Chapter 11
When Eric guessed that Kelly was actually his enemy, although Eric looked calm on the surface, he was actually surprised enough.And now, when he saw this girl whom he already considered an old acquaintance turned into a monster just a table away from him, he finally couldn't hide his shock.


There are vicious tentacles growing out of Kelly's back, the tips are as sharp as a knife, and the jagged blade is still dangling with mucus that seems to be brought out when it breaks out.Her delicate face has also been distorted and deformed at this moment, with tapered horns growing on her white skin, just like a biochemical zombie drilled out of a horror movie.

The quarrel between the two has long attracted the attention of other customers in the store, and Kelly's monsterization is like a fuse that frightens all the passers-by screaming and fleeing, scrambling to squeeze through the door like frightened birds. out.In the blink of an eye, there were only the two of them left in the huge restaurant.

Eric asked bitterly: "You said you became like this because of me? Who did it?"

"Please don't take it to heart." Kelly's tone was completely different from before, and her cold tone was like a precision machine. "For this matter, I should thank you. It is yours. Existence helped me get rid of the boring life and completed the transformation. Now I have gained power and become a creature higher than human beings! This world has always been like this. The so-called justice and fairness are not as powerful as holding a gun handle. And Now, I'm the one holding the gun!"

A tentacle shot out like electricity, and the sharp tip turned into a dark afterimage and flew towards it.Eric closed his pupils, rolled backwards along the aisle almost subconsciously, barely avoiding the stab.

When he stood up, the burning pain came from his cheek.He stretched out his hand to touch it, only to find that there was a not deep and not shallow bloodstain on the right cheek.

This is also thanks to his excellent reflexes. If it were someone else, the disgusting tentacles would be covered with brains by now.

He didn't dare to neglect any longer, and tore off the padded jacket with one hand, and the special metal backpack on his back responded to the thoughts in his brain.The dark alloy spread out from the backpack as the center, covering every part of his body inch by inch.The sound of parts deforming and colliding is continuous and pleasant, just like listening to every gear meshing with each other inside the clock. From the torso to the limbs, and finally to the head, the whole thing is tightly wrapped in a gorgeous iron shell.

After Eric verified and unlocked the armor for the first time, it has been sleeping on Eric's back in a standby state. Because it has not been released, it does not need to be unlocked again, and it can be re-armored from the form of a backpack at any time.

"Is this the armor they've been talking about?" Kelly didn't seem surprised at all, but was full of provocation, "I've heard how powerful it is, so let me try it myself this time!"

Three tentacles shot out at the same time as she said, shooting from three directions respectively, and the blades cut the air, bringing about a violent sound of wind.

Eric slumped to the floor and slid under the table with a whoosh.The blade of the tentacle pierced through the back of the chair behind him sharply, snow-like cotton was flying all over the sky, and the dining table was cut into two pieces by another tentacle like tofu, but Eric avoided it in an unimaginable way.

The previous dressing had already given Eric experience. Although he was wearing a heavy armor, the opposite action was more flexible and powerful because of the power system of the armor.With the help of the explosive power of the power system, Eric slid all the way to Kelly's legs, and the alloy boots swept towards those slender legs.

Kelly jumped up, flew up, volleyed like a chivalrous woman in a martial arts TV series, and landed on the other dining table on one side.This kind of action should have been seen only on the screen, which is no longer something that humans can do.

But Eric's movements were not slow. At this moment, he had adjusted quickly, turned around and kicked hard on the edge of the table where Kelly was standing. The tons of kicking force immediately sent the table flying out of the air. Broke on the spot.Kelly flew up, and the dining table below her was inserted into the wall at the other end of the restaurant like a Frisbee, and the wall ash fell like rain.

But in this way, the distance between the two has been reduced to less than half a meter, which is what Eric planned at the beginning.At such a distance, the tentacles that the opponent relies on to attack are too long to be deployed, which is his advantage.

Kelly had to reluctantly use her natural hands to attack and defend.But even though she has been strengthened by an unknown transformation, her close combat skills are still zero. How could she be Eric's opponent?After only one meeting, Eric punched her belly hard.Kelly yelled, and her mutated body shot out like a cannonball. After cutting off three or four dining tables in a row, it shattered the glass with a "clang" and slammed into the side of a black car parked on the side of the road. On the passenger door.The window glass of the car was shattered on the spot, and the door was deeply dented.

Eric walked out slowly through the broken window, and Kelly half-kneeled beside the car, panting violently, with disheveled hair, staring at him like a ghost who died unjustly.

"I'm really sorry for getting you involved," Eric said, "but since you made the choice of your own will, I'm sorry, I'm going to knock you down."

Kelly's face darkened.

"It really sounds like that, criticizing me with that attitude." She sneered, "How can a guy like you understand!? You have excellent grades, all-around sports, and are the best in everything. Of course you won't Want to yearn for any change?"

Eric was taken aback: "Have you always thought so?"

"Isn't it right? Pretend to be lonely all day long, as if the world owes you something. Sure enough, a guy like you who is born with excellence will not understand the pain of ordinary people. So... I have no choice but to abandon others. things, to pursue to become stronger”

Her voice became deeper and deeper until it almost distorted.


Screaming in pain, the girl's thin body suddenly swelled up like a balloon.The disgusting tentacles grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and seemed to be getting thicker and thicker without end. Her body also deformed rapidly, and a scaly, extremely strong shell emerged from the torn clothes.

Even if you see countless similar scenes in science fiction movies, you can't simulate the shock of witnessing it with your own eyes.Eric watched her gradually transform into a giant reptile more than 20 meters high in front of his eyes, stunned and unable to move.

He vaguely felt that he had seen a monster with a similar shape somewhere, but at this critical moment, he couldn't find traces of similar monsters from the memory of comics and movies.

It feels like something is missing.

But at this moment, he has no time to recall.The gigantic monster has raised its forefoot and landed on his head with a bang!

(End of this chapter)

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