Chapter 277 Jericho

Russia, somewhere, in a gloomy alley.

The boy's whole body was tightly hidden in the hooded coat, making it airtight.He walked in this dirty alley with his head deeply buried, and from time to time, one or two frightened crows flew behind him, making mocking shrill calls.

There were a few other people hiding in the shadow at the end of the alley, bursts of heavy smoke wafted from the shadow, and the people inside seemed to be puffing.

"Is that you?" the boy asked cautiously.

"What are you doing?" the man inside asked in Russian. "Is it a note?"

Although he couldn't understand what the other party was saying, he could roughly tell from the tone of his voice that he had found the wrong person.The boy waved his hand: "No, I'm sorry, I'm just... looking for someone."

People from the darkness came out, all bald-headed, and would have looked ridiculous if they hadn't been all muscular and menacing.

"Sorry, I don't want to cause trouble." The boy said, "You better stay away from me."

"What is he talking about, does any of you understand English?"

"don't know."

"Wait, guys, don't you think this kid is weird? I think his eyes are green, and his voice feels like it's echoing in my head."

"What? Are you cowardly?"

The gangster who spoke earlier laughed, and showed his shining knife.

"Are you kidding me?"

The boy stepped back again and again: "No, please don't."

"Call mom, maybe we will show mercy and let you go." One of them approached with a smirk, and they had already cornered the boy.

The boy raised his head and closed his eyes tightly.

No, he did it not because he was afraid that these gangsters would hurt him, but because he was afraid of what he would see next—that would be massacre.

The green light flashed past, and the screams echoed in the empty alley in an instant, and the remote alley suddenly became as lively as a slaughterhouse.The boy crouched in the corner with his head in his arms and his eyes closed tightly, the horrific wailing echoed in his ears, and hot and sticky liquid splashed on him from time to time.

After a few seconds, it finally quieted down.

He raised his head cautiously, only to see that the people in front of him fell to the ground without any surprise, and the contents mixed with blood were scattered all over the dirty ground.Even though he was mentally prepared, he almost couldn't resist the urge to spit it out.

Although it wasn't intentional, he was the one who caused it, his out-of-control ability to kill these people.Maybe it can't be said to be his fault, but it still can't let him get rid of the guilt of taking his life.

The boy stood up staggeringly, when someone's applause came from the darkness.

"Who?" he asked carefully.

"Don't be nervous, I'm the one who asked you to meet here, Jericho." The man in the dark said gently, "You can call me Possum, I'm an old friend of your father Slade's. I'm here to help you."

Aegis' temporary stronghold.

After the melody of music waiting for a video call sounded, Raven appeared on Eric's mobile phone screen.Wearing a black jacket as usual, she dangled her face almost close to the camera, as if to check whether the camera was aimed.

"is this OK?"

Eric smiled: "Yes, it's very beautiful."

"You haven't done it yet? You're going to miss the final exam." Raven asked.

"No." Eric shrugged helplessly, "In short, it seems to be at an impasse for the time being. It was only here to recover a set of Almazo armor, but now it seems to be involved in some other serious event."

"You know, I can help."

"No, no, no," Eric waved his hand, "It's not a difficult thing to do, I can do it myself."

After a pause, he asked, "How is the school? Nothing wrong, right?"

"No. Sharon has written a note for you. As long as you come back within a week, you should be able to catch up with the exam."

"Well, there's still this matter, it's a bit troublesome." Eric scratched his head, "Okay, I'll try to finish it within a week. I can't believe I'm still having a headache from the exam."

Raven smiled slightly: "You said that this is also an important part of life."

"Yeah." Eric sighed, "Although the current state is a bit different from my original idea of ​​'living a peaceful life'."

After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked: "That. Ruiwen, speaking of which, we are already the last semester of high school, right?"

"Oh, yes."

"Then have you ever thought about what you will do after graduation?"

Raven tilted his head and thought for a while: "If you want to be like ordinary people, maybe go to a university? It should be. Don't you think so?"

"Is that so?" Eric involuntarily stared blankly, as if talking to himself, "I may not be very sure. I know that it is impossible to maintain a peaceful life like this forever, but it is completely I haven’t thought about what I want to do in the future. Although I said that I don’t want to be a hero like Superman in the future, I actually have no plans for what I want to be.”

Raven smiled.

"It doesn't matter." She said in a calm tone, "That's good—whatever path you choose, I will be with you."

Eric also smiled: "That's right, then there is nothing to worry about. Let's talk about the future."

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and out of the corner of Eric's eyes, he saw Natasha walking in.

"Then let's do this for today, I seem to have something going on here." Eric said, "Let's talk about it next time when we have time."

"Well, how careful are you then?"

The communication hung up, and Natasha asked with a meaningful smile: "Flirting time?"

Eric said: "I haven't heard of staying in a different place for too long to keep in touch? Tell me, is there any progress?"

"The possum slipped away last night."

"Oh, your tone doesn't sound very urgent."

Natasha shrugged: "It's really unnecessary. He's useless. It's better to say that keeping such a captive would be inconvenient for us to move around here."

"So you didn't come here specifically to tell me this?"

"No," Natasha said, "do you know Deathstroke's son?"

"Ruth's brother? Not sure."

"Jericho Wilson, due to genetic reasons, was born with a certain spiritual ability, and when he used his ability, he would release a special energy signal. According to the integration of information obtained from the possum, we speculate that he may be the so-called At the heart of the 'family problem'."

"Ruth seems to have mentioned that he's a nice fellow."

"Maybe in terms of personality, but once his ability bursts out, it can be said to be a killing machine." Natasha said, paused, and said, "Not long ago, we detected the energy signal of his ability bursting out. Near here."

(End of this chapter)

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