Chapter 12 New Mode


This is the sound of Eric's armor hitting a truck bed.The iron sheet of the cargo box was deformed by his body on the spot, and fell heavily on the concrete floor. A fire hydrant was knocked away from the top, and the deformed water dragon was squeezed by the fallen cargo box from the bottom of the truck. Sputtered out of the gap.

Eric seemed to feel a ringing in his ears. Despite the protection of the armor, he still felt a little dizzy in his head. The sound of car horns and the screams of panicked crowds seemed so far away, as if he was diving underwater and listening to the surface of the water. people speak indistinctly.

Just ten seconds ago, his high school classmate and his only friend, Kelly Samir, had turned into a monster more than 20 meters high in front of him, and she was thinking of killing him with her body. The iron shell was eaten alive together.And the other party didn't seem to have that huge body in vain. The heavy blow from the thick forefoot literally sent him flying upside down. It seemed that he flew more than 30 meters from the wall of the restaurant where they were before. distance.

And at this moment, the monster-like Kelly had already flew up to catch up—yes, it was "flying body", that huge body like a house soared into the sky, and the shadow covering the sky was moving towards the place where Eric was. The location is covered.

Eric hurriedly got up on the truck he had knocked down, and the power system of the armor helped him to jump backwards, narrowly avoiding the area where the giant beast fell.The moment its heavy body hit the ground, it set off a violent storm, as if invisible giant claws were raging in the turbulence of the air, Eric was thrown backwards like a light feather again, the alloy of the armor and the ground The rubbing splashed bright sparks.

Eric looked up, and saw that Kelly's distorted face could still be discerned in the monster's head, and the eyes shot out as vicious as an enemy staring at a sea of ​​blood, condensing indescribably strong resentment.

She has lost the ability to speak, because the organs used for pronunciation have also been deformed in the process of enlarging, and she can only make a thunderous roar, as if venting her anger.

"So you've always hated me so much?" Eric laughed self-deprecatingly, "Really, I thought that I had at least one guy who was considered a friend."

I don't know if it can still understand Eric's words, but it seems to be responding to him. The monster raised its head and roared loudly again. The deafening voice seemed to shake the clouds away.The pillar-like forefoot swung down again, and the strong wind swept away the gravel and debris.

This time, Eric didn't dodge any more, but stared straight at the shadow covering him without fear.

The thunder-like loud noise echoed along the streets and alleys, the block suddenly sank, the road was overwhelmed and cracked, the pipes buried in the ground were shaken and cracked, and erupted along the cracks in the ground. water dragon.

However, the huge forefoot stopped at a position about two meters away from the sunken ground, and could no longer press down for half a point.

The posture of the metal-covered warrior changed again.He lifted the weight lightly, carrying a monster's forefoot that was several times larger than his own body with one hand, and the armor from his arms to his chest was filled with sky blue color.The chest is assembled into a new armor plate from the surrounding parts, and the "S" mark is written in bright red against the yellow background.

".Complete, Super-Mode, go live."

The huge creature was trembling slightly, trying to continue to press down with all its strength, but it could no longer shake this small body.If its rationality is still clear, it must be extremely surprised now.


The power of the power system increased sharply, and the operation of the right joint of the armor made a sound similar to that of an engine.The moment the steel fist struck the monster's forefoot crisply, an invisible storm exploded along the air, and unimaginable and terrifying power poured out along the steel arm like a flood. The huge monster more than 20 meters high was knocked down involuntarily with a painful cry, and several cars on the street were crushed like discus by the scaly body.

The blue warrior stood under the moonlight, and the bright moonlight reflected a dazzling luster on the smooth helmet.The new form of armor gives people a sense of the thickness of a mountain, like an indestructible wall standing here, and the "S" on the yellow background on the chest is extremely eye-catching.

"Superman mode?"

Eric quickly observed and came to a conclusion.According to current observations, this suit of armor seems to be able to simulate the abilities of several veterans of the Justice League, and this mode seems to simulate the abilities of Superman.This mode has incomparable defensive power in other forms, possesses the strongest super strength and jumping ability that armor can burst out, but does not have the function of flying or super-speed movement, which is probably equivalent to the ability of the manga that has not fully awakened in the early days superman.

The gigantic Kelly roared violently, and the sound shook the glass of the surrounding street to buzz.If she is still awake, she must be angry and unwilling to be reconciled to the fact that her strength is not even comparable to such a small one?

But this time it didn't have time to make a move, Eric had already made the first move.The armor shot out as if stepping on a spring, and the super bouncing force endowed him with a bullet-like initial velocity, which turned into a gray afterimage and hit the monster's jaw hard.The big guy who hadn't had time to stand still involuntarily retreated again, smashing a connecting bridge connecting the two sides of the shopping mall behind him.

It's not over yet!Eric followed closely behind, wrapping his hands around the opponent's hind feet that were several times thicker than his body.With a loud shout, the huge figure like a small building was lifted off the ground by him!The monster screamed and struggled feebly in the air, but to no avail. The tiny human threw it over his head in a posture like an over-the-shoulder throw, and slammed it to the ground.The dust covered its figure like a huge curtain, and the dust rose up to a height of more than ten meters.

"If you can still hear." Eric said in a low voice to the guy who was struggling on all fours and looking ugly.

"You were already my best friend."

"The output power is 100%, and the charging is complete."

With the end of the electronic notification sound, the original golden eyes of the armor were filled with red color.In an instant, the image of the armored helmet was distorted by the ultra-high temperature, the air seemed to be drifting, and thick and fiery laser beams whizzed out from the binocular positions, like a sharp knife going forward!

Every piece of glass in the whole street flashed a dazzling and fleeting red light, like a flash in the pan.

Immediately afterwards, everything fell silent.

The monster disappeared, leaving only the girl lying among the burning ruins.Her eyes were round and lifeless, and her messy hair made her mutated face even more ferocious.

The armor retracted automatically on Eric's back at some point, turning back into that small backpack.He felt drowsy as if his mind had been hit hard by a blunt object, and sleepy as if swallowed by the tide. He came to the girl in a trance, and the distorted face seemed to be the same as the cafe in the afternoon in his memory. The beautiful girl overlapped.
He felt very sleepy, he didn't want to think about anything, he just wanted to fall on the bed and have a good sleep.

Immediately afterwards, there was a whirlwind, and then everything fell into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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