Galactic Force Returns from Marvel

Chapter 12 Ancient 1 Appears!

Chapter 12 Ancient One Appears!

"That is to say, it is very likely that Thanos escaped to another universe through that dimensional space crack?" Tony said in a deep voice, helping his eyes on the sockets.

"It's not very likely, but [-]%!" Ge Xiaolun shrugged, expressing that he was helpless when such a thing happened!
". Is it possible to travel through the cracks in the dimensional space?" Banner glanced at everyone present, and explained: "The cracks in the dimensional space theoretically involve quantum, space protons, and black hole elements after the neutron star collapses. It is no exaggeration to say that Its central tearing force is more terrifying than that of a black hole, and even a planet can be easily torn into powder."

"Infinite Rough Stone~" Ge Xiaolun, who had fallen silent, suddenly spoke out!

"If there are infinite rough stones protecting him, do you still think that he can't pass through the cracks in the dimensional space?" Looking at the puzzled crowd, Ge Xiaolun asked such a sharp question!


Everyone slowly fell silent. In fact, the existence of the crack in the dimensional space is still a hypothesis until now. Before this, no one has seen its true face, only know that there is such a thing!

Seeing the sudden drop in the atmosphere of the scene, Tony hurried out to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, no matter whether he can travel through the past or not, we have to find a way to get back the Infinity Stone and destroy this devilish guy, so he can't continue to exist in the world, right? ?”

"But can you cross the gap in the dimensional space?" Banner spread his hands and said while gesticulating: "Even if he crossed, how can you find him from the countless multiverses?"


Banner's words stopped Tony from asking.

"Are we going to let him go like this?" Saul asked unwillingly.

"It's not that we want to let him go, but reality forces us to let him go!"

"The chance of surviving through the cracks in the dimensional space is less than one in billions, and the small ones are almost negligible!"

"I don't have much contact with quantum physics, but I still know some basic common sense in this area!"

"Maybe. Maybe there are other ways. Since Thanos can use the space stone, why can't we?" Tony asked.

"Because Thanos owns the original space stone, so..." Banner did not say the following words,
Ge Xiaolun added for him, "So he can pass through the cracks in the dimensional space safe and sound!"

Banner nodded: "Well, as the saying goes, there is specialization in art, and space problems can naturally be solved by space stones!"

"And the Infinity Rough Stone we hold." Looking at the three Infinity Rough Stones floating in front of him, Ge Xiaolun showed a wry smile: "None of them are linked to this aspect!"

"Is there any other way?" Tony said: "If each of us thinks hard for three days and three nights, maybe we can come up with a way?"

"Crossing the cracks in the dimensional space is not trying to solve the company's debt crisis. The difficulty in this process is comparable to reaching the sky in one step!" Banner shook his head!
"One step to the sky?" Tony shrugged: "This is easy!"

"Tony, this joke is not funny!" Steve said in a deep voice!
"I'm not joking, in fact I'm just stating the facts!"

"Okay Tony!" Ge Xiaolun shook his head slightly, and then sighed: "It's not like I haven't thought about traveling through time-dimensional space cracks, but the galaxy gave me the answer after three seconds of calculation!"

"What answer?" Everyone spoke at the same time!
"Ten deaths and no life!"

These words were like a blockbuster, completely sinking the last straw in everyone's hearts!
"Couldn't it be that the sky is immortal and Thanos?" Natasha lost her voice.

"Not necessarily~"


Everyone looked back in unison, Strange came from the door wearing his red robe!
"You can do tricks?" Tony was the first to stand up and ask.

Strange stared at Tony seriously for a while, very "seriously", and then said solemnly: "No!"



"I fall~"

"Isn't it just not? Why do you put on such an expression?"

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, go back to your temple and sit in charge. If the celebration banquet is going to be held, I will notify you later!" Tony waved his hand, as if to send people away!

"Well, I just said I didn't, but I didn't say that others didn't!" Strange turned around with a depressed face, and muttered in a low voice!

Undoubtedly, everyone's ears were very sharp. Even though the sound was quieter than the humming of a mosquito, it still couldn't hide it from everyone's ears!

Sol and Steve immediately stepped forward and stopped Strange: "Who can do it?"

"I'll tell you when the celebration is held!"

"You juggler~" Tony rolled up his sleeves on the spot!

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's get down to business!" Ge Xiaolun stopped him, and then slowly put his eyes on Strange: "Who has a solution?"

"A person you are familiar with!" Strange pointed to the roof: "She is waiting for you up there now!"

Ge Xiaolun immediately ran to the top of the building. Tony and the others didn't know who Strange was talking about, but they also ran up with Ge Xiaolun!
As soon as the iron door on the roof was pushed open, a familiar voice rang in his ears!

"Since you and Thanos left the earth, I have been following the battle between you and him!"

"The cracks in the dimensional space correspond to the vast hyperspace, where there are countless multiverses floating like bubbles!"


Looking at the person in front of him, Ge Xiaolun couldn't believe it!

"Long time no see, my disciple, you have grown a lot!" Master Gu Yi slowly turned around, showing a gratified smile!

"Haven't you already flown to eternity?"

"Eternity is not death!" Master Gu Yi looked at Ge Xiaolun with a smile: "I told you personally when I left, that when fate comes, I will appear!"

"Hey, who is this guy?" Sol shook Tony's arm!
Tony said proudly: "The big boss on our earth, the real big boss, the supreme lord!"

real boss?Supreme Venerable?
Hearing this sentence, not only Saul showed shocking expressions, but also Steve, Black Widow, Banner and others showed shocking expressions.

Gu Yi, as her name suggests, although she has never seen her before, she has heard of her name more or less, especially she once shocked the entire universe with her own power, which makes them avengers admire her!
It's a pity that she was born at an untimely time, and no one has ever seen her before. They only know that she is Ge Xiaolun's teacher!

"Teacher, since you all know that Thanos escaped to another universe, there should be a way to catch him back, right?" After a short reminiscence, Ge Xiaolun changed the topic to the main topic!
"Actually, it might not be possible to go to other universes before, but now" Gu Yi looked at Ge Xiaolun, "It's fine!"

"Now." Ge Xiaolun found that he couldn't understand what Gu Yi said again and again!
"Through the gap in the dimensional space, it is true that there is no life but death, but after crossing, you can enter the "hyperspace" where all universes exist!"

"To open the barriers of the universe from the inside, you must have the power of the "multiverse" level, but to open it from the outside, you only need the power of the heavenly father!"

"How can I pass through the crack in the dimensional space safely?" Ge Xiaolun asked.

"Concentrate all the mysterious energy absorbed by the mystics from the multiverse, and create a space barrier for you that can safely pass through the cracks in the dimensional space!"

"Concentrate everyone's energy and make your speed exceed the speed of light, and you will be able to tear the film of the crack in the dimensional space!"

"After passing through the dimensional space crack, you will reach "hyperspace"!"

Ge Xiaolun nodded, and the Avengers behind him also nodded!

It's just that the ancient story hasn't finished yet!

"Even if you concentrate the multiple energies of all the mystics, you can only send one person there!"

Hearing this, Ge Xiaolun took a step forward!
"Let me go!"

"Little Lun~"

At this moment, all eyes were on Ge Xiaolun!

"Going to another universe alone. Is it too dangerous? If there is an emergency, there is no support!" Tony looked at Ge Xiaolun worriedly!
"Let Xiao Lun go!" Gu Yi sighed softly: "This is the arrangement of fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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