Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 276 Family Problems

Chapter 276 Family Problems
After the battlefield was cleaned up, Deathstroke and Deadpool took a breath and resumed their operations.

Put together the information he has so far - a guy who calls himself Odysseus wants him, has captured his son, and even claims to be his father.The funny part is that Slade himself doesn't know what his dad is supposed to look like.

And this is just the part he recalled with the help of the potion given to him by the guy who called himself "Red Fury". He couldn't verify whether it was true or not, and he didn't know when it happened.In his memory, he hasn't seen his father since he was 12 years old. Maybe these are just brain-controlled illusions prepared for him by someone for a certain purpose.

But these are distinct and feel real.

As Slade walked, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

"Old brother."

With a weak sound like the last cry of a dying person, Slade turned his head impatiently, only to see that Deadpool was lying on the ground and stretched out a hand to him weakly.

"So what?"

"Please, I've been talking to you all the time, and you don't even say a word. I'm going to be bored to death~"

"That's better." Deathstroke said coldly, "To be honest, I've wanted to do it for a long time."

Deadpool jumped up like an instant flashback: "But you can't kill, can you? That's why we maintain such a close cooperative relationship now."

"I agree with the first half." Death Bell said, "But I don't remember when we had a 'close cooperative relationship'. This cooperation is a last resort, a request from the employer, and that's all."

"Don't be so indifferent, we look like brothers, don't we? We even have the same taste in knives!"

This seems to be correct, both of them indeed carried two cross-shaped long swords on their backs.

Deathstroke: "I really want to chop you up right now"

"Ha, it seems that you are getting along very happily now."

When the two turned their heads, they saw that the guy in the black suit with the "F" drawn on the mask had appeared behind the two of them at some point, looking at them with a smile.

"Red Fury." Death Knell frowned, stepped forward, and said, "I remembered, about a part of that mission. Now I want to know the truth, I need an answer."

"And I'm here to provide these." Hong said angrily, "Come with me, and I'll tell you everything you need to know, as well as the mission you failed."

He answered Deathstroke's question in a helicopter, which took him and Deadpool to a luxury vacation lodge from the Great North.This guy is alone, but extremely resourceful.It is very obvious that he has been watching the death knell's every move, which is why the death knell can't trust him at all. Unfortunately, the death knell doesn't have many choices left.

They temporarily settled down in a luxurious villa in a snowy field, and Death Bell told Hong Nu exactly what he recalled, hoping that he could fill up all his remaining doubts.

After quietly waiting for the death knell to finish speaking, Hong Nu asked: "You said Jericho, he 'jumped' at you and made you faint?"

"Yes, but it shouldn't be." Slade said, "Jericho was born with supernatural powers, some kind of superpower like telekinesis, but that never worked for me, I don't know what happened this time .”

"The followers of Odysseus wanted to exploit Jericho's abilities, and they also tried to study his genetic makeup. It seems that Odysseus and Jericho share the same mutation gene that makes him lose control, which is to give The source of his superpowers."

"You know him?" Slade asked sharply.

"Odysseus? He is your father." Red Fury said calmly, "Charles Henry Wilson, in 1977 he was sent to Russia by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and he disappeared after that mission He was declared dead by the U.S. government ten years later, and it is clear that he is still alive."

"Until I sent a few bullets into his chest to make him completely finished." Death Bell said.

"Whoa, you shot your dad?" Deadpool interjected. "Did I mention that before? You're so cool!"

Both of them ignored Deadpool tacitly, and Hong Nu continued: "No, this is the trouble, you didn't kill him."

"I saw my own hands with my own eyes." The death knell said, "Unless the images you let me see are not real."

"Odysseus—your father—was no ordinary man, Slade. He didn't die so easily, his genes nearly brought him back to life, and we've recently begun to feel that your healing powers might It is also related to a certain part of the genes hidden deep in your body. And I believe that only Jericho, who also inherited your family's genes and has undergone a strange mutation, can kill him, that is, your son."

"So that's your original plan? Take Jericho up to him?"

"Yeah, that was your real mission, but it's screwed up. Jericho is missing, and Odysseus isn't dead."

"So you didn't send me to rescue my son at all, you used Jericho as a gunman, and you sent me as cannon fodder."

Speaking of this, the sound of the death knell already revealed a strong killing intent.He drew his sword out of its sheath "swish", pointed at Hong Nu's neck, and said solemnly, "Now, tell me honestly, who are you guys? Why did you hire me to deal with Odysseus?"

"It looks like my friend is angry." Deadpool also drew his knife imitatively, pointing at Hong Nu's forehead, "I suggest you quickly explain...uh...what he wants you to say."

Hong Angry's eyes paused for a while on the blades of the two, and then compromised.

When the guy in the suit took off his hood, letting go of his bright red hair and revealing his fair and beautiful face, both desperadoes froze.

Well, maybe they'd accepted that there was a disgusting non-human alien under the mask, but they never expected that there would be a woman under the hood.

"My name is Kendall James. I work for a special organization. I usually help the CIA and Interpol when I work, helping to deal with people and things that are inconvenient for them to deal with." Taking off the voice changer in the hood, The woman's voice was surprisingly pleasant.

Deadpool whistled, immediately withdrew his long sword, turned his attitude 180 degrees, and said affectionately: "Hey, ma'am, I like your kind of boss the most. Feel free to talk about any job, and the price is negotiable."

Deathstroke kicked him away, and asked in a deep voice, "So to put it simply, I'm cooperating with the CIA?"

"It almost means that I am their representative in this operation." Kendall said, "The CIA believes that this new existence that your father has become, Odysseus, may be powerful enough to severely damage the country, or even destroy a country. He Can impose his will on the masses, create chaos, riots."

"It's like mind manipulation."

"Yes, spiritual abilities, you understand the hidden dangers that this ability may cause. So we have to destroy this power now."

Slade was silent for a moment.

"Simply put, you want me to kill my real father."

"That's one thing, and it's saving your son," she said. "If left unchecked, he'll fall prey to Odysseus' plan. And have you heard? Your daughter, Ruth Wilson, It seems that she has also been in contact with Odysseus, and she seems to have decided to save her brother in her own way."

"Ruth?" Slade was taken aback.

"Now, have we reached an agreement?"

Slade gritted his teeth.

"Yes, I will." He said coldly, "I will stab the sword through Odysseus' neck, and then through the top of his head."

(Thanks to book friend Pu Zixi for rewarding 10000 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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