Apocalypse Zombie God of War

Chapter 736 Is This Nima a Monster That Humans Can Deal With?

Chapter 736 Is This Nima a Monster That Humans Can Deal With?

To be precise, this blood corpse is a pool of special creatures made up of various colors of flesh and blood!

These flesh and blood are all controlled by Wang Xie's mind!
Every time it devours a certain amount of flesh and blood, it will strengthen and increase on the original basis, and even emit a soaring bloody smell!

These bloody smells attracted all the zombies around!
And the most terrible thing is that this monster seems not afraid to hold on, his whole body occasionally splashes a little flesh and blood when he moves, and after being eaten by the surrounding zombies, those zombies quickly collapsed and dropped the original rotten flesh on his body. Within a short period of time, it wriggled towards the body of the blood corpse as if controlled, causing the blood corpse to grow to a height of nearly five meters not long after leaving the building!

This evil, extremely devouring monster is simply like a demon god devouring the world, it is shocking!


"what is that?"

"I am Cao!"

"Hey, you... look, look, look!"

"This shit? Could it be that some creature has mutated... No, we have to get out of here quickly!"


In Haishan City, many survivors who were lucky enough to survive were all shocked!

"This breath is terrifying!"

"This thing is definitely not an ordinary corpse!"

"Did you hear that just now? The horrific cry just now seems to be made by Chen Yuan!"

"..." In the team of more than a dozen advanced and mutants temporarily formed, many strong men looked at the position of the blood corpse in horror. From their eyes, they can naturally see that the blood corpse is constantly After devouring the surrounding zombies, they became stronger and stronger, and even the aura emanating from their bodies made some of their weaker beings tremble...

These people couldn't even imagine what it would be like if they faced that monster alone!
"Chen Yuan?" Among them, the pupils of a mutant shrank sharply!
The mutant's ears were as big as cattail fans, but his hearing was frighteningly poor!
"You... what did you just say? The guy who was eaten was Chen Yuan?" The mutant with huge ears almost hanging down to his waist scratched his head, his face turned livid for a moment, especially when he heard many people around After general verification, the mutant's heart felt powerless as if he had fallen into the bottom of the valley, because he knew that Chen Yuan was not only a supernatural being, but also had eaten Qing Jiu during the trial, which was enough to make people more mutated. The existence of flesh and blood, with his full combat power, the ordinary third-tier powerhouse is no match at all!
Even Chen Yuan is dead, who can fight against that monster?


"It's time to evacuate!"


Many strong men muttered, after all, the zombies in Haishan City swarmed before, so they didn't plan to stay.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"


Suddenly, the sound of propellers sounded from above!
"Is it the rescue army?"

"That's...a gunship, my Cao, with incendiary bombs on it?"

"Let's go, don't look!"

"Yeah, everyone, let's leave here and find another place to live. It's too dangerous!"


Everyone was talking one after another, and they had already started to retreat outside the city.

For them, there is nothing to worry about!

It's time to grab it!
As long as they are alive, they are the biggest and most valuable existence in this last days!


Suddenly, an armed helicopter quickly found the terrifying blood corpse that devoured the surrounding zombies in a frenzy, and the pilot dialed the intercom immediately: "Report, a mutant creature was found in the East District, and the other party is now Devouring the zombie, the aura on it seems to be getting stronger and stronger, do we want to attack it?"

"keep an eye on."

"keep an eye on."

In an instant, the commander in the tower frowned, and comforted: "The headquarters has placed a loudspeaker in the center of Haishan, and wait for these monsters to be attracted to kill them together!" Following the commander's order, the armed helicopter He quickly started to observe around the blood corpse, but after the pilot observed for a while, his heart was completely chilled!
The pilot has seen too many zombies!
You know, he was originally a pilot transferred from the Eastern War Zone, and he has seen many mutated creatures in the sea!
But even those weird creatures are not as evil as the blood corpse in front of me...


Suddenly, the blood corpse, disturbed by the sound of the helicopter's propeller, roared!
"Cao!" The helicopter pilot who was staring at him felt a chill go down his spine, subconsciously pulling the plane up.

But the pilot never expected...


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, which sounded from the belly of his helicopter!

"Huh?" The pilot was startled when he felt the helicopter jolt, as if being pulled down by a hand!
what's the situation?
He is dozens of meters above the ground, how could something touch him?

But just as the pilot frowned and wondered, layers of skin-like flesh and blood climbed up from his windshield. The flesh and blood, as if to completely wrap the helicopter, looked shocked. The pilot was so frightened that he slammed the helicopter into a dive to the right. Even the rescue team members on the helicopter who were armed with live ammunition and who were about to shoot at the bloody corpse were all frightened by this scene. Many people even found out Well, the open cabin door of their helicopter has already climbed onto these extremely smelly flesh and blood, which completely shut them down like a barrier!
"Thuk Thu!" In an instant, a member of the rescue army who was so frightened that his scalp went numb shot directly!
Bullets spewed out from the muzzle that spewed out fire snakes!

After a 'crash', the penetrated 'Wall of Flesh' was directly torn open with dozens of densely packed holes!


The rescue army member let out a sigh of relief!
Even, many companions around shot at the same time, ready to blow up the walls of flesh and blood blocking the sides of the helicopter cabin door, but these rescue army members never thought that at this moment, those who were preparing to escape from the seamount below In the eyes of survivors, advanced practitioners, and even extremely powerful mutants in the city, their helicopter seems to be wrapped by a bloody hand protruding upwards from the ground and grabbing it. This bloody hand is very thin. , like a blood net rising from the ground!
But as the blood net continued to squirm, the height of the helicopter was slowly lowered!


An advanced person was so frightened that he burped!

Is this Nima a monster that humans can deal with?

Can even hold a helicopter?

(End of this chapter)

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