Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 124 Iron Man Mode

Chapter 124 Iron Man Mode

Myron, the desperate warrior, fought until the last second with full of anger and anger, and finally stopped until his whole head was blasted into pieces.

Tony put the scorching corpse aside, and sighed softly: "You are a... idiot."

"Yeah, idiot."

Tony followed the sound and looked back, only to see Aldrich Killian in a white suit walking with his head bowed through the dancing flames on the floor, with his hands in his trouser pockets calmly, as if walking in a garden.

"But a fool with determination and purpose." Killian said as he approached, "I didn't expect you to survive, Stark, I admit that I underestimated you."

Tony said coldly: "It's you, you stole the Extremis virus, injected these young people, and made them what they are now-angry, full of hatred, killing machines and living bombs that disregard human lives. You ruined them all life."

"Me?" Killian snorted. "No, you're wrong, Stark. Like this poor Mr. Myron, their lives were ruined long ago by a man named Stark." And me? I just gave them a new direction, a new purpose, a way to live."

"A twisted way."

Tony didn't say any more, and when he raised his right palm, a beam of repulsive force shot out.

Killian's pupils shrank, and he moved like a rabbit.As soon as he was short, the energy beam almost passed him by, knocking off a mechanical arm on the experimental table behind.

Killian's skeleton seemed to be curled up, and his body suddenly exploded like a jackal.Tony fired two shots in a row, but he dodged them in mid-air with incredible movements, and he approached Tony in an instant.

If it wasn't long ago, Tony's close response ability would certainly not be as good as that of a fighter strengthened by the Extremis virus. Fortunately, the Extremis virus also helped him complete the upgrade not long ago.

Killian punched fiercely like the wind, Tony dodged sideways, the soles of the jet boots shot out suddenly, pushing the knee joint of his left leg to accelerate and hit Killian's abdomen.Killian took half a step back, and Iron Man followed closely. The repulsive cannon in his right palm sprayed in the opposite direction, pushing his right arm back and drawing a perfect arc, and hit the opponent's cheek hard with a "bang".

Tony raised his fist imposingly, and this time it hit Killian's nose, but was firmly caught with a "click".

Killian's cheeks were sunken by the beating, and he was recovering quickly from the red heat, but he showed a ferocious and strange smile, his left hand was like a pair of pliers firmly clamping Iron Man's right wrist, the redness visible to the naked eye The heat was so high that the shell of the armor made a "sizzling" sound.

Tony gritted his teeth, opened his palm, and the light in his palm rose, the milky white energy quickly condensed, and the repulsive beam was ready to come out.But Killian reacted even faster. He twisted Iron Man's wrist violently, and turned his palm upside down. The menacing repulsive light beam hit Tony's own helmet head-to-face, leaving a scorched mark on half of it.

Killian is different from other ultimate creatures.Maybe he injected more doses, or maybe he used a more perfect formula, but it was obvious that he was superior to others both in terms of physical ability and reflexes.

His red-hot knee bounced up quickly, knocking Tony to the ground hard, and then he raised his fist high and roared down like a red-hot bullet.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Tony rolled onto the ground, and Killian's fist slammed onto the spot where he had just been lying, and the floor was pierced through, leaving a red molten hole.

"Run away, Tony, just run away." Killian grabbed Tony by the throat and lifted him up with the heavy iron shell with one arm, "But you can't escape forever, after all, you have With so much blood stained, tens of thousands of people have suffered misfortune because of you, can you imagine the resentment?"


Tony squeezed Killian's arm tightly, the armor at the throat had already started to glow red, and sparks danced on the parts.

"Hey, buddy over there! Mind catching a ball for me?"

Killian followed the sound and turned his head, only to see a green baseball about the size of a person flying in a circle, with a long swirling airflow trailing behind it.When he couldn't dodge, he was hit hard by the baseball and flew out. His body melted directly through another sports car parked below by Tony, and he was engulfed in flames with a "boom", and the burning parts splashed in all directions.

Eric, who was wearing the armor in green light mode, slowly landed beside Tony, stretched out his hand and pulled him up, saying, "I'm not in good shape, why, aren't you full?"

"I must say, I haven't eaten for 24 hours." Tony said.

A burning car door swirled out of the sea of ​​flames, and Killian stepped out on the flames. His upper body was completely burned, and two soaring blue dragons were painted on his sturdy chest, as if he had been ignited.

"Why help him?" Killian asked, "Stark is not a hero, he has countless blood on his hands, he is a sinner, he is still"

"...still my friend," interrupted Eric, "shut up, man, I know him well. Countless lives have been lost just because of your pointless acts of revenge, and what you say 'Sinner' Stark at least I know he's been trying to do the right thing and be a better person."

"That doesn't erase anything from his past!"

Killian roared, and lifted the sports car that had been burnt into a pile of scrap iron.

"He's right." Tony took a deep breath and stood up, "Maybe I've done a lot of wrong things, but at least now I'm trying to make amends, doing more right things like stopping a madman who can get angry .Jarvis, all the energy is transferred to the chest, full power output!"

Iron Man opened his arms, and the reactor on his chest was operating to the limit, as if filled with endless energy, releasing dazzling light and heat.

"New energy mode monitoring, data analysis starts." Eric's helmet also sounded a prompt at the same time, "The synchronization rate is increasing."

The appearance of the Amojo armor also spontaneously changed again, the energy of the green light dissipated instantly, and the ring mark floating on the chest dissipated instantly, replaced by an arc-shaped reactor that was no different from Iron Man, bright and clear.

"Interesting," Eric said to himself, "Is it Iron Man's mode?"

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The two completed charging at the same time, and the appearance of the submerged armor was also changed simultaneously. The main part of the upper body was switched to a red and gold shell similar to Iron Man. The arc reactors of the two were shining with brilliant and dangerous light.

Killian strenuously threw out the wreckage of the sports car, and at the same time flew forward.

The two rays sprayed out at the same time, tearing apart the body in flames, and the fierce torrent penetrated directly to Killian, pushing him out like a catastrophe, and slapped him hard on the innermost wall.

(End of this chapter)

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