Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 53 Arkham Restricted Zone

Chapter 53 Arkham Restricted Zone

The tall man stood on the edge of the cliff and looked into the distance, like a statue of Wei Ran.The water waves of the canal slapped on the rocks of the cliff one wave after another, and went on and on, tirelessly.

"If you have time, instead of wasting time here looking at the river, why don't you go and do something practical Bain."

Bain turned his head and looked at the person with disgust.

This man wears black sunglasses all day long, holds a match stick in his mouth, has a straight suit without any wrinkles, and even his tie has never been crooked by an inch.He called himself Malone, said he was a native of Gotham, somehow won the trust of the people above, and was sent to supervise and assist Bane's work.

Bane hated him.Perhaps this seemingly cool and deep appearance is more in line with the gangsters in the general perception, but the real situation is not the case.At least according to Bain, this kind of guy is flashy. He deliberately packaged himself up like this just to cover up his weakness and incompetence. The real strong don't need appearances to disguise.

Well, maybe his evaluation of Malone carried a lot of personal emotion. The main reason he hated this guy was actually—he, Bane, never felt that he would need help.

"The bosses said they were not satisfied with your progress, and asked me what you are doing now." Ma Long said, "You better give me a better answer than 'stand on the edge of a cliff in a daze'."

"The plan is proceeding step by step, tell them to be patient." Bane said coldly, snorting from his throat, "I still don't understand how those people would look at such a waste like you."

Ma Long smiled nonchalantly: "I proved my ability and my value to them, so I don't need to worry about that. But you, Bain, your chances are running out. As a colleague who has not worked together for a long time, I must Just to remind you, if you fail this time, they might cut off the cooperative relationship with you. And I am very confident that I can take over from you."

Bane grabbed his skirt and lifted him up, the beast eyes behind the mask revealed a naked killing intent.

Ma Long still had a frivolous expression, holding his unknown matchstick in his mouth.

After staring at each other for a while, Bain let out a "hum", threw him aside, and strode away.

Gotham, eight o'clock in the morning.

When Alfred led Eric to twist and turn in the complex underground system of the Batcave, and found a remote exit that even mice would not want to visit, he couldn't help shouting in his heart, "Don't go around, In fact, I know this is Wayne Manor, let's go through the main entrance" impulse.

But he still didn't shout that, so he obediently followed Alfred to a dark iron gate.

After Alfred released the high-voltage electricity on the door, he stood aside very politely, and said, "Gotham's sewer system is ahead, find any exit in the pipeline leading to the ground, and you should be able to Back to Kingston."

"I have to take a good shower when I go back." Eric pinched his nose and said, "Anyway, thank you, grandpa."

"You're welcome."

So, when he took a taxi and successfully returned to the hotel, it was already at this point.Raven seemed to get up early in general, so he was probably awake by now.

"Raven? Excuse me, last night me. Raven?"

No one was in the room.

The bed sheet was lifted to one side, as if it had been kicked away.Her dark blue jacket was still hanging on the hanger, and her black boots were neatly placed by the door, as if she was out looking for breakfast.

Eric had a sense of foreboding, and he took out his cell phone.

Raven didn't have his own cell phone, so he couldn't get in touch with her.But just in case, Eric left a simple transmitter on her.Of course, she didn't know it herself, and Eric imagined that if she knew, she might be angry and magically turn herself into a baked potato.

Just kidding, she can't.

Call up the map of Gotham City and locate Raven's location
Eric froze.

Depend on!What was she doing in Arkham?
At this time, Arkham Asylum.

The raven tracked all the way to the bottom of the building, and the floating magic wave guided her to the wall at the end of a passage—a dead end.

According to the map, this is already the boundary of the Arkham Asylum, and beyond that is the undeveloped area.And that strange magical power came from behind this layer of iron sheet.

The raven turned translucent again and passed through the wall.The cold and damp darkness rushed towards the face, and behind the metal wall was hidden a cave that seemed to be dug out manually, and the magic power inside became stronger and stronger.

There are many legends about the lunatic asylum, many ancient sayings have been mentioned, don't try to explore the secrets in this lunatic asylum.Arkham is a cursed place.Arkham, the founder of this asylum, originally intended to use the asylum he founded to cure the poor mental patients including his mother, but instead of succeeding, he himself became one of the early patients of the asylum.Interestingly, it is said that the architect who was in charge of designing this lunatic asylum suddenly went crazy and hacked all his workers to death during the project.

For a hundred years since then, it has been said that it is a cursed place, a place of madness and murder.It hides many secrets, many secret doors, and perhaps countless crazy undead are still hidden in the depths of the building, waiting for someone to step into their domain.

Although these rumors cannot be verified, at least the part about it hiding some unknown spaces seems to be certain.

The raven flew forward for nearly a kilometer before finally flying out of this long corridor. The end of the corridor led to a more open cave.The monstrous and deformed boulders surrounded the cave, and there seemed to be countless ghost eyes hidden in the darkness, staring at this daring intruder hungrily and curiously.

The raven landed softly, took two steps forward, and suddenly turned around vigilantly, and shot a beam of chaos magic towards the back.

Something in the darkness was struck, and there was a strange, piercing cry.A mass of flesh-colored thing rolled down from a height in a state of embarrassment, resembling a deformed human being.

No, it's not the only one.

More and more individuals poured out from all directions, stepping towards the Raven's direction step by step.They all raised their hands like the zombies in the movie eager for life, and their sunken eye sockets seemed to be sucked dry by a person.

Raven's expression remained the same, she looked around calmly, and the dark purple magic power radiated out, like a breeze shaking her long cloak.

She didn't feel the slightest breath of life.

Whatever these were, they were long dead.

(End of this chapter)

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