Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 136 The Battle of Osco

Chapter 136 The Battle of Osco

"Me?" Raven pointed at herself in disbelief. Although she seemed to be the only one here except Ms. Charlotte, she still suspected that the "you" the other party said might refer to someone else.

Yvette nodded: "If Eric gets this, he can probably go further on the road of being a warrior. This is the final accessory of the Alpha armor, and it is the final piece that perfects the existing capabilities of this armor. Strengthening parts, but using this also means that the child will never have a chance to turn back."

She sighed softly in her heart, and Ruiwen seemed to be able to hear the voice of deepest annoyance and guilt in this woman's heart.

"It's not his fault, he wasn't given a choice in the first place. It's not his war, and I'm not sure if he should be pushed deeper."

After a pause, she turned her gaze back to Raven.

"I can't see him now, and I don't think I have the right to decide whether I should help him choose." She continued, "So I beg you. You are his little girlfriend, right?"

Raven faltered for a moment: "Well, that's not it."

Yvette showed a clear but relieved expression, and smiled slightly.

"It's okay, I can see it," she said, "you love that child as much as I do."

Her penetrating eyes made Raven feel that there was something strange on her face, as if she was slightly hot.

"So I'll leave it to you to take care of Eric. I believe that you will make the right decision no matter what. Go to Oscar now, he may need your help now."

After finishing these words, Yvette walked slowly to the door, opened the door and wanted to go out.

"Wait a minute!" Raven called to her, "Where are you going next?"

"I don't know." Yvette said bluntly, "Maybe go where I should go, if there is such a place."

She stopped talking, and the sound of her heels hitting the dilapidated floor was extremely loud amidst the noise of the wind and rain, and disappeared far away at the end of the corridor.

Raven silently looked at the metal suitcase she left behind, and hesitated for a moment, like a heavy burden suddenly fell on her shoulders, making her a little at a loss.

Oscar Building, bottom.

The cold gust brought a lot of rain "crashing" against the armor, and the display in front of Eric was as blurred as the windshield of a car driving in a heavy rain.The imbalance in mid-air made the center of his brain uncomfortable, but at the same time he had to deal with the heavy fists from the black guy who fell at the same time as him. The crazy days of this power user are getting more and more sad every day .

"Complete, the speed mode is online."

"Complete, the speed mode is online."

The notification sounds of the two sets of armor sounded almost at the same time, and the two mutually repelling speed force fields opened at the same time. A frozen landscape painting.

The two turned into afterimages at the same time, like electric javelins piercing the rain curtain one after the other, entangled and collided along the waterfall-like floor and rushed down quickly, on the block like a sharp-turning racing car suddenly turned around, reflecting The rainwater with the dazzling electric snake exploded in a semicircle.

Erik slammed the car to a stop in the rain, and the tip of the metal boots was like the bow of a boat riding the wind and waves, causing knee-high water splashes.He turned his head abruptly and looked around, but the figure of Omega was lost in his vision.

He stopped his movements cautiously, staring at the movement around him with wide eyes.Unknown pedestrians carefully stayed away from here, the roar of vehicles passing by on the street seemed to be elongated infinitely, and the sound of every drop of rain splashing on the sidewalk was extraordinarily clear through the sensor of the speed mode.

Like a sudden gust of wind without warning, there is no way to catch it. Omega flashed in an instant, and the afterimage dragged by the current was like a speeding racing car passing by Eric's side. The violent vibration penetrated the armor, and Eric was knocked over on his side.

He rolled over on the spot, but lost the trace of the other party in his vision.

You can't be beaten passively like this, at least you have to keep moving.
With a move of Erik's feet, the armor quickly activated, and the golden arc wrapped around his body and danced non-stop, and stretched into a golden stream of light with the speeding Mercedes-Benz.

That still didn't help, Omega's shadow suddenly flashed in front of him again, and his leg turned into an afterimage and swept towards him.He was so fast that Eric had no time to operate the armor. He ate the leg head-on and fell to the ground again, the armor splashed violently.

And on the roof of the Oscar building.

"Stupid robot!" Thor held up his hammer and swung it like a rapidly spinning propeller in the palm of his hand. "Taste the wrath of God!"

In response to his call, thunderclouds surged in the sky, and bursts of electric arcs split the sky.With a loud roar, he slammed his hammer down into the air, and the boundless lightning flashed down from the sky. The lightning crackled violently, and a group of robots that were trying to approach Iron Man from behind were blown to pieces. fall.

Hulk pressed a robot to the ground, smashed it deep into the ground with his huge fist, and said disdainfully as if in a nasal voice: "Weak chicken robot."

"Stark, are you alright?" the captain asked.

"Come on," Tony said, "I have found the frequency of this shield, and then as long as I adjust the repulsor to the same frequency, theoretically it will be possible."

"Stop talking, do it quickly!" the captain ordered.

"Hope this works."

Tony said, the energy has been filled to the chest.The dazzling light beam burst out from Iron Man's chest, hit the rain curtain and vaporized a large amount of rainwater, stirring up a puff of water vapor.The light beam dragged a cloud of white smoke and hit the invisible barrier on the outer layer of the gas generating device, vibrating in the moist air.

There is only 1 minute left on the launch timer.


At the same time, Erik's armor slammed heavily on the glass cabinet of the storefront on the street, smashing the beautiful glass window to pieces.He shook his head, and crawled out from the pile of miscellaneous objects knocked down by his body. The speed mode has been exhausted and automatically turned back to the basic mode.

Omega also returned to its normal form, standing across the street, soaked in fine rainwater, looking at him calmly.

For him, it's just a pastime to wait for the countdown.

Can't beat him?Eric gritted his teeth unwillingly.

No, there must be another way, there must be some other way.
Omega slowly took a step towards him, and Eric couldn't help having the illusion that the cold mask was smiling calmly.

At this moment, a purple light beam flew along the street. Omega was caught off guard and was hit from the side, and was also smashed into a clothing store across the street with a "clang".

The girl hovered and landed beside Eric. The dark cloak fluctuated with the breeze, and the rainwater slid down her dark uniform and snow-white calves, showing a gloomy and dark arrogance.

Eric was stunned: "Raven? What are you doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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