Chapter 52 Bat Cave

The Scarecrow, one of Batman's arch-enemies, is a mad chemist whose proud hallucinogens can instill the deepest fears.

The room had been doused with a small amount of fear poison in the first place, and it had the effect of paralyzing the nerves of both of them and making them careless, the slight drowsiness Eric felt when he entered.

The Scarecrow tried to take the opportunity to attack Batman, but failed after all.Eric spotted him, and he tried to stop the scarecrow—it shouldn't be too difficult, but the odorless fumes in the air made him dull.

He missed, but in the end it was Dick who blocked the shot.

The part of the brain that controls balance is so full of paste that Eric feels his head weighs like a shot put.He fell to the ground with a crooked body, and the choking dust on the floor was violently kicked up.

Through the thick dust, he saw Dick grab the scarecrow and punch him on the chin with his fist.

Dick crouched down and seemed to open his mouth to ask him something, but he couldn't hear him.

Boundless sleepiness struck, like the endless darkness in this room, he closed his eyelids heavily and fell asleep.

As if suffocated by drowning, Eric couldn't see where he was, and could only swim forward with his arms desperately dancing.But after a while, he found that his efforts were meaningless at all, he had to follow where the undercurrent surrounding him went, and there was no choice at all.

Then, he saw a flash of light.

It was a feeling that had appeared before again, as if he was in a certain memory, and it was clearly not from his own brain.

He saw an eerie light, the color of incandescent light he sees after waking up from sleep.Two figures swayed in front of him, one of them was indistinct, and the other was Dr. Patrick Charlotte, his father.

"You succeeded!" said the blurred person. "It's incredible. You know, the whole world may change because of it."

"Yeah." It was Dr. Charlotte who spoke, as if speaking to Eric's camera, "Look, how perfect it is."

After a pause, he said again: "No, it's not perfect yet, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. What we want to accomplish is not just to change the world. Let's debug it again, and we are ready for the next step."

"Yes, Doctor."

The image after that flashes by like a broken disk, too blurry to capture anything useful, like someone pressed the fast-forward button.

Then, Huaman was frozen in a rainy night.

The torrential rain poured down, and thunderclouds billowed in the sky.The blinding lightning tore through the black dome, illuminating a black body wrinkled and glowing.

It was an all black armor with white stripes all over it.His eyes glowed with dark red fluorescence, and an "X" was printed on the energy core on his chest.The pouring rain dripped down the black shell and dripped along the silvery white fingers, and the steel body reflected the ferocious firelight.A raging fire burned behind him, making the steel body look like a Terminator.

That's something similar to Almajo armor.For some reason, Eric came up with such an idea.

Then, the image was suddenly cut off.

When Eric woke up, he was lying on a hard bed, and when he lifted the covers, he discovered that it was actually a temporarily emptied table.

My head is much clearer—although I am still a little dizzy, but I can think much faster than before.He jumped off the table, trying to walk around to see where he was.

Then, he was stunned by the scene he saw in front of him.

In a space so vast that you can hardly see its edges, the only boundary of the huge cave is endless darkness—every direction.Numerous high and low artificial platforms have built a huge network. In front of the platform where Eric is now, there are a bunch of monitors and computer equipment that look very tall, and there are three rhinoceros-like vehicles on the higher platform. The black armored chariots were parked head to head, like ferocious beasts recharging their energy.

No matter how realistic the movie is, it only exists on the screen after all, and you can't imagine what an indescribable experience it is to actually come here.

Without a doubt, this is the Batcave.

Eric looked left and right, but he didn't see half a person, only occasionally a few bats flapped their wings and flew into the darkness from the rock they were attached to.He walked quickly to the computer, the screen hadn't been turned off yet.

There were complex chemical structures listed on the screen, as well as a thumbnail image of the structure of the human brain.He sat down in front of the computer and browsed carefully.

"I'm afraid it's not a very good habit to look at other people's things casually, Mr. Charlotte."

When Eric turned his head, he saw an old man with a half-bald head walking towards here with a tray in one hand, on which there was twice as much steaming tea.

Alfred, Batman's butler, Eric recognized him.

"Are you feeling better, young sir?" Alfred put the tea on the table.

"Like a hangover," Eric said. "I guess you're Batman's assistant, right?"

"Basically, but with more control." Alfred said, "You were poisoned by the scarecrow, and the bat cave happens to be the only place where there is a potion that can detoxify in time. The young master specifically explained that after you wake up Be sure to draw blood to confirm whether there is any toxin left.”

As he spoke, he showed the syringe.Eric rolled up his sleeves and watched as the old man took out half a tube of blood from his arm and took it to the laboratory bench beside him for testing.

"He also said that I can leave after that, right?"

"Yes." Alfred said, "but I have to lead you to a path in case you recognize where this is."

The underground of Wayne Manor, I know.Of course, this can only be said from the bottom of my heart.

"Where's Batman?"

"Looking for new clues." Alfred was lying in front of the microscope, and Eric doubted whether his old eyes were up to the job, "You know, it's usually like this, there are always busy people all night long." thing."

"I guess, he went to find Poison Ivy?"

Alfred raised his head in surprise: "How do you know?"

Eric pointed to the computer: "Glanced twice. According to the computer analysis, although I have never seen this body-strengthening potion compound molecule, its composition seems to be very similar to the 'fear toxin' in the computer file. But it is not the same as' Fear Toxin' On the contrary, this drug mainly paralyzes the amygdala-frontal hypothalamus, eliminating the 'fight or flight' response mechanism. In other words, it makes people fearless. Interestingly, the only source of this toxin is Primordial Peyote is a distant relative of the cactus peyote, and it is also one of the rarest plants on earth. In a reinforced concrete jungle like Gotham, besides poison ivy, will there be another person who has this kind of plant?"

Alfred looked at him in surprise.

"The young master said you were just a high school student."

"He was right."

Eric smiled smugly, but his expression suddenly froze as if he had seen a ghost.

"Fuck! Grandpa, what time is it? How long have I been unconscious?"

"Well, it's seven o'clock in the morning, what's the matter?"

"Fuck! I have to go!"

After being busy all night, he completely forgot what happened during the day yesterday.

Raven should be almost up by now.

(End of this chapter)

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