I'm a god in the game

Chapter 249 Wanlisha guards Hangzhou

Chapter 249 Wanlisha guards Hangzhou

[System prompt: The stele of the Bashu Tangmen Sect's residence is broken, and the failure is declared]

With the appearance of the first sect to be exterminated, the entire world channel was suddenly as lively as a volcano.

"Brothers from the Beggar Clan sent condolences. Brothers from the Tang Sect are number one. Everyone in the Beggar Clan is relieved. Thank you for your kindness."

"Haha, as the saying goes, men and women are matched, and work is not tiring. You Tangmen are the first to be exterminated. You can commit suicide and apologize, haha."

[System prompt: The stele of Yanyun Shenwei sect's resident is broken, declaring failure]

"Haha, you're laughing so hard, keep going, you're second in power."

"Damn it, Shenwei's father has already wiped out the sect, so the guarding battle of the sect will not all fail."

[System prompt: Jinghu beggar sect's resident stone tablet is broken, declaring failure]

"Third, my beggar gang is satisfied, haha, now it's up to Taibaigou."

"Xuan, there are too many fucking wild monsters, you can't kill them all. When the stele of our sect was broken, there were at least dozens of players standing there, but they just couldn't be killed."

"Now it depends on how the task of revitalizing the sect is played."

[System prompt: The stele of Dongyue Tianxiang sect's resident is broken, declaring failure]

With the passage of time, all the sects of Tiandao declared their failures at different times. Among them, the Taibai sect persisted the longest, but at the end of the activity time, the stone tablet broke and declared failure.

The other shore flower Taibai headquarters.

Although the sect defense battle was declared a failure, the atmosphere in the entire channel was still very joyful.

"I just took a look at the task of reorganizing the sect. It is to go to the major maps to collect building materials and so on. It is a bit similar to the task of gang appointments in the open area. It is not difficult." Master Meow said 1.6 meters.

"That's easy. I'll go to the auction to buy materials and finish it directly." Gu Chuan said.

"I can't buy it at the auction, these are exclusive mission materials." Miao Liu said with disgust, if it was really that simple, she would have finished it by herself.

Gu Chuan looked at the time, and said in the channel: "There is still an hour before the task of defending the city. Brothers click on the task of reorganizing the sect, go to a regiment with each material, and act."

After speaking, Gu Chuan also came to the map of Qinchuan to dig out the "millennium cold stone" material.

"I can understand that Taibai's task requires a thousand years of cold stone, but what are we Shenwei digging for? To escape the heat?"

"You Shenwei can still escape the heat. We dug up frozen popsicles in Bashu. If the mission requires it, we'll finish digging."

All of a sudden, all the major maps of Tiandao set off a material digging competition in full swing.

Qinchuan, where the cold wind is raging, Yanyun, where the sky is full of yellow sand, and Xiangzhou, where the strange mountains and beautiful rocks are, basically every map is full of busy players.

Gu Chuan may not be familiar with most players about this event. Although this event is his suggestion, the plan and planning of the event are basically planned by Polaris Studio itself.

Ordinary players at least read the introduction of the event and the general gameplay.

He didn't even read the introduction of the event, so he was dragged to the Taibai United Front Channel in a daze.

Seeing the frolicking large-scale stone digging site, Gu Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

Although he didn't know how Polaris Studio planned and arranged this event, as far as the just-concluded sect defense battle was concerned, this event was undoubtedly a success.

Although all sects declared failure in the sect defense battle, the players who participated had a great time.

Although the lineup of wild monsters looks scary, the strength of wild monsters is a bit similar to that of gangsters and mobs on the roadside. One player can kill a group, except for the higher attack power.

In addition, this is a sect-based activity, and this is Tiandao's first sect-based event.

Although Gu Chuan didn't see the group activities spontaneously organized by the various sects in front, he heard about them.

Such a heavenly knife is slowly increasing its aura of the world.

In less than half an hour, Taibai's reorganization task was completed. The difficulty of the task was very low, or it was not difficult, just click to collect, and then submit it directly.

[Congratulations to the Taibai sect for completing the task of reorganizing the sect. The event rewards have been sent to the player's personal mailbox, please pay attention to check]

Gu Chuan took a look at the event rewards, a set of "Jianghu" fashion, a lot of broken silver, cultivation base, fame and other rewards, they are very good.

In the following period of time, the major sects have completed their respective reorganization tasks one after another.

Many players found that even if the guard failed, the fashion was still among the rewards, but other rewards were reduced, and the players suddenly cheered.

For most players, apart from fashion rewards and broken silver rewards, it doesn't matter whether they have other rewards.

"Father of the planner has a conscience, I like this fashion very much, and the sky knife is cheating."

"I found that the Jianghu fashions of the various sects seem to be different. This time, Tiandao really paid for it."

"The mission of defending the city of Kaifeng is here, and there are still ten positions."

"Hangzhou city defense mission is coming, Wan Lisha has already chosen Hangzhou, and the speed is here to drink soup with the Xiangzhou boss."

In this "Catastrophe of the Rivers and Lakes" event, the sect defense battle is participated by each sect as a unit, and the city defense activity is for players to independently choose the city - Kaifeng, Hangzhou.

As the only auction cities in Tiandao, although the official did not explicitly say that these two cities are the main cities in the game, players still call them that.

At this time, Gu Chuan also returned to Wanlisha Waiwai's headquarters channel to organize city defense activities.

The sect defense battle is basically organized by the top ten disciples of each sect, but when it comes to city defense activities, it needs the major alliances and alliance camps to organize it.

Because this scene is much bigger and more difficult than the sect defense battle, and it is basically organized in alliances.

Although the players have always said that this event is a welfare event for Tiandao's conscience change, but all the failures of the sect defense battle are vividly remembered.

Therefore, the major alliances and alliance camps dare not take it lightly.

And Gu Chuan had just discussed with the other three alliance camps. Wanlisha and Shuilongyin guarded Hangzhou, and Diwangzhou and Hanjiang towns guarded Kaifeng.

The four alliance camps are divided into two, each guarding one of the main cities.

Even Yingzheng and Huamanlou temporarily put aside the gap between each other and guarded Kaifeng together.

The abundance of rewards in this event and the enthusiasm of the players forced them to temporarily put aside their mutual hatred and work together.

At this time, with the respective choices of the four alliance camps to guard the city.

The participating players and their gangs and alliances are also listed on the active camp player participation form.

At this time, there are still 10 minutes before the event starts.

Individual player groups, player groups from major alliances, also began to stay in the cities they chose to guard.

 There are two more chapters today, Ollie!
(End of this chapter)

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