Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 204 The Gatekeeper

Chapter 204 The Gatekeeper

Earth, Wakanda frontier.

With scorching wind and terrifying coercion, the Lord of the Three Palaces finally arrived.The moment the giant's body hit the ground, the entire planet trembled.Volcanoes tens of thousands of miles away suddenly erupted without warning, and tsunamis broke out on the sea on the other side of the earth, as if the earth itself was screaming in terror.And the Avengers who faced Sangong directly felt the unparalleled pressure.

At the moment when the Sangong came, demons from hell began to emerge from almost every corner of the earth, like locusts, which are disgusting, spread all over the entire planet in an instant, attacking and destroying everything indiscriminately.The armies all over the world were mobilized, and the superpowers—whether heroes or villains—had to fight against the mighty army from hell for the racial crisis, and the world was in chaos.

The world has entered the countdown to destruction.

Unless before that, someone can defeat Sannomiya.

"Avengers, attack!"

The odds were slim, but that was never a reason for the Avengers to hold back.In addition, they have no way to retreat, and behind their front is the whole world.

Hulk took off with amazing jumping power, jumped tens of meters high and landed directly on Sangong's shoulder, punching him hard on the cheek.The magic wave shot by Doctor Strange intertwined with Thor's hammer wrapped in dazzling lightning and flew out, slamming on his chest.Iron Man's maximum power super-repulsive beam also quickly completed charging, flying behind Sangong and hitting the back of his head with full power, and it was a shot.

But when the dust settled, San Gong still stood, unscathed at all.

He didn't seem to move at all, and the invisible aura exploded.Hulk was knocked out of his shoulder first, thrown a long way like a green lead ball, and fell into the distant wilderness, raising a cloud of dust.The three people floating in the air were also shot down unexpectedly, and fell to the ground quite embarrassingly.

With just one move, Sangong beat the heroes to pieces.And what about Sannomiya?But he had no intention of chasing them at all, his four yellow eyes looked down at them coldly, as if with pity.

"Stand up, Avengers!" The captain who was also thrown to the ground gritted his teeth and supported his body with his fists. "We can't fall down here!"

The Avengers insisted on standing up, but everyone knew in their hearts that the hope of winning this battle was really slim.

Sangong glanced at the crowd, as if he didn't bother to pay attention to them at all, turned around and started to leave, every step made the ground tremble violently.

"Ignore us?" Thor asked angrily.

Just as the Avengers were trying to catch up, groups of black shadows suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them.In front of everyone, a group of black things drilled out, quickly shaped like plasticine in front of them, and copied them bit by bit into exactly the same shape as their bodies, except that the whole body was black.

In just a few seconds, a black fake Avenger stopped in front of them.

"Great," Tony said. "Now we have to fight ourselves."

Hell dimension, at this moment.


The heavy ax slammed into Eric's chest, with such force that he took several steps back to barely digest his inertia.

The gatekeeper in the blue-gray armor is really not at the same level as the miscellaneous fish all the way before, and Eric suffered a lot after only a few rounds of fighting.The strength of the Amazo armor super mode is actually slightly inferior to this guy, and his opening and closing moves seem to be clumsy, slow and disorderly, but in fact they are very clever.Only when facing this gatekeeper in person, will you find that this guy is almost flawless.

While Eric was thinking, the other party didn't stop.The gatekeeper chased after him with strides, and slashed down again with an axe.Eric rolled over under the scorching wind with a short body, and the sharp ax immediately split a huge rock behind him in half, like cutting tofu with a knife.

Eric rolled over, got up, turned around as fast as he could, and swept his legs with unparalleled strength.But the gatekeeper only lightly raised his left arm, firmly supporting Eric's leg which contained dozens of tons of force.And the ax he held in the other hand fell on Eric's shoulder inexplicably almost at the same second, and with the splashing sparks, a piece of the shoulder armor of the Almazo armor was split off.

The whole arm was almost numb and lost consciousness, and Eric tried to retreat subconsciously.But the other party's movements were done in one go, just as the ax fell, the whole bulky body turned half a circle in the direction of the force of the ax falling, and a leg slammed into Eric's waist and abdomen, and swept him out heavily.

Erik's body slammed into two rocks and rolled into a pile of rubble.He turned his head and caught a glimpse of Little Raven curled up behind a bunker not far away from the corner of his eye, carefully sticking out half of his head to look at the battle situation.

Eric clenched his fists again.

The gatekeeper followed closely, and another ax fell sharply.Eric rolled sideways to avoid it, but just as he got up, he was choked by the other party's throat, and he was firmly pressed against the stone wall with terrible arm strength.

Eric squeezed the opponent's thick wrist tightly, his eyes seemed to have a scorching fierce light, and stared at the blue-gray armor through the goggles.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The eyepiece became red in an instant, and the armor core was filled with high-density energy toward the helmet, as if it was about to come out at any moment.

"Give me death!"

With a burst of shouting, surging thermal vision burst out, and Youruo's roaring torrent swallowed the blue-gray helmet inside.The sharp iron spikes on the helmet were instantly melted by the high temperature, and there was a deep groan from under the armor, as if he felt a lot of pain.

The gatekeeper raised his fist high, seeming to have concentrated all his strength, and slammed on Eric's face against the raging torrent of heat vision.


The moment the hard fist hit Eric's face, the eyepiece seemed to burst.The condensed thermal vision energy was detonated like a high-temperature bomb, and the terrifying shock wave was blown away in all directions.The stones in a circle were all shattered into fine powder in an instant, and the two people in the center of the explosion flew upside down.


Little Raven, who was hiding behind the bunker, was caught off guard and was blown away screaming, falling like a white feather from the cliff behind her, and directly below her was a piece of red hot magma.

Half of the face armor was shattered by the zero-distance blast, and a piece of Eric's cheek was burned.But he didn't stop at all. After rolling a few times, he immediately got up and flew towards the direction where Raven fell.

"Complete speed mode is online."

(End of this chapter)

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