Chapter 205

With just one thought, Sangong called out a team that seemed to be completely copied from the Avengers and stopped in front of the Avengers. At this moment, the two teams had already fought together.

These counterfeit goods are no different from the main body in terms of ability and skills, and can almost exert the same combat power as the main body.It is very unfortunate that the Avengers have been more or less injured after fighting so far, and it is really difficult to exert their usual combat power, while the pirates are completely tireless as if their physical strength is infinite, and they have completely suppressed them. The original Avengers.

"We shouldn't be here, Tony." The black iron man said loudly when he released the palm beam at the genuine version, "Other people, they have superpowers, magic, can go to heaven and earth, but what about us? We just shrink Mortals in iron shells."

Iron Man threw his hand at a repulsion cannon, but was repulsed back due to lack of energy.He gritted his teeth and shouted, "I don't have enough energy left, can someone help?"

And at the moment, no one seems to be relatively free.When he shouted, the Kung Fu Hulk and the black version of himself had already fought several kilometers away, and the yellow sand soaring into the sky could be seen from a distance.

"What are you thinking!?" Black Hulk rode on the green body and roared, "You think you are a hero among a group of guys in strange costumes? No, we know it in our hearts, we will always be monsters!"

He landed another heavy punch, only to be caught by the Hulk this time.

"Shut up." While speaking in a low voice, Hulk sent this guy flying with an old punch, "Hulk is Hulk! And there is only one Hulk!"

In mid-air, Doctor Strange also launched a fierce magical confrontation with his pirated version.After a round of fighting, he was surprised: "It can actually know my spells and imitate my magic. Ah!"

In the middle of the conversation, he was shot down by a magical impact from the opponent, and fell beside Captain America.The captain reacted quickly and rolled to his side, raised his shield to block the pursuit of the black mage in the air, and then turned around to deal with his clone.

"Any advice, doctor?" the captain asked. "We can't win this way."

While defending against the magical attack from his clone, Doctor Strange said: "I think I have seen similar black magic in ancient books. These things should come from the dark masked entities in our hearts. According to records, fighting the body At that time, they can become stronger without limit by absorbing the darkness in the opponent's heart."

"Wait, and the main body?" Tony interrupted not far away, "So, they can only fight like this when dealing with their own opponents?"

"Avengers, did you hear that?" The captain made a feint in front of his fortress, pulled back, and shouted, "Let's switch opponents!"

Iron Man's jet engine was fully turned on, and he turned his head and flew towards the black Captain America.His pirated version tried to catch up, but hit the flying shield head-on and was shot down to the ground. Captain America flew to meet him, controlling him with a series of gorgeous joint skills so that he didn't even have time to breathe.And Iron Man also rushed in front of the pirated captain in this staggered effort, and punched down on the black round shield fiercely, knocking it to the ground through the shield.

"Strange is right." Iron Man shot the counterfeit on the forehead, and the latter turned into a black phantom and disappeared, "These guys are vulnerable if they don't fight against the main body."

The captain also held his shield and slammed into the reactor on the chest of the black Iron Man, who also turned into a black shadow and dissipated.

"Hulk, Thor, did you hear that?"

The answer to his question on the communication channel was a roar that almost pierced people's eardrums.The two Hulks, green and black, were fighting in full swing, ignoring everything around them selflessly, and they were evenly matched.

The two huge phantoms punched each other, each of them shook backwards, stopped the car suddenly, and then they were ready to charge forward again like red-eyed bulls.

And at this moment, an afterimage dragging a bright red cloak descended from the sky and landed in front of the black Hulk.Thor involuntarily raised Thor's Hammer high, and swept it out with a dazzling blue electric current.With a loud noise like thunder, the huge body of the black Hulk was instantly smashed into pieces by him, turning into a phantom and dissipating.

Thor turned his head, but saw that Hulk on his side was still red-eyed, panting heavily, approaching him step by step.

"Calm down, Hulk." Thor held up a hand, "I'm not your enemy, don't"

Before he finished speaking, Hulk made a sudden move.He was so fast that Thor couldn't react, and the green fist turned into an afterimage and hit something with a "bang".

Thor turned his head to the side, but saw that the Hulk blasted him just now was the knockoff version of himself flying rapidly from the side. After receiving Hulk's punch from the front, he flew backwards and flew far away, and disappeared in mid-air as a phantom .

"We're even." Hulk actually grinned and said in a low voice.

On Doctor Strange's side, the black version of the mage continued to cast spells on him, shouting: "You are not worthy of inheriting the title of 'Sorcerer Supreme', you know this, you are not qualified at all!"

"Maybe, but I have other important things." Doctor Strange said with a smile while dispelling the magic fired by the other party.



The moment the voice fell, the black mage was already shrouded in a giant shadow.When he turned his head, he saw that the giant Ant-Man's fist had fallen from the sky, and with a "boom", it was like a landslide and an earth crack, and it pushed him into the ground hard.

At the same time, the black Ant-Man shrank to the size of an ant, and approached cautiously with the cover of the thick smoke.When Ant-Man punched down the pirated Strange and was shrinking back to normal size, the guy swooped up from behind like a praying mantis.

But he hadn't jumped far before he was suddenly frozen in mid-air, unable to move a single finger, let alone return to normal size.

It's Doctor Strange.He snorted softly and chanted a series of spells, and the last black dot immediately disappeared without a trace.

By this time, the dark version of the Avengers was finally wiped out.The crowd regrouped, with high morale.

"Ha, done." Thor swung his hammer and landed. "This is what I call an Avenger victory."

"You haven't won yet, Thor." The captain said, turning his eyes to Sangong who was preparing with his eyes closed. "The real hard part is still to come. Strange, what is Sangong doing?"

"If my predictions are correct, it should be accumulating power." Doctor Strange frowned, "Amassing a burst of power will explode beyond our imagination."

"Then we have to stop him before then."

(End of this chapter)

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