The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was born, and my immortal identity was exposed

Chapter 91 Attack!The Battle of the Great Qin and the North against the Huns! (Please collect, pleas

Chapter 91 Attack!The Battle of the Great Qin and the North against the Huns! (Please collect, please recommend!!!)
Within a day, Meng Tian organized the army well. It has to be said that the skill of this command is really impressive.

Of course, other generals also assisted, and Wang Ben, Li Xin and others also contributed a lot.

It's a pity that Daqin's veteran is now withered, and he will die and retreat, otherwise this battle will be even more sure!
At noon the next day, the three armies gathered under the city gate for the final pre-war mobilization.

Standing at the top of the city, Yingzheng looked at the hundreds of thousands of troops below, so densely packed that no edge could be seen.

"Since I unified the six kingdoms, the Huns have been plagued by thieves."

"I am fortunate to have the help of the immortals, who bestowed the gods of immortal grains and artifacts to pacify the Xiongnu!"

"The Immortal Master has something to say, now that the Great Qin is ruling the world, and those who surrender are also the people of our Great Qin!"

There was a commotion at the bottom, and those soldiers from the six countries understood why Daqin changed his attitude towards them before, and even recruited them into the army.

"I will follow the words of the immortal master and give you a chance!"

"In this battle, regardless of their status, anyone who wins the battle is a soldier of the Great Qin!"

"In this battle, young and old are not distinguished. Anyone who kills the Xiongnu can be counted as military merit!"

This sentence can be said to push the atmosphere of the scene to another climax.

Daqin was originally rewarded with military merits. It can be said that it is the military merit system that made Daqin successful.

Before the Qin State unified the six countries, military exploits were a major national event.

There are Lao Jue, Ying Jue, and Appreciation Jue, or they are called Lao, Lun, and Ci.

"Lao" means to make military exploits, "Lun" means to assess, and "ci" means to reward or punish.

In other words, the performance of the soldiers of the Qin State on the battlefield will be evaluated through the post-war assessment, and rewards and punishments will be given according to their performance.

Moreover, even if a person dies, these rewards and punishments will be borne by future generations.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Because of this, Qin's army is particularly powerful.

There are many kinds of these military achievements, not just cutting off the enemy's head, but also beheading the enemy's general, capturing the enemy's flag, being the first to ascend the city, and breaking the formation first.

Of course, for ordinary soldiers, the most important combat achievement comes from beheading the enemy.

According to the law of Qin, those who can win the title of the first rank will be rewarded with a rank of rank, benefit one hectare of land, and benefit nine acres of houses.

But this song is from the young and strong in the enemy army.

Massacring the old, the weak, women and children after defeating the enemy army is not considered military merit.

Since Yingzheng learned about the later generations from Jiang Sheng, he wished to eat the flesh and blood of the Huns, and vowed to kill them all.

"The immortal master once told me about the future, saying that the dynasty will change. Although I am unwilling, we are of the same clan. It is my fault that the world cannot be guarded!"

"However, this foreign race slaughters the Zhongyuan people, so I will never tolerate it!"

"For the old and weak, women and children, three songs can be compared to one for the young and strong!"

"The immortal master said that if you are not of my race, their hearts must be different! I want you to drive and kill these Huns!"

Ying Zheng drew out his long sword suddenly, pointed at the sky and shouted angrily: "For Daqin!"

"For Da Qin!"

"For Da Qin!"

All the soldiers shouted excitedly!

The roar soared straight into the sky!

The old, the weak, women and children are all considered military exploits. What is the concept?
As long as the main force of the Huns is defeated, these people will be military exploits at their fingertips!
They are crazy!
Even the group of soldiers from the Six Nations joined in.

There is no other reason, this group of people was screened out, and they are not so hostile to Da Qin.

Now, there is even a chance to get rid of the humble status and live a decent life, how can they not be tempted?

What's more, Ying Zheng said that he was blessed by immortals!
This group of soldiers didn't believe it at first, but some of them came from Xianyang City.

Xianyang City is now spreading the news of the horse bestowed by the immortal master, and everyone in Daqin is proud of it.

Look, even the immortals are covering us!
This part of the pawns has naturally heard about it. The most important thing is that when they came, there were really many tall horses in the team.

After coming here, comparing with Meng Tian's cavalry, the extraordinaryness of these horses is even more highlighted.

It's not that they haven't fought Qin Jun before. They have never seen this kind of war horse before.

With the strange equipment, cavalry three-piece suit, walkie-talkie and other things as evidence, they have already believed it.

This is enough!As long as they believe that there are immortals to protect them, they will dare to fight for [-] points of blood bravery!
"Great Qin Wansheng!" Meng Tian rode on the horse and responded loudly to Ying Zheng.

"Daqin Wansheng!"

"Daqin Wansheng!"

The morale of the army was immediately raised to the highest point.

Ying Zheng nodded to Meng Tian from a distance, as the emperor of a country, he could not put himself in danger.

Therefore, he will sit in Shangjun and wait for good news from Meng Tian.

Meng Tian got the signal, turned his horse's head, and led the black army to the north.

The dragon sings and the sword screams, and the leaping horse gallops.

Every soldier's face had a bit of chill.

Under the scorching sun, I felt the cold air rushing towards my face.

Hundreds of thousands of troops condense into a torrent, which will sweep the land!

This is Daqin's tiger and wolf teacher!

Meng Tian sat high on the horse's back, his heart could not be calm for a long time.

As mentioned earlier, the military merit system of the Great Qin created this batch of fierce soldiers!
For these ordinary soldiers, an enemy's head might turn them around!

Moreover, Qin's calculation of military merit can be described as harsh.

There are special military officials who accompany the army to record to ensure the absolute fairness of military achievements!

At the same time, the number of times Qin soldiers beheaded the enemy's head must first be deducted from their own losses.

Only when the number of enemy casualties exceeds one's own can it be counted as military merit, otherwise it will be punished!

For generals, the calculation of military merit is different.

"If you can siege a city and kill more than [-] people, you will be rewarded; if you behead [-] people in a field battle, you will be rewarded; if you are an official, you will be rewarded by all the generals above the school."

More than [-] beheads must be beheaded in siege battles, and more than [-] beheads must be beheaded in field battles.

The higher the title, the more demanding the calculation of military merit.

As far as Meng Tian is concerned, it is no longer enough to kill enemies to be promoted to rank.

He is the commander in chief of this battle!At the same time, the title has reached Marquis.

If you want to go further, you must win the land of Hetao!
No matter how many enemies he kills, as long as he fails to drive out all the Huns, he will lose this battle!
One can imagine the pressure on Meng Tian's shoulders.

But again, the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation.

Once he wins Hetao, he will become the leader of the Great Qin generals!

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, who doesn't want to be the number one general?

In this battle, Li Xin and Wang Benke also participated!

Ying Zheng also gave the three of them an additional order!

If possible, we must break through Touman King City!
Tou Manchanyu and his son Modun must die!
Especially Mao Dun, this is the one who the immortal master calls and must kill!

No matter how old he is now!
(End of this chapter)

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