Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 61 Basketball

Chapter 61 Basketball
15 years ago, New York airport.

"The flight to Chicago is about to arrive at the airport, please get ready as soon as possible for boarding passengers."

A man in a white shirt stands in front of an airport toilet sink.He took up the water with both hands and washed his face, and the deep coolness pierced through the skin and penetrated into the bone marrow.He raised his head, carefully looked at himself in the mirror, and suddenly felt that this man was so strange.

His name was Richard Parker, a man who had just made a breakthrough in the field of scientific research, but the world did not know his achievements.

"Come on, Richard! We're getting on the plane!"

The tall, red-haired woman shouting outside the door was his wife, Mary Parker, who had the same job as him.

Richard came to his wife with dull eyes, and took the coat in her hand numbly.

"It shouldn't be like this, Mary," he said suddenly. "This is not the life I want."

"We've discussed this, Richard, and we have no choice." Mary sighed, and said, "Be mature, you've got a son! Think about our Peter! You're doing the right thing." s Choice."

Richard closed his eyes gently, and when he opened them, his eyes were full of confusion.

"Is this really the right choice, Mary?"

15 years later, today, high school.

Maybe students all over the world think so – no matter how long the vacation is, there is never enough, and the experience from vacation to school starts almost like a blink of an eye.

Physical education class, one of Eric's most hated subjects.It's not that he has a physical problem, it's just that it's the only class you can never lie on your stomach and sleep on.

A group of energetic young people yelled loudly and sweated on the court, and the bursts of shouts could be clearly heard across the street outside the school.The boys seemed to agree that the pitch was the best place to get the girls' attention, and they were as active as tigers on the hunt.

Eric sat bored outside the court, anxiously waiting for the time to pass.The scorching sun scorched the ground, making a "sizzling" sound like a steamer, and just listening to it made people sweat.He looked at his watch almost every 2 minutes, and every time the second hand moved forward, it seemed as long as New Year's Eve.

Unexpectedly, the basketball on the court was shot by someone, bounced lightly on the ground twice, and rolled to Eric's feet.

"Eric! Hand it over!" A boy in big underpants clapped his hands at him, his muscles soaked in sweat were shiny by the sun.

Eric lazily picked up the basketball with one hand. He was going to throw it casually, but his movements suddenly stopped like a stuck slide.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced to the other side of the court. A girl in black was leaning against the shade of a big tree and looking in this direction.

It's Raven.

At this moment, he himself couldn't tell what was causing the trouble. In short, he abruptly took back the basketball that was about to be shot.Amidst the surprised eyes of the boys, he showed a faint smile of unknown meaning.

When he shot, he stood outside the court, spanning half the court.The basketball soared into the sky, and the spinning sphere flashed past the scorching sun. At this moment, it seemed to have wings.It crossed an arc that everyone couldn't touch, flew over the boys' heads, and fell into the basket precisely under the stunned eyes of everyone, as if the result was preset.

The basketball bounced several times continuously on the hot ground, and stopped after rolling a few centimeters.

"Damn it!" the boy from earlier exclaimed, "You can still play ball?"

"I just don't fight, who said I won't?" Eric shrugged, "Sorry, I don't seem to have found anything I'm not good at."

He glanced in Raven's direction again, and there was a faint smile on the girl's cold face.


He turned around, and it was their physical education teacher who was also the coach of the basketball team who called him this time.The physical education teacher is a fat middle-aged man with a round belly and a half-bald head. A small whistle hanging on his chest looks quite funny.

"You can play?"

"I, uh... I was lucky this time."

"I don't believe in luck, kid. I can see that you have talent." He looked Eric up and down as he spoke, and nodded approvingly, feeling like picking out his favorite ingredients in the vegetable market.

Without waiting for Eric to reply, he rushed to continue: "I believe that your skills are already available. You were just hiding your strength from us before. But now there is no one in our team. One of our team Idiot got into a fight in the back woods yesterday afternoon and was disqualified for the season. We desperately need a player of your caliber. What do you think?"

"What? Did I hear you right?" Someone in the crowd commented, "This kid has touched a basketball once since entering school, and he's about to join the school team?"

"I don't know, I think maybe I'm not good enough for basketball."

Just because Eric can play basketball well doesn't mean he's interested in it.

"Didn't you say that trying new things is not a bad thing?" Raven appeared beside him at some point, "You can try it, maybe I will join the school cheerleading team when you play."

Eric was startled, and looked at her expression carefully, but found that she was covered with frost as usual, and he didn't know if she was joking.

Think about how Raven dances in the sexy cheerleading uniform, why does the picture feel weird?

"Okay." Eric smiled, "I will participate."

"Very good." The coach nodded with satisfaction, "Practice after school, let us see your true skills."

After school.

They say that falling in love can change a person, and Eric has always felt that it is idealized, just like "love at first sight" should only exist in fragments of novels.

A person's personality should be engraved in his bones. Maybe the external performance will change due to other factors, but the deep things are difficult to change.

And now, he's shaken a little. Maybe sometimes, people do do things that they wouldn't normally do.

The moment he was distracted, the arena erupted again.The basketball spun down the basket in their half, and the "visit team" score on the scorer became 110, catching up with Eric's home team score of 114.

Eric has a headache.

Originally, he thought that things would be easy, that he could surprise everyone with his overwhelming strength, but so far the script didn't seem quite right.

It went smoothly at the beginning, like an unstoppable sharp knife, he went deep into the rear alone again and again, and easily led by 30 points by himself.Then at this moment, a kid from the visiting team suddenly broke out.He was a rather thin guy, and he belonged to the type of nerd who looked like he was being bullied at first sight. No one noticed that there was such a number one character on the court at the beginning of the game, and his presence was so thin that it was close to the background of the court.

Until he suddenly, like Eric, went straight and beautifully scored a goal.

Then, the duel between the two began.

This is not an exaggeration, the audience is almost a duel between these two people, and the students have nothing to do with it.Eric watched in amazement as this weak kid took off again and again, shooting from all kinds of angles and methods that were almost impossible, and almost as long as he took a shot, the visiting team's score would increase.

The score of the visiting team rose straight up like a rocket, and by the end of the first half, it had stopped at 110 points, only four points away from the home team.

Eric is very sure that the kid is obviously not at the level of a high school student.

He couldn't help but think of what Sharon Carter had said to him when he came to this school.

"In fact, we have been eyeing this high school for a long time, and it is not just because of you that we sent me this time. We believe that there are other extraordinary children and other superpowers hidden in this school."

His mind moved.

Could it be this brat
"It's the end of the world!" Just at this time, a blond player passed by him, muttering to his companion, "Nerds are going to rule the world! See? That kid Parker looks like he's had his blood pumped today!"

Parker! ?
I rely on!Peter Parker?Spiderman?
Eric smiled wryly.

This school is really Crouching Dragon Hidden Tiger! Playing with Spider-Man, it's crazy to win.
(End of this chapter)

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