Galactic Force Returns from Marvel

Chapter 13 Crossing the Rift in Dimensional Space!

Chapter 13 Crossing the Rift in Dimensional Space!

In the five days after that day, Ge Xiaolun basically spent with friends in this world!
After all, what he has gained in this world is not only knowledge and strength, but also friendship!
Morgan's "birthday" is over, and all the presents that should be given have been given out!

The celebration banquet that should be attended has also been attended, and the things that should be ordered with Tony have also been ordered. The rest is to wait quietly for Gu Yi's notice, leave this universe, and embark on the multiverse journey to find Thanos!

In the early morning of the fifth day, the sun slowly broke through the blockade of the horizon and rose to the sky!

Ge Xiaolun also stopped meditating all night, and slowly stood up straight, his eyes became more determined!

With a slight lift of his right hand, a set of dark silver armor with a style resembling the "Iron-Blooded Killer" slowly possessed him!Cold and cool are the only words that can describe it!
As the hardest and most magical metal "Galaxy Uranium" in the Marvel Universe, its power is beyond your imagination!Walking through black holes, ignoring the sun, and powerful dark energy drive, etc.!

"This galactic uranium is very suitable for you!" Master Gu Yi walked gently from behind!
"Thank you, teacher. If it wasn't for the teacher, I'm afraid I would never get this kind of metal in my life!" Ge Xiaolun bowed slightly, grateful!
"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the time is coming soon, take advantage of this time, hurry up and say goodbye to your friends!" Gu Yi shook his head, then walked forward slowly, leaving time to Ge Xiaolun and his friends.

"Xiao Lun~Xiao Lun~"

A series of voices sounded, and Ge Xiaolun looked up.

Tony, Saul, Steve, Natasha, Clinton, Banner, Strange, no matter who Ge Xiaolun knew or didn't know, they basically all came!

"We are here to see you off!" Natasha smiled slightly!
"Now that you're gone, I really don't know when we'll see you again!" Tony said with unspeakable reluctance.

"In other universes, you have to be careful in everything!" Steve patted Ge Xiaolun on the shoulder, caring!


Looking at these people in front of him, Ge Xiaolun said reluctantly, that's a lie!These are all his fetters in this world!

"Don't worry, I will definitely!" Ge Xiaolun nodded heavily to everyone!
"Xiao Lun, I don't know what to give you when we are parting, so I will give you my hammer, the hammer of Thor, which symbolizes the throne of Asgard!" Sol said, and handed out Thor's hammer. Hammer!
"How can this be done?" Ge Xiaolun's face froze slightly!
"Why not, you can lift it up and restore it to its original state, in this world, only you are worthy of having it!"

"." Ge Xiaolun opened his mouth, and finally stretched out his hand helplessly, taking Thor's Hammer.

Although this hammer is dispensable to him now, Ge Xiaolun will still keep it as the most precious thing!Because this is a testimony of the friendship between him and Saul!

After bidding farewell to everyone present, whether they were acquainted or not, Ge Xiaolun walked towards the middle of the stage that Gu Yi had prepared for him in advance!

Tony and the others stood around the formation, and below were full of mystics and sorcerers from other planets!
Taking one last look at the world that he has lived in for nearly ten years, Ge Xiaolun said, "Teacher, I'm ready!"

"Well, take this with you!" Gu Yi handed out the original time stone!
Looking at Ge Xiaolun who was a little puzzled, Gu said, "The hyperspace is different from the universe we live in. The time and space in that place are chaotic and disorderly. If you don't have the original time stone, you will easily get lost in the turbulent flow of time!"

"Hehe, master is really worried!" Ge Xiaolun chuckled, but his heart was warm!
"You~" Gu Yi shook his head, and then said with a serious face: "But you have to remember that the power of the time stone cannot be used at will, and don't let some irrelevant or wicked people know of its existence! "

"I know!" Ge Xiaolun nodded!
"As long as you use the original time stone, I will know it no matter where it is!" As he spoke, Gu Yi showed a trace of reluctance on his face: "So don't forget, everyone and I miss you all the time, don't you one person!"

"Well, then I'm leaving!"

"Hmm~" Gu Yi nodded solemnly.

The wings of Icarus spread, and Ge Xiaolun flew to a height of [-] meters!
Gu Yi immediately stretched out his hand: "Pass our magical energy to Xiao Lun!"

"Whoa Whoah"

Countless golden rays of light flew out from the circles on the chests of the mystics, gathering on Ge Xiaolun who was in the air!
A space magic circle comparable to the rays of the sun appeared in the sky with the continuous transmission of energy from the mages, enveloping Ge Xiaolun airtightly!
Ge Xiaolun nodded to the crowd below, his wings fluttered, and he flew into outer space!

The time to challenge fate and fate has come!Looking at Ge Xiaolun who fled away, Gu Yi prayed silently in his heart: You start from here with the light and rush into the darkness. Difficulties and thorns cover the road ahead of you. May you be able to cut through the thorns and waves and come back victorious!

As soon as he flew out of the earth, Ge Xiaolun's speed suddenly accelerated, and he entered superluminal speed in just a few seconds, flying out of the solar system!
A figure with golden light in front of him suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Carol?" Ge Xiaolun was slightly startled!
"I'm here to see you off for the last time!" Carol increased his speed to the fastest speed, and also entered superluminal speed, accompanying Ge Xiaolun!

Ge Xiaolun didn't speak, just looked at the girl in front of him, and flew into the depths of the universe with her!
Two rays of light continued to pass between the stars, and everything was the same as it was six years ago.However, this time she sent him away!

Stars and planets, passing by quickly, gradually turned into brilliance the size of rice grains!
Galaxies and star fields are also slowly shortening the distance between them!
The entire universe flashed past the two of them like a slideshow!
"Stop, the next road, I have to go alone!" Looking at the dimensional space crack that was getting closer and closer, Ge Xiaolun conveyed his words through the Milky Way, then turned his head and rushed in!

"Take care~"

Looking at Ge Xiaolun rushing into the dimensional crack, Carol said silently in his heart.

With the protection of the space formation, the space tearing in the crack of the dimensional space can't help him at all.Passing through layers of grotesque space barriers, breaking away from the ambiguous suction force of nothingness, the space formation enveloping Ge Xiaolun is like a faint ray of light passing through the dark ocean, appearing in the dark, dark blue but floating with countless lights Point of hyperspace!

As soon as he entered the hyperspace, the space magic circle on Ge Xiaolun's body immediately dimmed, and the time stone on his chest lighted up slightly, protecting him from being affected by the chaos of time here!

Looking at where he was, Ge Xiaolun was so shocked that he couldn't speak!
Beyond the universe is a vast hyperspace!

There are countless other universes out there, floating like bubbles.

This is the different world universe, the multidimensional universe!

"So... how should I find Thanos next?" Just as Ge Xiaolun was thinking about how to find Thanos, the three infinity stones on his body lit up at the same time, shooting out a ray of light, pointing to a distant universe!

There is an induction between the original stones?
Following the light, Ge Xiaolun saw the bubble that was far away from him~uh. Universe!

"Where is it?" After hesitating for a while, Ge Xiaolun still flew over.

Here, there is no distance limit, no space limit, just a moment, Ge Xiaolun came to this universe.

Standing on the periphery of the universe, you can clearly see the countless stars and bright spots contained in the bubble, just like the light of rice grains, it is unbelievable that this is the boundless universe!

After staring blankly for a while, Ge Xiaolun began to break through the cosmic barrier in front of him and enter the cosmic space inside the barrier!

Gu Yi once said that as long as he has the strength of the heavenly father, he can forcibly break through the barriers of the universe. However, the strength of the heavenly father is obviously still a little insufficient. Don't move!

Seeing that the destination is in front of him, but unable to enter because he cannot break through the cosmic barrier, Ge Xiaolun is anxious!

At this moment, a crack suddenly opened. An unprecedented suction force appeared. Ge Xiaolun didn't even have time to react, and was pulled in by this strong suction force!

"what's the situation?"

These were the last words that popped out of Ge Xiaolun's mind before he fell into a coma!

(End of this chapter)

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