Chapter 137
"What are you doing here?" Eric asked in surprise.

"Help you." Raven answered simply and concisely, without a trace of expression fluctuation on his face, but inexplicably conveyed unshakable firmness.

From the breach in the clothing store across the street, gravel and glass shards burst out suddenly. The icy black silhouette stood up slowly, stepped out unhurriedly and returned to the sidewalk, twisting its head slightly, the armor There was a cold and crisp sound of metal parts rubbing against the neck.

The surprise attack just now caught him off guard, but it didn't cause substantial damage.

The power of the Omega armor is really ridiculously strong.

"This is not your battle." Eric said to Raven hurriedly, "Go!"

"No." Raven said flatly but stubbornly, "You said that no matter what happens or what you face, you will be with me, right?"

Eric was taken aback.

"It's the same for me. I just"

She paused for a moment, her eyes turned away from Eric intentionally or unintentionally, and stared directly at the dark enemy not far away.

"...don't want to see you hurt, that's all."

From the beginning to the end, her tone was so flat, and her expression didn't fluctuate, it was like a repeater reading the specified lines.But Eric really felt the warmth in these cold words.

The tsundere little princess from hell would say that, isn't it her way of expressing her concern to the best of her ability?

Eric smiled slightly, and suddenly felt the pressure in his heart relax a little.

"Understood." He nodded and said, "Then let's go together."

The raven's body was suspended slightly, and the purple chaotic magic power was flying all over the sky. The translucent crow spread its wings and screamed against the wind and rain.The wings spread gently from the back of the Alpha armor, like a sharp dagger, bathed in rainwater, shining with a unique luster of metal.The magic power of chaos wrapped the whole body of the Alpha armor like a coat, and the purple lines vaguely outlined the shape of a crow on the chest.

Armor of Amojo - Raven Mode!
The resonance ability of the Alpha armor is the only ability that Dr. Charlotte, as the designer, has not figured out. Under certain conditions, it can resonate and copy to obtain a new model.

Ms. Yvette's words echoed in Raven's mind for a long time. She hesitated all the way here, but in the end she still didn't hand over the "final accessory" to Eric.

"If this is used, it means that the child has no chance of turning back." She seemed to have said so.

Although I don't know what Yvette is referring to, but I always feel that if I give the strengthening parts to Eric, it seems that things will get out of hand.

So she didn't want Eric to use this just yet, if there was room for maneuver.

"Complete, the truth mode is online."


While chuckling with interest, the Omega armor has also switched to truth mode.The silver-white long sword popped out into his hand, shining white like snow under the pouring rain.

The three of them froze briefly.Pedestrians and vehicles have already given way to this area, leaving only the patter of rainwater on the eaves and floor tiles. The thick smoke caused by the previous fight drifted between the two sides in bursts, and was washed away by the rain in an instant.

They are watching, waiting for their moment.

Then it was Eric and Raven who moved first.Raven took the lead, and with a wrong palm, the dark purple magic power rushed towards the opponent like a torrent.

With a flick of the Omega sword, the blade easily scattered the magic power.At the same time, Eric had already bullied himself under the cover of this offensive with great tacit understanding, and his fist wrapped in the magic power of chaos swung like a meteor.


When the fist and the blade intersected, Erik was stunned and took half a step back. The magic layer wrapped around his wrist was slightly cracked by the silver sword, and the splashed energy mixed into the rain like purple raindrops.

Omega moved extremely fast, his body was almost stuck to Eric, and he chased after him, and the horizontal sword was about to strike.The blade with the magic-breaking attribute set off a chilling hurricane, and the rain splashed towards Eric's neck along with the wind pressure, and the purple magic energy trembled violently under the sword aura.

But before the long sword caught up with the target, the Raven's attack arrived more in time.The raindrops surrounding the Omega armor suddenly shifted direction as if pulled by an invisible external force, followed the guidance of the raven and spun around the Omega, and suddenly it was like a thousand arrows firing, attached to the The lavender magic power shot towards the Omega's armor.

Omega's footsteps stopped abruptly, and his figure suddenly rose from the ground, rushing into the air like a bullet with a slight sound of piercing through the air.Countless raindrops lost their target in an instant, and exploded with each other in the air, and the water splashed like waves.

If it is the truth mode simulated by the Alpha armor, it does not have the ability to fly, but the Omega armor obviously has this function.

After Eric glanced at Raven, the metal wings spread out suddenly, and the two of them jumped into the air together, flying towards Omega.

Omega chuckled lowly, adjusted his figure and swooped down.The blade of the sword turned into a mass of silvery white flashes and cut through countless raindrops, dragging a long curved water mark like a long whip towards the two of them.Eric and Raven clenched their fists together, and the magic power on their bodies was almost released at the same time. The rain retreated knowingly along the way and slapped the buildings on both sides with a "crash", and dark purple light was reflected between the stagnant water and the glass curtain wall.


There was a trembling roar, as if a magic-filled dynamite detonated in the street.

At this moment, there are only five seconds left in the countdown to the launch of the gas generator.

Whatever drug Dr. Charlotte wants to spread across the city, it won't be anything like antibiotics.

"Not alright? Stark!?" the captain asked loudly.

"Hurry up. The shield is done! Thor!"

The invisible force field protecting the equipment finally dissipated under Iron Man's efforts, and the invisible barrier finally dissipated after trembling like the last struggle.Thor's Hammer, who had been waiting for the signal for a long time, dropped his hand in response, leaving a blue flash of lightning on everyone's retinas, roaring and rushing like a dragon in an instant.

The number on the countdown electronic display has changed to one second.

Thor's Hammer pierced through the machine with a "clank", and the astonishing current paralyzed the entire system in an instant. The electric snake jumped along the console until the transmitter on the top.All the electronic displays, including the counting dial, turned back to pitch black in an instant, and the whole machine lost its vitality in an instant as if it had been killed by this hammer.

But it was still a step too late.

Maybe it was a tenth of a second, maybe it was shorter, but the fleeting moment before Thor's hammer pierced through this machine, the device screamed towards the endless sky, and "whoosh" shot a light blue air Column, like a flare.

It went all the way up to the sky, as if reaching the height of the atmosphere, and exploded in mid-air, brilliant like fireworks.Its radius expanded rapidly, like a large net that was as wide as the sky fell from the sky, and it was pulled down towards the entire city.

"Ha!" Omega, who was fighting with Eric and Raven, retreated abruptly, looked at the sky and laughed, "The time is coming, it's an honor for you to witness the evolution process with your own eyes!"

Eric gritted his teeth: "What did you do?"

On the top of the tower, Ant-Man stared blankly at the airflow layer that seemed to have expanded to the size of half a city falling down, and asked in a low voice: "Stark? What clever tricks are you still tucking in now. Maybe it's time to use it. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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