Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 125 Get Better

Chapter 125 Get Better
The two high-concentration energy beams launched by Eric and Tony intertwined together, smashing Killian's body against the wall like a torrent.The raging energy washed away from him, his flesh was melting, and his muscles were disintegrating, but his expression was still ferocious, and his mouth still refused to stop the last cry.

"You're useless! Stark!" Killian struggled against the energy beams hitting his body, but was slapped back against the wall powerlessly again and again, and his high-heat body gradually began to melt the wall. "You are a murderer!" guilty, and dare not even accept the truth!"

"It's you who dare not accept the facts, Killian." Tony said lightly, "You are the one who was eliminated by history."


Killian roared unwillingly, but it was of no avail.The energy beam pierced through the wall, and Killian, who was wrapped in flames, broke through the wall like a wreck, rolled and landed in the ruins, leaving a scorched black hole in his chest, his eyes widened, and finally fell silent.

As the smoke cleared, Tony's house was now riddled with holes and looked in need of a complete renovation.Flames engulfed half of the house, the wreckage of the luxury car flew everywhere, and sparks flew in all directions.

Eric undid the armor and returned to the normal mode, and heaved a long sigh of relief: "It's finally over now. It's really tiring."

Tony was silent for a while before he said, "No, it's not over yet. There's the worst thing left."

When he turned his head, Dr. Maya Hansen was cautiously leaning against the wall, groping in from the choking black smoke.

"Dr. Maya Hansen, now I think of you." Tony said lightly, "We did seem to meet that night in Switzerland."

"Glad you remember."

"I don't think this is happy at all." I don't know if it was because of the mechanical processing, his voice was extremely cold, "You said that Aldridge Killian stole the Extremis virus and leaked it to a group of terrorists. Molecule. But it wasn't his doing alone, was it? He had an accomplice."

Maya was silent, watching him quietly.

"Thank you for upgrading me with your virus. Now my new armor can connect to all networks in the world." Tony said, "I know everything."

Maya turned her head away.

"The military withdrew the funding given to you, you have no experiments and no money, even though you have found a way. So you decided to arrange an experiment yourself. Leak Extremis to the terrorists. Then you contacted me because I have the technology of Iron Man, and you expect me to fix your hopeless mess."

"Do you know what they say about the atomic bomb?" Maya said unexpectedly, "In order to avoid using the atomic bomb because of anger, you must use it once because of anger. Let the world see its consequences."

She sighed lightly.

"Extremis is such a thing, it could become an extremely dangerous weapon," she said. "With the new sponsorship, I will use the new funds to stop weapons development. I will start my own dream, medical technology, if Extremis Advanced technology is used in this field, and it can save countless lives."

She raised her head again, looked directly at Iron Man's helmet, and clearly saw her own reflection on the golden visor.

"There's no difference between us, Tony. You're no better than me."

"You're right, Maya." Tony said lightly, "but as my friend just said - I'm trying to be better. At least when I wake up in the morning, I can look at myself in the mirror."

The message Natasha brought back seemed to have arrived, and Aegis sent someone to clean up the mess after a while.It seemed that they were also quite interested in the technology of Extremis. Finally, Killian, who was confirmed dead, and several Extremis fighters who fell into the water were recovered by them, including Maya Hansen, who was also taken away by them.

This time, it finally seemed like it was over.

But Tony's house was finished, and Eric couldn't help feeling sorry for such a beautiful house, although such a small amount of money should be nothing to the rich and powerful Stark.

Tony took off his battle armor, stood on the edge of the cliff of his house, watching the white water waves trying in vain to climb the cliff again and again, lost in thought for a while.

"Do you really think that about what you just said?" Tony asked abruptly, his back turned, as Eric approached him.

"Which one?" Eric asked.

"The part that says I'm trying to be a better person."

"Ah, of course," Eric said, "that's who you are, Tony Stark—Scientist of Tomorrow."

Tony thought for a moment and said, "But people have been reminding me recently that I have to start recalling some things in the past. I began to think, maybe I have indeed committed a lot of crimes, and maybe my hands have indeed been stained with too much blood."

"Many manufacturers in the world make pistols, but no one blames them for their guilt."

"That's different." Tony smiled wryly.

"That's the same," Eric retorted. "It's as simple as that. People who suffer from war need an outlet, an object to unleash their anger on. That's it. You're the one who makes the gun, not the one who pulls the trigger." Killers. Guns can be used to kill, but they can also save lives."

"Like Iron Man," Tony whispered to himself.

"Like Iron Man." Eric also said.

After another moment of silence, Tony smiled softly.

"To be honest, the things I made are much more advanced than pistols." He said half-jokingly, then paused, and then said, "Talk about your armor. Did you just copy my repulsive beam? "

"Ah, I'm still very clear about this part of the ability." Eric said, "Sometimes certain conditions are met, and it seems to be able to copy new abilities. But it only works for a while."

"Replication ability? Can technology do it too?"

"It's probably similar, but I don't know the details. I guess superpowers or weapon technologies are fine." Eric shrugged, "You know, I didn't get the instruction manual or anything like that. Knowing that this thing wasn't even for me, it was developed by Dad for himself, and I just happened to be able to use it."

"I've also heard about Dr. Charlotte." Tony paused, and then said seriously, "Listen, if you need help, I or the Avengers will do our best to help you."

"I know." Eric nodded, "Thank you, but this is my own business, I still try my best to solve it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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