and Yongjin Gate."

"The rest of the alliance and individual teams will go to the peripheral areas such as Fenghuangji and Ciyun Forest to take charge of blocking."

"any questions?"

In response to Gu Chuan's uniform shouts: "No!"

"start to act."

Following Gu Chuan's order, before the event started, the major player groups drove to their respective areas one after another.

Among them, Qiantangmen is the main one. Gu Chuan put two-thirds of the main alliance of Wanlisha and Shuilongyin in Qiantangmen.

Gu Chuan went to see it on the spot. As long as the formation of the player team is kept in order, it is basically difficult to be broken.

As one of the only main cities of Tiandao, Hangzhou City has towering walls, wide city roads, and a series of ancient defensive facilities such as moats. It is almost very, very difficult to break through the torrent of players.

[There are still 3 minutes before the start of the "Tales of the Rivers and Lakes" guarding the city, all players are requested to go to the main cities to garrison]

【You have signed up for the task of defending Hangzhou, are you sure you want to enter the plane?】

When he saw the system prompt, Gu Chuan realized that this might be different from the sect defense battle, because the sect defense war was carried out on the big map, and now he needed to enter the plane.

Gu Chuan commanded in the channel: "All brothers click OK."

Following a burst of teleportation ripples, the task interface in the upper right corner of the player suddenly turned into a detailed interface for guarding.

【Guarding Hangzhou Mission】

Current number of participants: 32129
Guardian NPC: 4000
Status of the four gates: 100%
Stele Status of Main City: 100%
When he saw the task interface, Gu Chuan quickly commanded: "Brothers in Fenghuangji, Ciyunlin and other places, all return to Qingbomen and Wangjiangmen."

Since the Tiandao official has the status bar of the four major city gates, there must be corresponding wild monster siege attacks at the four major city gates, otherwise the official will not make such a reminder.

Gu Chuan quickly made corresponding deployment changes, and deployed defensive troops at the four major city gates.

Qiantang Gate, as the north gate of Hangzhou City, is also the largest city gate. At this time, the entire Qiantang Gate is full of players.

Nearly a thousand players gathered in the North Gate Square, densely packed. This is the second line of defense for the players, and it is also where the backup troops for the first line of defense are located.

The stone bridge on the moat in front, as the first line of defense of Qiantangmen, is heavily deployed, a large number of players gather on the stone bridge, and 3 regiments have gathered on the attic above the stone bridge, a total of 120 Tangmen players .

The Qiantangmen city wall behind is also heavily populated, and the Hangzhou Avenue behind the city wall is also full of players, ready to go up at any time.

[There are still 10 seconds before the attack of the "Planning Department" army of the World Foreign Organization, please guard the players and get ready]

Seeing the army of wild monsters appearing in front of him one after another, Gu Chuan stood on the city gate, looked at the wild monsters gathering in the distance and the players in front of him, and said with pride, "Fight!"

"Fight!" The players below shouted in unison.

Hearing this, Gu Chuan showed a happy smile on his face. Although it is a bit strange that this kind of activity occurs in martial arts games, no one likes or yearns for such a scene.

These did not affect the enthusiasm and joy of the players at all. Looking at this magnificent scene, the blood in their hearts was burning.

The ten-second countdown ended, and the sky suddenly looked like a rain of blood, the sky began to rain like blood, the scarlet evil moon began to slowly rise into the sky, and dark clouds began to cover the entire earth. Everything seemed so heavy and chilling.

At this moment, the kudzu fire above the city gate began to burn, like the radiance of the early sun piercing the night.

The blood moon was rising, and the clouds had not yet dissipated. The army of planning organizations that had been silent for a long time was dispatched.

In front are ordinary wild monsters wearing scarlet armor and holding spears, behind are elite cavalry on white horses, and there are many invisible wild monsters.

The endless forest lined up in front of the Qiantang Gate, like the flowers on the other side of hell, scarlet and weird.

With the sound of a strange and solemn horn, the army of the planning department was dispatched.

The four-character banner of the planning department fluttered in the wind, full of scarlet like pine forests everywhere, and began to charge towards Qiantang Gate.

"I'm fucking blowing this scene, I feel like I'm not playing Tiandao anymore, this is fucking Yulong Zaitian (National War Game)."

"I like this scene. A real man is about to stain the battlefield with blood, and the supernatural killing intent-Galaxy Rewind."

"The ones in front die quickly, damn it, you're fucking up, you won't lose the durability of your equipment if you die, what are you afraid of, this scene made my blood boil, the sword is cheating!"

(End of this chapter)

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