Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 373 Looking Ahead

Chapter 373 Looking Ahead

In an unknown place, in a certain facility.

The old man with a hunched back and a height of no more than five feet was completely wrapped in a black coat. The mask covered half of his face, and a little white hair was exposed under the brim of the black hat.His pair of pupils were a strange dark red, and the deep pupils reflected the tiredness that seemed to be unique to old people who had experienced many vicissitudes of life, but at the same time, the flames of an ambitious man coexisted with them.

Dark purple energy flows like a liquid in a transparent glass tube in his hand, and the flame burns along the lower edge of the tube, which looks extremely strange.

"That thing is the sample you took from that skull?"

The voice sounded from behind the old man, but it was a death knell.At this moment, he was sitting in front of an experimental table with his hands folded in front of his chest, watching the movements of the old man's hands indifferently.

"That's right." The old man spoke, his voice was old and muddy, and he sounded like a patient who was terminally ill and dying soon, "Joseph Martin is an idiot, and his use value is not high, but his radiant energy is very special and has a special effect on me. In addition, I also need another special sample, which is the target of your next mission. Of course, the reward will not be less."

As the old man spoke, he walked slowly to a row of electronic cabinets, opened the password disk and entered a series of numbers, and a cabinet door on a certain row immediately popped open with a "click".He placed the glass tube containing the purple substance in the slot and pushed it in, closing the cabinet door and re-locking it.

"Let the Atomic Skeleton attract attention and take this opportunity to steal the data of the new kid's armor. This has been your plan from the beginning." Deathstroke said lightly, "But when you arrange for the Atomic Skull to use force When it came to taking back that suit of armor', you didn't have any hope that he would be able to complete the mission from the beginning, did you?"

The old man glanced at him, snorted softly, and said almost nasally: "That guy has disappointed me time and time again, even if he can complete this last task, I will abandon him without hesitation, because it is his Deserved punishment. But you're right, I really didn't have any hope for this idiot at all, he just played the role of bait."

After a pause, the old man turned, his red eyes fixed on Deathstroke.

"You gotta watch out, Slade," he said. "Don't follow in that guy's footsteps. Don't let me down."

Death Knell stepped forward, exuding a suffocating invisible murderous aura.

"Don't compare me to that kind of trash." Deathstroke said in a deep voice, "I am different from that kind of guy. Reputation is very important to my work. If we want to continue to maintain a good cooperative relationship, I hope to get More trust."

The old man laughed lowly, his voice was so weird that the laughter seemed ferocious and weird.

"You'd better recognize the reality, Slade." The old man said unceremoniously, "Before I hired you, your success rate in the last few missions was really unsatisfactory. I know that your first three commissions failed. Got fucked up because of the rumored winged knight."

The one-eyed man under the death knell mask seemed to be wrinkled, and the cold and murderous intent enveloped the crooked old man, but he did not refute it, because it was indeed the truth.

"The truth is, your reputation is not as good as it used to be." The old man continued, "Your failure proves that you are not as powerful as you boasted. If you don’t pay enough money to complete any task’, then your reputation is not worth your expensive commission fee. The reality is that there are not many employers like me who are willing to spend a lot of money to hire you. If you let this one business If the client is disappointed, what will people say? Is the legendary death knell really old?"


The death knell broke the table behind him in half with a punch, and everything on the table was scattered all over the floor.

"You wait." Deathstroke said coldly, "I will prove myself."

Gotham Central Prison.

Since Wing Knight was seriously injured in the death knell attack and was still resting, Eric and Supergirl, as representatives of the night raiders, came to the Central Prison after receiving the news that the atomic skull was missing during the escort. News about the police attack.It's a pity that the police officer's knowledge seems to be quite limited.

"Please, any detail, no matter how small." Supergirl asked. "Any detail related to the traits of the attacker."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't remember anything." The young policeman was still in a cast while talking to them. "At that time, I just felt that the whole car suddenly shook, as if someone had hit it hard from the side with a hammer. Then the car body overturned at that time. At that time, I seemed to be hit on the head, and my brain was a little unconscious."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and turned to say: "Ah, yes. Although I was a little unclear at the time, I seemed to see it in the mirror. That guy should be wearing some kind of armor or something. Protectors can never go wrong."

"Armor?" Eric repeated.

"That's right, the armor." The policeman nodded affirmatively, "I should remember that correctly."

Other than that, the officer really didn't seem to remember anything.But the only information provided by the police officer made Eric quite concerned.

When the two walked out of the prison along the passageway of the exit, the super girl asked, "Does the armor he mentioned have any connection with yours?"

"Who knows." Eric said as he walked, "My armor is actually left by my father. If I want to explain it in detail, it will involve a series of messy things related to my family, so I don't need to mention it."

"Speaking of which, you have been staying in our world for four months." The super girl said, "You must really want to go back, after all, there must be a lot of things that you worry about."

"Yes. Especially seeing your Raven these two days, it reminds me of someone who is very important to me."

He stopped suddenly.After the super girl walked two steps in front of him, she turned around strangely and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly thought that maybe in the past four months, maybe I didn't even want to go back in my subconscious mind."


Eric sighed slightly: "Although I wanted to find a way to return to my own world, but when I thought about it, I didn't actually take any practical actions at all. Maybe I really had such a thought deep in my heart-I didn't want to go back to my own world anymore. In the world over there, I have to face more pain and burdens. Just stay in this world where no one knows me, and I don’t have to bear any expectations, so I can live like this more easily.”

After a moment of silence, the super girl said: "It doesn't sound bad."

Eric shook his head.

"People always have to look forward when they are alive." Eric said, "Even if the road ahead is still dark, even if we still don't know where to go, as long as we are alive, we must always move forward."

Supergirl stares at him for a moment, then looks back ahead.

"Although I have felt that way a long time ago, as are a bit like him."

(End of this chapter)

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