Apocalypse Zombie God of War

Chapter 737 Melting?disappear?

Chapter 737 Melting?disappear?


The pilot was terrified!
He didn't even have a chance to fire the ammunition, so he felt the helicopter was falling rapidly!
How much power is this?
"Firebombs, firebombs!" In the cabin, the captain of a rescue team almost jumped up and shouted!
He and his teammates kept attacking these thin walls made of flesh and blood before, but no matter how they fought, these 'walls' recovered within the extreme event, as if there was a steady stream of flesh and blood underneath to fill up those bullet holes, just in the blink of an eye, Many rescuers at the scene were numb from the fake scalp. Apart from shooting, everyone dared not even touch the flesh and blood!

The pilot who was so frightened that he almost jumped off the plane directly pressed a red button beside him!

In an instant, intense flames exploded directly from below!

But everyone on the helicopter never expected that the incendiary bomb would slam with those flesh and blood before it hit the ground!

"I'm in a hurry!"

"Look, look quickly!"


In the city, all the survivors and advanced people around this area looked into the air in horror!
Rising from the ground, the blood net that caught the helicopter was instantly ignited by the incendiary bomb!

At the moment of the explosion, a large piece of flesh and blood was burnt to black and stinky!
But no one expected that at the same time that everyone thought that the flesh and blood would collapse, the flesh and blood that had been scorched by the fire seemed to grow mouths, directly sucking in the layers of fire, Thousands of mouths opened in the bloody net that was still full of flames. The dense scene made many people's teeth sore!

So evil!

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, the helicopter trembled violently!
"What, what's the matter?!" A rescue team member in the cabin said in amazement.

At this time, the team leader who frantically pulled the trigger and punched out the bloody holes outside the cabin door was stunned!

He saw the propeller splashing the flesh and blood, but the flesh and blood were still wriggling upwards!
It seems that these flesh and blood are not afraid of death at all, and are ready to completely wrap or even break the propeller of this helicopter!

"This Nima..."

"..." Under the helicopter at this time, many survivors dodged in panic!
The flesh and blood were whipped by the propeller and scattered all over the ground!
"Wait!" Suddenly, when a mutant and a few of his men were about to leave the street, they froze in place!
In front of them, there are several pieces of flesh and blood scattered by the helicopter propeller!
These flesh and blood will soon attract the corpses!

And when those quick-sighted zombies devoured the flesh and blood...


In Haishan City, many survivors who also saw this scene gasped in fright!
They saw the flesh of those zombies collapse with their own eyes!
In just a few seconds, these zombies turned into skeletons!

What makes these people even more frightened is that the collapsed flesh and blood sauce are wriggling and converging in a short period of time. Some large pieces of flesh and blood, after absorbing the flesh and blood of several zombies, seem to be pinched. Like a clay figurine, a human face with no eyes, no teeth, but only eye sockets and mouth appeared on the head. They are like evil spirits crawling out of hell. , These monsters moved one after another!


Where did the shocked survivors dare to fight?

Even some advanced and mutants ran away as if they had seen a ghost!

But too slow!

Many survivors were directly entangled by these wriggling flesh and blood!
Amidst the screams, many advanced people and mutants were shocked to find that those flesh and blood actually swallowed those living people!
On the abandoned streets, there are more and more bones!
Due to the continuous agglomeration of these flesh and blood, the crowd of corpses that were originally attracted surged like a river and sea!

The entire Haishan City is completely boiling!

"What the hell happened?" At this moment, Wang Yuanyin yelled in the frontline headquarters of the rescue army: "Why didn't these zombies gather in the city center? Damn, did something happen to the teams that dropped the loudspeakers? ?” Wang Yuan scrutinized a lot of videos transmitted by drones, and he found that the zombies in the entire Haishan City were in a mess!

Suddenly, a rescue team member pointed at one of the unremarkable video devices and shouted, "Look!"

Almost instantly, everyone's eyes were on the past!
"What is that...?!" Wang Yuan's pupils shrank sharply. He had seen so many corpses, but he had never seen this kind of pure flesh and blood, like a puddle of mud, but extremely resilient. , and exudes a strong evil spirit all over his body, a terrifying existence that even a helicopter can catch, almost at this moment, Wang Yuan's soul is about to fly out!
Because of his horrifying discovery!

When a piece of flesh and blood on the blood corpse was hit by the propeller and flew onto the mirror of the drone...

A hideous and terrifying bloody face appeared on the mirror!
"Immediately throw fire oil bombs on a large scale!" Wang Yuan's heart was about to sink to the bottom, he never thought that such a thing would happen!
"If necessary, use thermobaric bombs to melt this monster!" Wang Yuan suddenly became ruthless, regardless of whether there are survivors, rescuers, etc. in this range, he just wants to kill this monster directly .Under Wang Yuan's order, almost all the helicopters and strategic bombers in the frontline base immediately started to fly over Haishan City like a flock of swallows!

"Helicopters are coming to save us!"

"a ha ha ha!"

"It's a strategic bomber, hahaha, we're saved, we're saved!"

"..." On the helicopter caught by the blood corpse, the faces of many rescuers were full of ecstasy!
To be honest, they have experienced too many corpses in this last days!

But it was the first time that something as terrifying and infiltrating as today!
Fortunately, their rescue army has a deep background!
"and many more!"

But at this time, the pilot who was also exulting and excited was dumbfounded: "He, why didn't they shoot?"

Seeing those helicopters and bombers flying over their heads with his own eyes, the pilot was completely chilled!


A rescue force member who saw a shell ejected from a bomber was terrified!

Everyone on the helicopter was stunned!



Just ten seconds!

The location where this monster was located completely turned into a sea of ​​flames!
Even the helicopter that was caught before was abandoned and blown up to ashes!

below the helicopter.


"This... is this the strength of the rescue army?"

"So strong... so terrifying!"


Quite a few terrified advanced and supernatural beings who managed to escape the flesh and blood on the ground were all stunned!

These people are only now realizing that although their fighting power is tyrannical, it is still far behind technology!
And that huge blood net...

It collapsed at this moment, as if it had completely melted!

Many survivors breathed a sigh of relief!

Compared with those bombers, these people are still more afraid of the blood corpses, after all, the bombers will not devour them for no reason!
But no one thought of it!

In the dazzling sea of ​​flames, large pieces of melted flesh and blood seeped into the drain!
These flesh and blood disappeared into the street like pools of water!

(End of this chapter)

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