Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 372 Carjacking

Chapter 372 Carjacking

That was the sound of Winged Knight being pressed down on the head by the death knell, and his cheek was slapped hard on the metal wall.Death Knell held his head in one hand and slammed it against the wall, then pulled him back suddenly, kicked up and swept across his shoulder with a unparalleled wind.The Winged Knight fell to the ground and rolled several times before getting up. One arm was severely paralyzed, and it was hanging limply as if dislocated.

He gritted his teeth, took out the electric shock ring from the multifunctional belt and put it on the remaining hand.As he clenched his fists tightly, a dazzling blue arc flashed on the ring, with a crackling sound.

With a loud shout, the Winged Knight rushed forward again, dragging several blue fist shadows with a single fist and attacking at a very fast pace.Seeing that Death Knell was still unhurried, he retreated half a step and dodged sideways, blue fist shadows passing by his side one after another with only a hair's breadth away.

In the end, Death Knell suddenly raised his hand to grab it, and precisely grabbed the wrist of the winged knight's remaining arm, and raised his knee to hit his elbow hard.Winged Knight screamed "ah", and this arm was temporarily scrapped.

Little Wing Knight half-kneeled on the ground in pain, but Deathstroke seemed to have no interest in talking to him anymore, turned around and walked to the console.

"Death knell, international terrorists, mercenaries, assassins." Wing Knight asked, gritted his teeth, "but as far as I know, the computer is your blind spot. It is impossible for you to write a virus that cracks our system. Who is doing this?" Help you? What do you want here?"

Deathstroke shot him sideways.

"As you said, I am a mercenary." He said coldly, "I believe in the only truth in the world—that is money. I will do things for anyone who pays me, it's that simple."

"So who hired you here?"

"Do you think I look like someone who would give away a client's privacy?" Deathstroke asked back.

Speaking of this, the progress bar on the computer finally came to an end, and the words "Download Complete" jumped out.Deathstroke turned his eyes back to the computer, and reached out to unplug his mobile terminal.

Seeing this momentary opportunity, the Little Wing Knight stubbornly climbed up again, and launched an attack on the death knell from behind for the last time.But the death knell didn't even look back, and kicked back with his right foot at an unparalleled speed, right on the heart of the Winged Knight.The strong legs immediately sent him flying upside down, hitting the metal wall behind with a "bang" and dented.

"It's too slow, and the moves are very simple." Deathstroke walked slowly to the exit, and said lightly, "I have fought against your father many times. Although I don't want to admit it, I lost more than I won. And you, compared with him It's too far away."

The automatic door slid open with a "wow", and the arrogant figure of Death Knell quickly disappeared behind the door.Little Wing Knight still wanted to struggle to get up and chase, but finally he lost his strength.The back of the retinal death knell became more and more blurred, and finally fell into darkness and fell into a deep sleep.

In the urban area.

After an astonishingly fierce battle in the city center for about ten minutes, the battle finally came to an end.The Atomic Skull struggled fiercely for a while, but it was a pity that it was still outnumbered by two fists and four hands, and fell down under the siege of the crowd.

A huge pit with a radius of five or six meters was blown out on the road. The unconscious atomic skeleton lay on the bottom of the deep pit with its limbs spread out, and had already lost consciousness.Everyone in the Night Raider walked slowly to the edge of the huge pit and looked down. After confirming that this guy had really lost consciousness, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, the Atomic Skull is a powerful super villain after all, and it is not easy for everyone to deal with it.Fortunately, the result is still a surprise.

"The next step is the work of the police." Pulse yawned long and stretched his waist. "The mission is completed, and the world is saved again. It's almost time for us to go home."

So far it seems that everything is going well, and the incident of the atomic skull should come to an end here.However, before they had time to relax for a minute, the alarm sounded very neatly from everyone's communicator.

"It's an intrusion alarm." Damian was the first to respond, "Someone has broken into our base!"

The night raiders rushed back to the base within a few minutes, but unfortunately they were destined to be one step late—in fact, they were already late when the sirens sounded.All that was left for them was a meeting room full of signs of fighting, a computer with the words "Download Complete" still on the screen, and the Winged Knight who was covered in injuries and passed out on the ground.

Impulse was the first to rush up to help him up: "Hey, are you okay?"

Supergirl scanned Little Wing Knight's whole body with X-sight, and said: "It is not life-threatening, but the injury is very serious, and medical assistance must be obtained immediately."

"Damn it." Pulse gritted his teeth, "Who did it? And why."

"I'm afraid it's because of this."

Damian said indifferently, and typed twice on the console keyboard.The data content just stolen by Deathstroke jumped out on the screen immediately, and a three-dimensional image of the Alpha armor of Almojo and some more detailed test data appeared on the screen.

Eric walked up behind him, frowning slightly.

Could it be that there are people in this world who are also interested in Yamozhuo armor?
In the urban area.

Not long after the fierce battle between the Night Raiders and the Atomic Skull ended, the police came to clear the scene.They fixed the atomic skull on a police armored vehicle and prepared to escort him to a prison tailored for him.

But on the way of transportation, a sudden change occurred.The impact hit the transport vehicle without warning, the heavy armor plate was deeply dented, the friction between the tires and the ground gave out a sharp scream, and the whole body rolled over to the ground, rubbing a gap with the ground. A large number of sparks swept across several lampposts and violently rolled over to the ground.

All the police officers in the car were knocked unconscious all of a sudden, but the Atomic Skull who was originally unconscious was awakened by the shock.He shook his head, quickly realized his current situation, hurriedly broke free, kicked the door panel of the carriage door and jumped out.

However, just as his feet hit the ground, a powerful fist slammed into his face, causing his body to rise from the ground involuntarily, and he rolled several times in the air before falling back to the ground.


The Atomic Skull roared and raised its head, but what appeared in front of it looked like a robot, or a guy wearing an exoskeleton armor.The armor was lighter black, and the eyepieces were shining with a dim golden light, and the sharp eyes like blades were projected through the eyepieces.

For no reason, the Atomic Skull felt a chill down its spine, as if seeing the god of death who was about to judge him.

(End of this chapter)

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